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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Elm.Internal.Name where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Typeable
data Name = Name { user :: String, project :: String }
deriving (Typeable,Eq)
instance Binary Name where
get = Name <$> get <*> get
put (Name user project) =
put user >> put project
instance Show Name where
show name = user name ++ "/" ++ project name
toFilePath :: Name -> FilePath
toFilePath name = user name ++ "-" ++ project name
fromString :: String -> Maybe Name
fromString string =
case break (=='/') string of
( user@(_:_), '/' : project@(_:_) )
| all (/='/') project -> Just (Name user project)
_ -> Nothing
fromString' :: String -> ErrorT String IO Name
fromString' string =
Maybe.maybe (throwError $ errorMsg string) return (fromString string)
instance FromJSON Name where
parseJSON (String text) =
let string = T.unpack text in
Maybe.maybe (fail $ errorMsg string) return (fromString string)
parseJSON _ = fail "Project name must be a string."
2013-12-17 20:16:40 +00:00
instance ToJSON Name where
toJSON name = toJSON (show name)
errorMsg string =
[ "Dependency file has an invalid name: " ++ string
, "Must have format user/project and match a public github project."