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module Transform.Check (mistakes) where
import Transform.SortDefinitions (boundVars)
import SourceSyntax.Everything
import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as T
import Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Data
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Text.PrettyPrint as P
mistakes :: (Data t, Data v) => [Declaration t v] -> [Doc]
mistakes decls =
map P.text $ concatMap findErrors (getLets decls)
findErrors defs = duplicates defs ++ badOrder defs
getLets :: (Data t, Data v) => [Declaration t v] -> [[Def t v]]
getLets decls = defs : concatMap getSubLets defs
defs = concatMap (\d -> case d of Definition d -> [d] ; _ -> []) decls
getSubLets def =
case def of
Def pattern expr -> [ defs | Let defs _ <- universeBi expr ]
TypeAnnotation _ _ -> []
duplicates :: [Def t v] -> [String]
duplicates defs =
map defMsg (dups definitions) ++ map annMsg (dups annotations)
annotations = List.sort [ name | TypeAnnotation name _ <- defs ]
definitions = List.sort $ concatMap Set.toList [ boundVars pattern | Def pattern _ <- defs ]
dups = map head . filter ((>1) . length) . List.group
msg = "Syntax Error: There can only be one "
2013-08-09 01:05:21 +00:00
defMsg x = msg ++ "definition of '" ++ x ++ "'."
annMsg x = msg ++ "type annotation for '" ++ x ++ "'."
badOrder :: [Def t v] -> [String]
badOrder defs = go defs
msg x = "Syntax Error: The type annotation for '" ++ x ++
"' must be directly above its definition."
go defs =
case defs of
TypeAnnotation name _ : Def (PVar name') _ : rest
| name == name' -> go rest
TypeAnnotation name _ : rest -> [msg name] ++ go rest
_ : rest -> go rest
_ -> []