2013-11-05 20:52:45 +01:00

430 lines
15 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module System.Remote.Common
-- * Types
, Gauges
, Labels
, Server(..)
, Ref(..)
-- * User-defined counters, gauges, and labels
, getCounter
, getGauge
, getLabel
-- * Sampling
, Number(..)
, Metric(..)
, Metrics
, sampleAll
, buildMany
, buildAll
, buildCombined
, buildOne
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode as A
import Data.Aeson.Types ((.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef, readIORef)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import qualified GHC.Stats as Stats
import Prelude hiding (read)
import System.Remote.Counter (Counter)
import qualified System.Remote.Counter.Internal as Counter
import System.Remote.Gauge (Gauge)
import qualified System.Remote.Gauge.Internal as Gauge
import System.Remote.Label (Label)
import qualified System.Remote.Label.Internal as Label
-- Map of user-defined counters.
type Counters = M.HashMap T.Text Counter
-- Map of user-defined gauges.
type Gauges = M.HashMap T.Text Gauge
-- Map of user-defined labels.
type Labels = M.HashMap T.Text Label
-- | A handle that can be used to control the monitoring server.
-- Created by 'forkServer'.
data Server = Server {
threadId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ThreadId
, userCounters :: !(IORef Counters)
, userGauges :: !(IORef Gauges)
, userLabels :: !(IORef Labels)
-- * User-defined counters, gauges and labels
class Ref r t | r -> t where
new :: IO r
read :: r -> IO t
instance Ref Counter Int where
new = Counter.new
read = Counter.read
instance Ref Gauge Int where
new = Gauge.new
read = Gauge.read
instance Ref Label T.Text where
new = Label.new
read = Label.read
-- | Lookup a 'Ref' by name in the given map. If no 'Ref' exists
-- under the given name, create a new one, insert it into the map and
-- return it.
getRef :: Ref r t
=> T.Text -- ^ 'Ref' name
-> IORef (M.HashMap T.Text r) -- ^ Server that will serve the 'Ref'
-> IO r
getRef name mapRef = do
empty <- new
ref <- atomicModifyIORef mapRef $ \ m ->
case M.lookup name m of
Nothing -> let m' = M.insert name empty m
in (m', empty)
Just ref -> (m, ref)
return ref
{-# INLINABLE getRef #-}
-- | Return the counter associated with the given name and server.
-- Multiple calls to 'getCounter' with the same arguments will return
-- the same counter. The first time 'getCounter' is called for a
-- given name and server, a new, zero-initialized counter will be
-- returned.
getCounter :: T.Text -- ^ Counter name
-> Server -- ^ Server that will serve the counter
-> IO Counter
getCounter name server = getRef name (userCounters server)
-- | Return the gauge associated with the given name and server.
-- Multiple calls to 'getGauge' with the same arguments will return
-- the same gauge. The first time 'getGauge' is called for a given
-- name and server, a new, zero-initialized gauge will be returned.
getGauge :: T.Text -- ^ Gauge name
-> Server -- ^ Server that will serve the gauge
-> IO Gauge
getGauge name server = getRef name (userGauges server)
-- | Return the label associated with the given name and server.
-- Multiple calls to 'getLabel' with the same arguments will return
-- the same label. The first time 'getLabel' is called for a given
-- name and server, a new, empty label will be returned.
getLabel :: T.Text -- ^ Label name
-> Server -- ^ Server that will serve the label
-> IO Label
getLabel name server = getRef name (userLabels server)
-- * Sampling
-- | The kind of metrics that can be tracked.
data Metric = Counter !Number
| Gauge !Number
| Label !T.Text
-- | A sample of some metrics.
type Metrics = M.HashMap T.Text Metric
-- | Sample all metrics.
sampleAll :: Server -> IO Metrics
sampleAll server = do
counters <- readAllRefs (userCounters server)
gauges <- readAllRefs (userGauges server)
labels <- readAllRefs (userLabels server)
(gcCounters, gcGauges) <- partitionGcStats <$> getGcStats
return $! M.fromList (
map (mapSnd (Counter . I . fromIntegral)) counters ++
map (mapSnd (Gauge . I . fromIntegral)) gauges ++
map (mapSnd Label) labels ++
map (mapSnd Counter) gcCounters ++
map (mapSnd Gauge) gcGauges
-- | Apply a function to the second component of a pair and evaluate
-- the result to WHNF.
mapSnd :: (b -> c) -> (a, b) -> (a, c)
mapSnd f (x, y) = let !fy = f y in (x, fy)
-- * JSON serialization
-- | All the stats exported by the server (i.e. GC stats plus user
-- defined counters).
data Stats = Stats
!Stats.GCStats -- GC statistics
![(T.Text, Json)] -- Counters
![(T.Text, Json)] -- Gauges
![(T.Text, Json)] -- Labels
{-# UNPACK #-} !Double -- Milliseconds since epoch
instance A.ToJSON Stats where
toJSON (Stats gcStats counters gauges labels t) = A.object $
[ "server_timestamp_millis" .= t
, "counters" .= Assocs (json gcCounters ++ counters)
, "gauges" .= Assocs (json gcGauges ++ gauges)
, "labels" .= Assocs labels
(gcCounters, gcGauges) = partitionGcStats gcStats
json = map (\ (x, y) -> (x, Json y))
-- | 'Stats' encoded as a flattened JSON object.
newtype Combined = Combined Stats
instance A.ToJSON Combined where
toJSON (Combined (Stats s@(Stats.GCStats {..}) counters gauges labels t)) =
A.object $
[ "server_timestamp_millis" .= t
, "bytes_allocated" .= bytesAllocated
, "num_gcs" .= numGcs
, "max_bytes_used" .= maxBytesUsed
, "num_bytes_usage_samples" .= numByteUsageSamples
, "cumulative_bytes_used" .= cumulativeBytesUsed
, "bytes_copied" .= bytesCopied
, "current_bytes_used" .= currentBytesUsed
, "current_bytes_slop" .= currentBytesSlop
, "max_bytes_slop" .= maxBytesSlop
, "peak_megabytes_allocated" .= peakMegabytesAllocated
, "mutator_cpu_seconds" .= mutatorCpuSeconds
, "mutator_wall_seconds" .= mutatorWallSeconds
, "gc_cpu_seconds" .= gcCpuSeconds
, "gc_wall_seconds" .= gcWallSeconds
, "cpu_seconds" .= cpuSeconds
, "wall_seconds" .= wallSeconds
, "par_tot_bytes_copied" .= gcParTotBytesCopied s
, "par_avg_bytes_copied" .= gcParTotBytesCopied s
, "par_max_bytes_copied" .= parMaxBytesCopied
] ++
map (uncurry (.=)) counters ++
map (uncurry (.=)) gauges ++
map (uncurry (.=)) labels
-- | A list of string keys and JSON-encodable values. Used to render
-- a list of key-value pairs as a JSON object.
newtype Assocs = Assocs [(T.Text, Json)]
instance A.ToJSON Assocs where
toJSON (Assocs xs) = A.object $ map (uncurry (.=)) xs
-- | A group of either counters or gauges.
data Group = Group
![(T.Text, Json)]
{-# UNPACK #-} !Double -- Milliseconds since epoch
instance A.ToJSON Group where
toJSON (Group xs t) =
A.object $ ("server_timestamp_millis" .= t) : map (uncurry (.=)) xs
-- | Get a snapshot of all values. Note that we're not guaranteed to
-- see a consistent snapshot of the whole map.
readAllRefs :: Ref r t => IORef (M.HashMap T.Text r) -> IO [(T.Text, t)]
readAllRefs mapRef = do
m <- readIORef mapRef
forM (M.toList m) $ \ (name, ref) -> do
val <- read ref
return (name, val)
{-# INLINABLE readAllRefs #-}
readAllRefsAsJson :: (Ref r t, A.ToJSON t) => IORef (M.HashMap T.Text r)
-> IO [(T.Text, Json)]
readAllRefsAsJson mapRef =
map (\ (x, y) -> (x, Json y)) `fmap` readAllRefs mapRef
{-# INLINABLE readAllRefsAsJson #-}
-- Existential wrapper used for OO-style polymorphism.
data Json = forall a. A.ToJSON a => Json a
instance A.ToJSON Json where
toJSON (Json x) = A.toJSON x
-- | Many metrics can be either integer or floating point values. This
-- is captured by the 'Number' data type.
data Number = I !Int64
| D !Double
instance A.ToJSON Number where
toJSON (I n) = A.toJSON n
toJSON (D n) = A.toJSON n
-- | Partition GC statistics into counters and gauges.
partitionGcStats :: Stats.GCStats -> ([(T.Text, Number)], [(T.Text, Number)])
partitionGcStats s@(Stats.GCStats {..}) = (counters, gauges)
counters = [
("bytes_allocated" , I bytesAllocated)
, ("num_gcs" , I numGcs)
, ("num_bytes_usage_samples" , I numByteUsageSamples)
, ("cumulative_bytes_used" , I cumulativeBytesUsed)
, ("bytes_copied" , I bytesCopied)
, ("mutator_cpu_seconds" , D mutatorCpuSeconds)
, ("mutator_wall_seconds" , D mutatorWallSeconds)
, ("gc_cpu_seconds" , D gcCpuSeconds)
, ("gc_wall_seconds" , D gcWallSeconds)
, ("cpu_seconds" , D cpuSeconds)
, ("wall_seconds" , D wallSeconds)
gauges = [
("max_bytes_used" , I maxBytesUsed)
, ("current_bytes_used" , I currentBytesUsed)
, ("current_bytes_slop" , I currentBytesSlop)
, ("max_bytes_slop" , I maxBytesSlop)
, ("peak_megabytes_allocated" , I peakMegabytesAllocated)
, ("par_tot_bytes_copied" , I (gcParTotBytesCopied s))
, ("par_avg_bytes_copied" , I (gcParTotBytesCopied s))
, ("par_max_bytes_copied" , I parMaxBytesCopied)
-- | Serve a collection of counters or gauges, as a JSON object.
buildMany :: (Ref r t, A.ToJSON t) => IORef (M.HashMap T.Text r)
-> IO L.ByteString
buildMany mapRef = do
list <- readAllRefsAsJson mapRef
time <- getTimeMillis
return $ A.encode $ A.toJSON $ Group list time
{-# INLINABLE buildMany #-}
-- | Serve all counter, gauges and labels, built-in or not, as a
-- nested JSON object.
buildAll :: IORef Counters -> IORef Gauges -> IORef Labels -> IO L.ByteString
buildAll counters gauges labels = do
gcStats <- getGcStats
counterList <- readAllRefsAsJson counters
gaugeList <- readAllRefsAsJson gauges
labelList <- readAllRefsAsJson labels
time <- getTimeMillis
return $ A.encode $ A.toJSON $ Stats gcStats counterList gaugeList
labelList time
buildCombined :: IORef Counters -> IORef Gauges -> IORef Labels -> IO L.ByteString
buildCombined counters gauges labels = do
gcStats <- getGcStats
counterList <- readAllRefsAsJson counters
gaugeList <- readAllRefsAsJson gauges
labelList <- readAllRefsAsJson labels
time <- getTimeMillis
return $ A.encode $ A.toJSON $ Combined $
Stats gcStats counterList gaugeList labelList time
buildOne :: (Ref r t, Show t)
=> IORef (M.HashMap T.Text r) -> T.Text
-> IO (Maybe S.ByteString)
buildOne refs name = do
m <- readIORef refs
case M.lookup name m of
Just counter -> do
val <- read counter
return $ Just $ S8.pack $ show val
Nothing ->
-- Try built-in (e.g. GC) refs
case Map.lookup name builtinCounters of
Just f -> do
gcStats <- liftIO getGcStats
return $ Just $ S8.pack $ f gcStats
Nothing -> return Nothing
{-# INLINABLE buildOne #-}
getGcStats :: IO Stats.GCStats
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
getGcStats = do
enabled <- Stats.getGCStatsEnabled
if enabled
then Stats.getGCStats
else return emptyGCStats
emptyGCStats :: Stats.GCStats
emptyGCStats = Stats.GCStats
{ bytesAllocated = 0
, numGcs = 0
, maxBytesUsed = 0
, numByteUsageSamples = 0
, cumulativeBytesUsed = 0
, bytesCopied = 0
, currentBytesUsed = 0
, currentBytesSlop = 0
, maxBytesSlop = 0
, peakMegabytesAllocated = 0
, mutatorCpuSeconds = 0
, mutatorWallSeconds = 0
, gcCpuSeconds = 0
, gcWallSeconds = 0
, cpuSeconds = 0
, wallSeconds = 0
, parTotBytesCopied = 0
, parMaxBytesCopied = 0
getGcStats = Stats.getGCStats
-- | A list of all built-in (e.g. GC) counters, together with a
-- pretty-printing function for each.
builtinCounters :: Map.Map T.Text (Stats.GCStats -> String)
builtinCounters = Map.fromList [
("bytes_allocated" , show . Stats.bytesAllocated)
, ("num_gcs" , show . Stats.numGcs)
, ("max_bytes_used" , show . Stats.maxBytesUsed)
, ("num_bytes_usage_samples" , show . Stats.numByteUsageSamples)
, ("cumulative_bytes_used" , show . Stats.cumulativeBytesUsed)
, ("bytes_copied" , show . Stats.bytesCopied)
, ("current_bytes_used" , show . Stats.currentBytesUsed)
, ("current_bytes_slop" , show . Stats.currentBytesSlop)
, ("max_bytes_slop" , show . Stats.maxBytesSlop)
, ("peak_megabytes_allocated" , show . Stats.peakMegabytesAllocated)
, ("mutator_cpu_seconds" , show . Stats.mutatorCpuSeconds)
, ("mutator_wall_seconds" , show . Stats.mutatorWallSeconds)
, ("gc_cpu_seconds" , show . Stats.gcCpuSeconds)
, ("gc_wall_seconds" , show . Stats.gcWallSeconds)
, ("cpu_seconds" , show . Stats.cpuSeconds)
, ("wall_seconds" , show . Stats.wallSeconds)
, ("par_tot_bytes_copied" , show . gcParTotBytesCopied)
, ("par_avg_bytes_copied" , show . gcParTotBytesCopied)
, ("par_max_bytes_copied" , show . Stats.parMaxBytesCopied)
-- Utilities for working with timestamps
-- | Return the number of milliseconds since epoch.
getTimeMillis :: IO Double
getTimeMillis = (realToFrac . (* 1000)) `fmap` getPOSIXTime
-- | Helper to work around rename in GHC.Stats in base-4.6.
gcParTotBytesCopied :: Stats.GCStats -> Int64
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
gcParTotBytesCopied = Stats.parTotBytesCopied
gcParTotBytesCopied = Stats.parAvgBytesCopied