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module Automaton where
data Automaton a b = Automaton (a -> (b, Automaton a b))
-- Maybe once there are infix type constructors this could be
-- data a ~> b
-- or something like that.
{--- API possibilies
All names and types are up for debate!
How to run an automaton (some require typeclasses):
run :: Automaton a b -> Signal a -> Signal b
run :: OrderedContainer c => Automaton a b -> c a -> c b
compose :: Automaton a b -> Automaton b c -> Automaton a c
combine :: [Automaton a b] -> Automaton a [b]
combine :: Container c => c (Automaton a b) -> Automaton a (c b)
init :: b -> (a -> b -> b) -> Automaton a b
init' :: s -> (a -> s -> (b,s)) -> Automaton a b
2012-10-05 01:55:06 +00:00
count :: Automaton a Int
draggable :: Form -> Automaton (Bool,(Int,Int)) Form
run (Automaton m0) input =
lift fst $ foldp1 (\a (b, Automaton m) -> m a) m0 input
compose (Automaton m1) (Automaton m2) =
(\a -> let (b,m1') = m1 a in
let (c,m2') = m2 b in (c, compose (Automaton m1') (Automaton m2')))
combine autos =
Automaton (\a -> let (bs,autos') = unzip $ map (\m -> m a) autos in
(bs, combine autos'))
init s step =
Automaton (\a -> let s' = step a s in (s', init s' step))
init' s step =
Automaton (\a -> let (b,s') = step a s in (b, init s' step))
2012-10-05 01:55:06 +00:00
count = init 0 (\_ c -> c + 1)