
73 lines
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2012-04-19 06:32:10 +00:00
import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import System.Cmd
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
-- Add a post-build callout.
-- We need to build the runtime.js after we've built elm,
-- but before cabal does the install file copy step
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMainWithHooks simpleUserHooks { postBuild = myPostBuild }
-- Care! This appears to be based on an unstable API
-- See: http://www.haskell.org/cabal/release/cabal-latest/doc/API/Cabal/Distribution-Simple.html#2
myPostBuild :: Args -> BuildFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
myPostBuild as bfs pd lbi = do
putStrLn "Custom build step started"
buildRuntime lbi
buildTypes lbi
postBuild simpleUserHooks as bfs pd lbi
-- put js file in dist folder so git doesn't notice
rtsDir = "dist" </> "data"
rts = rtsDir </> "elm-runtime.js"
types = rtsDir </> "types.json"
-- buildDir with LocalBuildInfo points to "dist/build" (usually)
elm lbi = (buildDir lbi) </> "elm" </> "elm"
elm_doc lbi = (buildDir lbi) </> "elm-doc" </> "elm-doc"
getFiles ext dir = do
contents <- map (dir </>) `fmap` getDirectoryContents dir
let files = filter (\f -> takeExtension f == ext) contents
dirs = filter (not . hasExtension) contents
filess <- mapM (getFiles ext) dirs
return (files ++ concat filess)
appendJS file = do
putStrLn (dropExtension file)
str <- readFile file
length str `seq` return ()
appendFile rts str
appendElm lbi file = do
system ((show $ elm lbi) ++ " --only-js " ++ file)
let jsFile = replaceExtension file ".js"
appendJS jsFile
removeFile jsFile
buildRuntime lbi = do
createDirectoryIfMissing False rtsDir -- dist should already exist
writeFile rts "Elm = {}; Elm.Native = {}; Elm.Native.Graphics = {};\n\
\Elm.Graphics = {}; ElmRuntime = {}; ElmRuntime.Render = {}\n"
mapM_ (appendElm lbi) =<< getFiles ".elm" "../libraries"
mapM_ (appendElm lbi) =<< getFiles ".elm" "../libraries"
mapM_ appendJS =<< getFiles ".js" "../runtime"
putStrLn "\n+------------------------------------------+\
\\n| Success building runtime and libraries! |\
buildTypes lbi = do
files <- getFiles ".elm" "../libraries"
system ((show $ elm_doc lbi) ++ " " ++ unwords files ++ " > " ++ types)
putStrLn "Custom build step completed: elm-doc"