2011-12-31 18:27:11 -08:00

564 lines
22 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
-- | This module provides remote monitoring of a running process over
-- HTTP. It can be used to run an HTTP server that provides both a
-- web-based user interface and a machine-readable API (e.g. JSON).
-- The former can be used by a human to get an overview of what the
-- program is doing and the latter can be used be automated monitoring
-- tools.
-- Typical usage is to start the monitoring server at program startup
-- > main = do
-- > forkServer "localhost" 8000
-- > ...
-- and then periodically check the stats using a web browser or a
-- command line tool (e.g. curl)
-- > $ curl -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8000/
module System.Remote.Monitoring
-- * Required configuration
-- $configuration
-- $api
-- * The monitoring server
, serverThreadId
, forkServer
-- * User-defined counters and gauges
-- $userdefined
, getCounter
, getGauge
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>))
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO)
import Control.Monad (forM, join, unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode as A
import Data.Aeson.Types ((.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import qualified GHC.Stats as Stats
import Paths_ekg (getDataDir)
import Prelude hiding (read)
import Snap.Core (MonadSnap, Request, Snap, finishWith, getHeaders, getRequest,
getResponse, method, Method(GET), modifyResponse, pass, route,
rqParams, rqPathInfo, setContentType, setResponseStatus,
writeBS, writeLBS)
import Snap.Http.Server (httpServe)
import qualified Snap.Http.Server.Config as Config
import Snap.Util.FileServe (serveDirectory)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Remote.Counter (Counter)
import qualified System.Remote.Counter.Internal as Counter
import System.Remote.Gauge (Gauge)
import qualified System.Remote.Gauge.Internal as Gauge
-- $configuration
-- To use this module you must first enable GC statistics collection
-- in the run-time system. To enable GC statistics collection, either
-- run your program with
-- > +RTS -T
-- or compile it with
-- > -with-rtsopts=-T
-- The runtime overhead of @-T@ is very small so it's safe to always
-- leave it enabled.
-- $api
-- To use the machine-readable REST API, send an HTTP GET request to
-- the host and port passed to 'forkServer'. The following resources
-- (i.e. URLs) are available:
-- [\/] JSON object containing all counters and gauges. Counters and
-- gauges are stored as nested objects under the @counters@ and
-- @gauges@ attributes, respectively. Content types: \"text\/html\"
-- (default), \"application\/json\"
-- [\/combined] Flattened JSON object containing all counters and
-- gauges. Content types: \"application\/json\"
-- [\/counters] JSON object containing all counters. Content types:
-- \"application\/json\"
-- [\/counters/\<counter name\>] Value of a single counter, as a
-- string. The name should be UTF-8 encoded. Content types:
-- \"text\/plain\"
-- [\/gauges] JSON object containing all gauges. Content types:
-- \"application\/json\"
-- [\/gauges/\<gauge name\>] Value of a single gauge, as a string.
-- The name should be UTF-8 encoded. Content types: \"text\/plain\"
-- Counters and gauges are stored as attributes of the returned JSON
-- objects, one attribute per counter or gauge. In addition to
-- user-defined counters and gauges, the below built-in counters and
-- gauges are also returned. Furthermore, the top-level JSON object
-- of any resource contains the @server_timestamp_millis@ attribute,
-- which indicates the server time, in milliseconds, when the sample
-- was taken.
-- Built-in counters:
-- [@bytes_allocated@] Total number of bytes allocated
-- [@num_gcs@] Number of garbage collections performed
-- [@num_bytes_usage_samples@] Number of byte usage samples taken
-- [@cumulative_bytes_used@] Sum of all byte usage samples, can be
-- used with @numByteUsageSamples@ to calculate averages with
-- arbitrary weighting (if you are sampling this record multiple
-- times).
-- [@bytes_copied@] Number of bytes copied during GC
-- [@mutator_cpu_seconds@] CPU time spent running mutator threads.
-- This does not include any profiling overhead or initialization.
-- [@mutator_wall_seconds@] Wall clock time spent running mutator
-- threads. This does not include initialization.
-- [@gc_cpu_seconds@] CPU time spent running GC
-- [@gc_wall_seconds@] Wall clock time spent running GC
-- [@cpu_seconds@] Total CPU time elapsed since program start
-- [@wall_seconds@] Total wall clock time elapsed since start
-- Built-in gauges:
-- [@max_bytes_used@] Maximum number of live bytes seen so far
-- [@current_bytes_used@] Current number of live bytes
-- [@current_bytes_slop@] Current number of bytes lost to slop
-- [@max_bytes_slop@] Maximum number of bytes lost to slop at any one time so far
-- [@peak_megabytes_allocated@] Maximum number of megabytes allocated
-- [@par_avg_bytes_copied@] Number of bytes copied during GC, minus
-- space held by mutable lists held by the capabilities. Can be used
-- with 'parMaxBytesCopied' to determine how well parallel GC utilized
-- all cores.
-- [@par_max_bytes_copied@] Sum of number of bytes copied each GC by
-- the most active GC thread each GC. The ratio of
-- 'parAvgBytesCopied' divided by 'parMaxBytesCopied' approaches 1 for
-- a maximally sequential run and approaches the number of threads
-- (set by the RTS flag @-N@) for a maximally parallel run.
-- * The monitoring server
-- Map of user-defined counters.
type Counters = M.HashMap T.Text Counter
-- Map of user-defined gauges.
type Gauges = M.HashMap T.Text Gauge
-- | A handle that can be used to control the monitoring server.
-- Created by 'forkServer'.
data Server = Server {
threadId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ThreadId
, userCounters :: !(IORef Counters)
, userGauges :: !(IORef Gauges)
-- | The thread ID of the server. You can kill the server by killing
-- this thread (i.e. by throwing it an asynchronous exception.)
serverThreadId :: Server -> ThreadId
serverThreadId = threadId
-- | Start an HTTP server in a new thread. The server replies to GET
-- requests to the given host and port. The host argument can be
-- either a numeric network address (dotted quad for IPv4,
-- colon-separated hex for IPv6) or a hostname (e.g. \"localhost\").
-- The client can control the Content-Type used in responses by
-- setting the Accept header. At the moment three content types are
-- available: \"application\/json\", \"text\/html\", and
-- \"text\/plain\".
forkServer :: S.ByteString -- ^ Host to listen on (e.g. \"localhost\")
-> Int -- ^ Port to listen on (e.g. 8000)
-> IO Server
forkServer host port = do
counters <- newIORef M.empty
gauges <- newIORef M.empty
tid <- forkIO $ httpServe conf (monitor counters gauges)
return $! Server tid counters gauges
where conf = Config.setVerbose False $
Config.setErrorLog Config.ConfigNoLog $
Config.setAccessLog Config.ConfigNoLog $
Config.setPort port $
Config.setHostname host $
-- * User-defined counters and gauges
-- $userdefined
-- The monitoring server can store and serve user-defined,
-- integer-valued counters and gauges. A counter is a monotonically
-- increasing value (e.g. TCP connections established since program
-- start). A gauge is a variable value (e.g. the current number of
-- concurrent connections.) Each counter or gauge is associated with
-- a name, which is used when the counter or gauge is displayed in the
-- UI or returned in a JSON object.
-- Even though it's technically possible to have a counter and a gauge
-- with the same name, associated with the same server, it's not
-- recommended as it might make it harder for clients to distinguish
-- the two.
-- To create and use a counter, simply call 'getCounter' to create it
-- and then call e.g. 'System.Remote.Counter.inc' or
-- 'System.Remote.Counter.add' to modify its value. Example:
-- > main = do
-- > handle <- forkServer "localhost" 8000
-- > counter <- getCounter "iterations" handle
-- > let loop n = do
-- > inc counter
-- > loop
-- > loop
-- To create a guage, use 'getGauge' instead of 'getCounter' and then
-- call e.g. 'System.Remote.Gauge.set' or
-- 'System.Remote.Gauge.modify'.
class Ref r where
new :: IO r
read :: r -> IO Int
instance Ref Counter where
new = Counter.new
read = Counter.read
instance Ref Gauge where
new = Gauge.new
read = Gauge.read
-- | Lookup a 'Ref' by name in the given map. If no 'Ref' exists
-- under the given name, create a new one, insert it into the map and
-- return it.
getRef :: Ref r
=> T.Text -- ^ 'Ref' name
-> IORef (M.HashMap T.Text r) -- ^ Server that will serve the 'Ref'
-> IO r
getRef name mapRef = do
empty <- new
ref <- atomicModifyIORef mapRef $ \ m ->
case M.lookup name m of
Nothing -> let m' = M.insert name empty m
in (m', empty)
Just ref -> (m, ref)
return ref
{-# INLINABLE getRef #-}
-- | Return the counter associated with the given name and server.
-- Multiple calls to 'getCounter' with the same arguments will return
-- the same counter. The first time 'getCounter' is called for a
-- given name and server, a new, zero-initialized counter will be
-- returned.
getCounter :: T.Text -- ^ Counter name
-> Server -- ^ Server that will serve the counter
-> IO Counter
getCounter name server = getRef name (userCounters server)
-- | Return the gauge associated with the given name and server.
-- Multiple calls to 'getGauge' with the same arguments will return
-- the same gauge. The first time 'getGauge' is called for a given
-- name and server, a new, zero-initialized gauge will be returned.
getGauge :: T.Text -- ^ Gauge name
-> Server -- ^ Server that will serve the gauge
-> IO Gauge
getGauge name server = getRef name (userGauges server)
-- * JSON serialization
-- | All the stats exported by the server (i.e. GC stats plus user
-- defined counters).
data Stats = Stats
!Stats.GCStats -- GC statistics
![(T.Text, Json)] -- Counters
![(T.Text, Json)] -- Gauges
{-# UNPACK #-} !Double -- Milliseconds since epoch
instance A.ToJSON Stats where
toJSON (Stats gcStats@(Stats.GCStats {..}) counters gauges t) = A.object $
[ "server_timestamp_millis" .= t
, "counters" .= Assocs (gcCounters ++ counters)
, "gauges" .= Assocs (gcGauges ++ gauges)
(gcCounters, gcGauges) = partitionGcStats gcStats
-- | 'Stats' encoded as a flattened JSON object.
newtype Combined = Combined Stats
instance A.ToJSON Combined where
toJSON (Combined (Stats (Stats.GCStats {..}) counters gauges t)) =
A.object $
[ "server_timestamp_millis" .= t
, "bytes_allocated" .= bytesAllocated
, "num_gcs" .= numGcs
, "max_bytes_used" .= maxBytesUsed
, "num_bytes_usage_samples" .= numByteUsageSamples
, "cumulative_bytes_used" .= cumulativeBytesUsed
, "bytes_copied" .= bytesCopied
, "current_bytes_used" .= currentBytesUsed
, "current_bytes_slop" .= currentBytesSlop
, "max_bytes_slop" .= maxBytesSlop
, "peak_megabytes_allocated" .= peakMegabytesAllocated
, "mutator_cpu_seconds" .= mutatorCpuSeconds
, "mutator_wall_seconds" .= mutatorWallSeconds
, "gc_cpu_seconds" .= gcCpuSeconds
, "gc_wall_seconds" .= gcWallSeconds
, "cpu_seconds" .= cpuSeconds
, "wall_seconds" .= wallSeconds
, "par_avg_bytes_copied" .= parAvgBytesCopied
, "par_max_bytes_copied" .= parMaxBytesCopied
] ++ map (uncurry (.=)) counters ++
map (uncurry (.=)) gauges
-- | A list of string keys and JSON-encodable values. Used to render
-- a list of key-value pairs as a JSON object.
newtype Assocs = Assocs [(T.Text, Json)]
instance A.ToJSON Assocs where
toJSON (Assocs xs) = A.object $ map (uncurry (.=)) xs
-- | A group of either counters or gauges.
data Group = Group
![(T.Text, Json)]
{-# UNPACK #-} !Double -- Milliseconds since epoch
instance A.ToJSON Group where
toJSON (Group xs t) =
A.object $ ("server_timestamp_millis" .= t) : map (uncurry (.=)) xs
-- * HTTP request handler
-- | A handler that can be installed into an existing Snap application.
monitor :: IORef Counters -> IORef Gauges -> Snap ()
monitor counters gauges = do
dataDir <- liftIO getDataDir
route [
("", method GET (format "application/json"
(serveAll counters gauges)))
, ("combined", method GET (format "application/json"
(serveCombined counters gauges)))
, ("counters", method GET (format "application/json"
(serveMany counters)))
, ("counters/:name", method GET (format "text/plain"
(serveOne counters)))
, ("gauges", method GET (format "application/json"
(serveMany gauges)))
, ("gauges/:name", method GET (format "text/plain"
(serveOne gauges)))
<|> serveDirectory (dataDir </> "assets")
-- | The Accept header of the request.
acceptHeader :: Request -> Maybe S.ByteString
acceptHeader req = S.intercalate "," <$> getHeaders "Accept" req
-- | Runs a Snap monad action only if the request's Accept header
-- matches the given MIME type.
format :: MonadSnap m => S.ByteString -> m a -> m a
format fmt action = do
req <- getRequest
let acceptHdr = (List.head . parseHttpAccept) <$> acceptHeader req
case acceptHdr of
Just hdr | hdr == fmt -> action
_ -> pass
-- | Get a snapshot of all values. Note that we're not guaranteed to
-- see a consistent snapshot of the whole map.
readAllRefs :: Ref r => IORef (M.HashMap T.Text r) -> IO [(T.Text, Json)]
readAllRefs mapRef = do
m <- readIORef mapRef
forM (M.toList m) $ \ (name, ref) -> do
val <- read ref
return (name, Json val)
{-# INLINABLE readAllRefs #-}
-- | Serve a collection of counters or gauges, as a JSON object.
serveMany :: Ref r => IORef (M.HashMap T.Text r) -> Snap ()
serveMany mapRef = do
list <- liftIO $ readAllRefs mapRef
modifyResponse $ setContentType "application/json"
time <- liftIO getTimeMillis
writeLBS $ A.encode $ A.toJSON $ Group list time
{-# INLINABLE serveMany #-}
-- | Serve all counter and gauges, built-in or not, as a nested JSON
-- object.
serveAll :: IORef Counters -> IORef Gauges -> Snap ()
serveAll counters gauges = do
req <- getRequest
-- Workaround: Snap still matches requests to /foo to this handler
-- if the Accept header is "application/json", even though such
-- requests ought to go to the 'serveOne' handler.
unless (S.null $ rqPathInfo req) pass
modifyResponse $ setContentType "application/json"
gcStats <- liftIO Stats.getGCStats
counterList <- liftIO $ readAllRefs counters
gaugeList <- liftIO $ readAllRefs gauges
time <- liftIO getTimeMillis
writeLBS $ A.encode $ A.toJSON $ Stats gcStats counterList gaugeList time
-- | Serve all counters and gauges, built-in or not, as a flattened
-- JSON object.
serveCombined :: IORef Counters -> IORef Gauges -> Snap ()
serveCombined counters gauges = do
modifyResponse $ setContentType "application/json"
gcStats <- liftIO Stats.getGCStats
counterList <- liftIO $ readAllRefs counters
gaugeList <- liftIO $ readAllRefs gauges
time <- liftIO getTimeMillis
writeLBS $ A.encode $ A.toJSON $ Combined $
Stats gcStats counterList gaugeList time
-- | Serve a single counter, as plain text.
serveOne :: Ref r => IORef (M.HashMap T.Text r) -> Snap ()
serveOne refs = do
modifyResponse $ setContentType "text/plain"
m <- liftIO $ readIORef refs
req <- getRequest
let mname = T.decodeUtf8 <$> join
(listToMaybe <$> Map.lookup "name" (rqParams req))
case mname of
Nothing -> pass
Just name -> case M.lookup name m of
Just counter -> do
val <- liftIO $ read counter
writeBS $ S8.pack $ show val
Nothing ->
-- Try built-in (e.g. GC) refs
case Map.lookup name builtinCounters of
Just f -> do
gcStats <- liftIO Stats.getGCStats
writeBS $ S8.pack $ f gcStats
Nothing -> do
modifyResponse $ setResponseStatus 404 "Not Found"
r <- getResponse
finishWith r
{-# INLINABLE serveOne #-}
-- | A list of all built-in (e.g. GC) counters, together with a
-- pretty-printing function for each.
builtinCounters :: Map.Map T.Text (Stats.GCStats -> String)
builtinCounters = Map.fromList [
("bytes_allocated" , show . Stats.bytesAllocated)
, ("num_gcs" , show . Stats.numGcs)
, ("max_bytes_used" , show . Stats.maxBytesUsed)
, ("num_bytes_usage_samples" , show . Stats.numByteUsageSamples)
, ("cumulative_bytes_used" , show . Stats.cumulativeBytesUsed)
, ("bytes_copied" , show . Stats.bytesCopied)
, ("current_bytes_used" , show . Stats.currentBytesUsed)
, ("current_bytes_slop" , show . Stats.currentBytesSlop)
, ("max_bytes_slop" , show . Stats.maxBytesSlop)
, ("peak_megabytes_allocated" , show . Stats.peakMegabytesAllocated)
, ("mutator_cpu_seconds" , show . Stats.mutatorCpuSeconds)
, ("mutator_wall_seconds" , show . Stats.mutatorWallSeconds)
, ("gc_cpu_seconds" , show . Stats.gcCpuSeconds)
, ("gc_wall_seconds" , show . Stats.gcWallSeconds)
, ("cpu_seconds" , show . Stats.cpuSeconds)
, ("wall_seconds" , show . Stats.wallSeconds)
, ("par_avg_bytes_copied" , show . Stats.parAvgBytesCopied)
, ("par_max_bytes_copied" , show . Stats.parMaxBytesCopied)
-- Existential wrapper used for OO-style polymorphism.
data Json = forall a. A.ToJSON a => Json a
instance A.ToJSON Json where
toJSON (Json x) = A.toJSON x
-- | Partition GC statistics into counters and gauges.
partitionGcStats :: Stats.GCStats
-> ([(T.Text, Json)], [(T.Text, Json)])
partitionGcStats (Stats.GCStats {..}) = (counters, gauges)
counters = [
("bytes_allocated" , Json bytesAllocated)
, ("num_gcs" , Json numGcs)
, ("num_bytes_usage_samples" , Json numByteUsageSamples)
, ("cumulative_bytes_used" , Json cumulativeBytesUsed)
, ("bytes_copied" , Json bytesCopied)
, ("mutator_cpu_seconds" , Json mutatorCpuSeconds)
, ("mutator_wall_seconds" , Json mutatorWallSeconds)
, ("gc_cpu_seconds" , Json gcCpuSeconds)
, ("gc_wall_seconds" , Json gcWallSeconds)
, ("cpu_seconds" , Json cpuSeconds)
, ("wall_seconds" , Json wallSeconds)
gauges = [
("max_bytes_used" , Json maxBytesUsed)
, ("current_bytes_used" , Json currentBytesUsed)
, ("current_bytes_slop" , Json currentBytesSlop)
, ("max_bytes_slop" , Json maxBytesSlop)
, ("peak_megabytes_allocated" , Json peakMegabytesAllocated)
, ("par_avg_bytes_copied" , Json parAvgBytesCopied)
, ("par_max_bytes_copied" , Json parMaxBytesCopied)
-- Utilities for working with accept headers
-- | Parse the HTTP accept string to determine supported content types.
parseHttpAccept :: S.ByteString -> [S.ByteString]
parseHttpAccept = List.map fst
. List.sortBy (rcompare `on` snd)
. List.map grabQ
. S.split 44 -- comma
rcompare :: Double -> Double -> Ordering
rcompare = flip compare
grabQ s =
let (s', q) = breakDiscard 59 s -- semicolon
(_, q') = breakDiscard 61 q -- equals sign
in (trimWhite s', readQ $ trimWhite q')
readQ s = case reads $ S8.unpack s of
(x, _):_ -> x
_ -> 1.0
trimWhite = S.dropWhile (== 32) -- space
breakDiscard :: Word8 -> S.ByteString -> (S.ByteString, S.ByteString)
breakDiscard w s =
let (x, y) = S.break (== w) s
in (x, S.drop 1 y)
-- Utilities for working with timestamps
-- | Return the number of milliseconds since epoch.
getTimeMillis :: IO Double
getTimeMillis = (realToFrac . (* 1000)) `fmap` getPOSIXTime