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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module SourceSyntax.Expression where
import Data.Data
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint as P
import qualified SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help
import qualified SourceSyntax.Location as Location
import qualified SourceSyntax.Pattern as Pattern
import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as Type
import qualified SourceSyntax.Literal as Literal
type LExpr tipe var = Location.Located (Expr tipe var)
data Expr t v
= Literal Literal.Literal
| Var String
| Range (LExpr t v) (LExpr t v)
| ExplicitList [LExpr t v]
| Binop String (LExpr t v) (LExpr t v)
| Lambda Pattern.Pattern (LExpr t v)
| App (LExpr t v) (LExpr t v)
| MultiIf [(LExpr t v,LExpr t v)]
| Let [Def t v] (LExpr t v)
| Case (LExpr t v) [(Pattern.Pattern, LExpr t v)]
| Data String [LExpr t v]
| Access (LExpr t v) String
| Remove (LExpr t v) String
| Insert (LExpr t v) String (LExpr t v)
| Modify (LExpr t v) [(String, LExpr t v)]
| Record [(String, LExpr t v)]
| Markdown Pandoc.Pandoc [LExpr t v]
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)
data Def tipe var
= Def Pattern.Pattern (LExpr tipe var)
| TypeAnnotation String Type.Type
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)
tuple es = Data ("_Tuple" ++ show (length es)) es
delist (Location.L _ (Data "::" [h,t])) = h : delist t
delist _ = []
saveEnvName = "_save_the_environment!!!"
2013-07-16 19:37:48 +00:00
dummyLet defs =
Location.none $ Let defs (Location.none $ Var saveEnvName)
2013-07-16 19:37:48 +00:00
instance Pretty (Expr t v) where
pretty expr =
case expr of
Literal lit -> pretty lit
Var x -> variable x
Range e1 e2 -> P.brackets (pretty e1 <> P.text ".." <> pretty e2)
ExplicitList es -> P.brackets (commaCat (map pretty es))
Binop op e1 e2 -> P.sep [ prettyParens e1 <+> P.text op', prettyParens e2 ]
where op' = if Help.isOp op then op else "`" ++ op ++ "`"
Lambda p e -> let (ps,body) = collectLambdas (Location.none $ Lambda p e)
in P.text "\\" <> P.sep ps <+> P.text "->" <+> pretty body
App _ _ -> P.hang func 2 (P.sep args)
where func:args = map prettyParens (collectApps (Location.none expr))
MultiIf branches -> P.text "if" $$ nest 3 (vcat $ map iff branches)
iff (b,e) = P.text "|" <+> P.hang (pretty b <+> P.text "->") 2 (pretty e)
Let defs e ->
P.sep [ P.hang (P.text "let") 4 (P.vcat (map pretty defs))
, P.text "in" <+> pretty e ]
Case e pats ->
P.hang pexpr 2 (P.vcat (map pretty' pats))
pexpr = P.sep [ P.text "case" <+> pretty e, P.text "of" ]
pretty' (p,e) = pretty p <+> P.text "->" <+> pretty e
Data "::" [hd,tl] -> pretty hd <+> P.text "::" <+> pretty tl
Data "[]" [] -> P.text "[]"
Data name es -> P.hang (P.text name) 2 (P.sep (map prettyParens es))
Access e x -> prettyParens e <> P.text "." <> variable x
Remove e x -> P.braces (pretty e <+> P.text "-" <+> variable x)
Insert (Location.L _ (Remove e y)) x v ->
P.braces (pretty e <+> P.text "-" <+> variable y <+> P.text "|" <+> variable x <+> P.text "=" <+> pretty v)
Insert e x v ->
P.braces (pretty e <+> P.text "|" <+> variable x <+> P.text "=" <+> pretty v)
Modify e fs ->
P.braces $ P.hang (pretty e <+> P.text "|")
(commaSep $ map field fs)
field (x,e) = variable x <+> P.text "<-" <+> pretty e
Record fs ->
P.braces $ P.nest 2 (commaSep $ map field fs)
field (x,e) = variable x <+> P.text "=" <+> pretty e
Markdown _ _ -> P.text "[markdown| ... |]"
instance Pretty (Def t v) where
pretty def =
case def of
TypeAnnotation name tipe ->
variable name <+> P.text ":" <+> pretty tipe
Def pattern expr ->
pretty pattern <+> P.text "=" <+> pretty expr
collectApps lexpr@(Location.L _ expr) =
case expr of
App a b -> collectApps a ++ [b]
_ -> [lexpr]
collectLambdas lexpr@(Location.L _ expr) =
case expr of
Lambda pattern body ->
let (ps, body') = collectLambdas body
in (pretty pattern : ps, body')
_ -> ([], lexpr)
prettyParens (Location.L _ expr) = parensIf needed (pretty expr)
needed =
case expr of
Binop _ _ _ -> True
Lambda _ _ -> True
App _ _ -> True
MultiIf _ -> True
Let _ _ -> True
Case _ _ -> True
Data name (x:xs) -> name /= "::"
_ -> False