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module Maybe where
{-| Represents an optional value. Maybe it is there, maybe it is not.
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
# Type and Constructors
2013-09-09 22:59:05 +00:00
@docs Maybe
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
# Taking Maybes apart
@docs maybe, isJust, isNothing
# Maybes and Lists
@docs justs
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
import Basics (not, (.))
import List (foldr)
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
{-| The Maybe datatype. Useful when a computation may or may not
result in a value (e.g. logarithm is defined only for positive
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
{-| Provide a default value and a function to extract the contents of a `Maybe`.
When given `Nothing` you get the default, when given a `Just` you apply the
function to the associated value.
isPositive : Maybe Int -> Bool
isPositive maybeInt = maybe False (\n -> n > 0) maybeInt
map : (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
map f m = maybe Nothing (\x -> Just (f x)) m
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
maybe : b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe b f m = case m of
Just v -> f v
Nothing -> b
{-| Check if a maybe happens to be a `Just`.
isJust (Just 42) == True
isJust (Just []) == True
isJust Nothing == False
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
isJust : Maybe a -> Bool
isJust = maybe False (\_ -> True)
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
{-| Check if constructed with `Nothing`.
isNothing (Just 42) == False
isNothing (Just []) == False
isNothing Nothing == True
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
isNothing : Maybe a -> Bool
isNothing = not . isJust
cons : Maybe a -> [a] -> [a]
cons mx xs = maybe xs (\x -> x :: xs) mx
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
{-| Filters out Nothings and extracts the remaining values.
justs [Just 0, Nothing, Just 5, Just 7] == [0,5,7]
2013-09-08 22:08:02 +00:00
justs : [Maybe a] -> [a]
2013-07-25 22:07:07 +00:00
justs = foldr cons []