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2012-12-02 04:42:28 +00:00
module Parse.Expr (def,term) where
import Ast
import Context
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isSymbol, isDigit)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces)
import Text.Parsec.Indent
import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pan
import Parse.Library
import Parse.Patterns
import Parse.Binops
import Guid
import Types.Types (Type (VarT), Scheme (Forall))
import System.IO.Unsafe
-------- Basic Terms --------
numTerm :: IParser Expr
numTerm = toExpr <$> (preNum <?> "number")
where toExpr n | '.' `elem` n = FloatNum (read n)
| otherwise = IntNum (read n)
preNum = (++) <$> many1 digit <*> option "" postNum
postNum = do try $ lookAhead (string "." >> digit)
string "."
('.':) <$> many1 digit
strTerm :: IParser Expr
strTerm = liftM Str . expecting "string" . betwixt '"' '"' . many $
backslashed <|> satisfy (/='"')
varTerm :: IParser Expr
varTerm = toVar <$> var <?> "variable"
toVar v = case v of "True" -> Boolean True
"False" -> Boolean False
_ -> Var v
chrTerm :: IParser Expr
chrTerm = Chr <$> betwixt '\'' '\'' (backslashed <|> satisfy (/='\''))
<?> "character"
accessor :: IParser Expr
accessor = do
start <- getPosition
lbl <- try (string "." >> rLabel)
end <- getPosition
let ctx e = addCtx ("." ++ lbl) (pos start end e)
2013-01-03 08:30:28 +00:00
return (Lambda "_" (ctx $ Access (ctx $ Var "_") lbl))
-------- Complex Terms --------
listTerm :: IParser Expr
listTerm =
(do { try $ string "[markdown|"
; md <- filter (/='\r') <$> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "|]")
; return . Markdown $ Pan.readMarkdown Pan.def md })
<|> (braces $ choice
[ try $ do { lo <- expr; whitespace; string ".." ; whitespace
; Range lo <$> expr }
, do (C _ _ e) <- list <$> commaSep expr
return e
parensTerm :: IParser CExpr
parensTerm = parens $ choice
[ do start <- getPosition
op <- try anyOp
end <- getPosition
let ctxt = pos start end
return . ctxt . Lambda "x" . ctxt . Lambda "y" . ctxt $
Binop op (ctxt $ Var "x") (ctxt $ Var "y")
, do start <- getPosition
let comma = char ',' <?> "comma ','"
commas <- comma >> many (whitespace >> comma)
end <- getPosition
let vars = map (('v':) . show) [ 0 .. length commas + 1 ]
ctxt = pos start end
return $ foldr (\x e -> ctxt $ Lambda x e)
(ctxt . tuple $ map (ctxt . Var) vars) vars
, do start <- getPosition
es <- commaSep expr
end <- getPosition
return $ case es of [e] -> e
_ -> pos start end (tuple es)
recordTerm :: IParser CExpr
recordTerm = brackets $ choice [ misc, addContext record ]
where field = do
fDefs <- (:) <$> (PVar <$> rLabel) <*> spacePrefix patternTerm
e <- string "=" >> whitespace >> expr
n <- sourceLine <$> getPosition
runAt (1000 * n) $ flattenPatterns fDefs e
extract [ FnDef f args exp ] = return (f,args,exp)
extract _ = fail "Improperly formed record field."
record = Record <$> (mapM extract =<< commaSep field)
change = do
lbl <- rLabel
whitespace >> string "<-" >> whitespace
(,) lbl <$> expr
remove r = addContext (string "-" >> whitespace >> Remove r <$> rLabel)
insert r = addContext $ do
string "|" >> whitespace
Insert r <$> rLabel <*>
(whitespace >> string "=" >> whitespace >> expr)
modify r = addContext
(string "|" >> whitespace >> Modify r <$> commaSep1 change)
misc = try $ do
record <- addContext (Var <$> rLabel)
opt <- optionMaybe (remove record)
case opt of
Just e -> try (insert e) <|> return e
Nothing -> try (insert record) <|> try (modify record)
term :: IParser CExpr
term = addContext (choice [ numTerm, strTerm, chrTerm, listTerm, accessor ])
<|> accessible (addContext varTerm <|> parensTerm <|> recordTerm)
<?> "basic term (4, x, 'c', etc.)"
-------- Applications --------
appExpr :: IParser CExpr
appExpr = do
tlist <- spaceSep1 term
return $ case tlist of
t:[] -> t
t:ts -> foldl' (\f x -> epos f x $ App f x) t ts
-------- Normal Expressions --------
binaryExpr :: IParser CExpr
binaryExpr = binops appExpr anyOp
ifExpr :: IParser Expr
ifExpr = reserved "if" >> whitespace >> (normal <|> multiIf)
where normal = do e1 <- expr ; whitespace
reserved "then" ; whitespace ; e2 <- expr
whitespace <?> "an 'else' branch"
reserved "else" <?> "an 'else' branch" ; whitespace
If e1 e2 <$> expr
multiIf = (MultiIf <$> spaceSep1 iff)
where iff = do string "|" ; whitespace
b <- expr ; whitespace ; string "->" ; whitespace
(,) b <$> expr
lambdaExpr :: IParser CExpr
lambdaExpr = do char '\\' <|> char '\x03BB' <?> "anonymous function"
pats <- spaceSep1 patternTerm
whitespace ; arrow ; whitespace
e <- expr
return . run $ makeLambda pats e
defSet :: IParser [Def]
defSet = concat <$> block (do d <- assignExpr ; whitespace ; return d)
letExpr :: IParser Expr
letExpr = do
reserved "let" ; whitespace
defs <- defSet
whitespace ; reserved "in" ; whitespace
Let defs <$> expr
caseExpr :: IParser Expr
caseExpr = do
reserved "case"; whitespace; e <- expr; whitespace; reserved "of"; whitespace
Case e <$> (with <|> without)
where case_ = do p <- patternExpr; whitespace; arrow; whitespace
(,) p <$> expr
with = brackets (semiSep1 (case_ <?> "cases { x -> ... }"))
without = block (do c <- case_ ; whitespace ; return c)
expr = addContext (choice [ ifExpr, letExpr, caseExpr ])
<|> lambdaExpr
<|> binaryExpr
<?> "an expression"
funcDef = try (do p1 <- try patternTerm ; infics p1 <|> func p1)
<|> ((:[]) <$> patternExpr)
<?> "the definition of a variable (x = ...)"
where func p@(PVar v) = (p:) <$> spacePrefix patternTerm
func p = do try (lookAhead (whitespace >> string "="))
return [p]
infics p1 = do
o:p <- try (whitespace >> anyOp)
p2 <- (whitespace >> patternTerm)
return $ if o == '`' then [ PVar $ takeWhile (/='`') p, p1, p2 ]
else [ PVar (o:p), p1, p2 ]
assignExpr :: IParser [Def]
assignExpr = withPos $ do
fDefs <- funcDef
e <- string "=" >> whitespace >> expr
n <- sourceLine <$> getPosition
runAt (1000 * n) $ flattenPatterns fDefs e
def = map Definition <$> assignExpr
parseDef str =
case iParse def "" str of
Right result -> Right result
Left err -> Left $ "Parse error at " ++ show err