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module SourceSyntax.Pattern where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint as PP
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import SourceSyntax.Literal as Literal
data Pattern = PData String [Pattern]
| PRecord [String]
| PAlias String Pattern
| PVar String
| PAnything
| PLiteral Literal.Literal
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
cons h t = PData "::" [h,t]
nil = PData "[]" []
list = foldr cons nil
tuple es = PData ("_Tuple" ++ show (length es)) es
boundVars :: Pattern -> Set.Set String
boundVars pattern =
case pattern of
PVar x -> Set.singleton x
PAlias x p -> Set.insert x (boundVars p)
PData _ ps -> Set.unions (map boundVars ps)
PRecord fields -> Set.fromList fields
PAnything -> Set.empty
PLiteral _ -> Set.empty
instance Pretty Pattern where
pretty pattern =
case pattern of
PVar x -> variable x
PLiteral lit -> pretty lit
PRecord fs -> PP.braces (commaCat $ map variable fs)
PAlias x p -> prettyParens p <+> PP.text "as" <+> variable x
PAnything -> PP.text "_"
PData "::" [hd,tl] -> parensIf isCons (pretty hd) <+> PP.text "::" <+> pretty tl
where isCons = case hd of
PData "::" _ -> True
_ -> False
PData name ps ->
if isTuple name then
PP.parens . commaCat $ map pretty ps
else hsep (PP.text name : map prettyParens ps)
prettyParens pattern = parensIf needsThem (pretty pattern)
needsThem =
case pattern of
PData name (_:_) | not (isTuple name) -> True
PAlias _ _ -> True
_ -> False