2014-04-21 15:53:30 +02:00

108 lines
3.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module System.Remote.Json
, encodeOne
) where
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Int (Int64)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Prelude hiding (read)
import System.Metrics
import qualified System.Metrics.Distribution as Distribution
-- * JSON serialization
data MetricType =
| GaugeType
| LabelType
| DistributionType
metricType :: MetricType -> T.Text
metricType CounterType = "c"
metricType GaugeType = "g"
metricType LabelType = "l"
metricType DistributionType = "d"
-- | Encode metrics as nested JSON objects. Each "." in the metric
-- name introduces a new level of nesting. For example, the metrics
-- @[("foo.bar", 10), ("foo.baz", "label")]@ are encoded as
-- > {
-- > "foo": {
-- > "bar": {
-- > "type:", "c",
-- > "val": 10
-- > },
-- > "baz": {
-- > "type": "l",
-- > "val": "label"
-- > }
-- > }
-- > }
encodeAll :: Sample -> L.ByteString
encodeAll metrics =
A.encode $ buildOne metrics $ A.emptyObject
buildOne :: M.HashMap T.Text Value -> A.Value -> A.Value
buildOne m o = M.foldlWithKey' build o m
build :: A.Value -> T.Text -> Value -> A.Value
build m name val = go m (T.splitOn "." name) val
go :: A.Value -> [T.Text] -> Value -> A.Value
go (A.Object m) [str] val = A.Object $ M.insert str metric m
where metric = buildOneM val
go (A.Object m) (str:rest) val = case M.lookup str m of
Nothing -> A.Object $ M.insert str (go A.emptyObject rest val) m
Just m' -> A.Object $ M.insert str (go m' rest val) m
go v _ _ = typeMismatch "Object" v
buildOneM :: Value -> A.Value
buildOneM (Counter n) = goOne n CounterType
buildOneM (Gauge n) = goOne n GaugeType
buildOneM (Label l) = goOne l LabelType
buildOneM (Distribution l) = goDistribution l
goDistribution :: Distribution.Stats -> A.Value
goDistribution stats = A.object [
("mean", A.toJSON $! Distribution.mean stats),
("variance", A.toJSON $! Distribution.variance stats),
("count", A.toJSON $! Distribution.count stats),
("sum", A.toJSON $! Distribution.sum stats),
("min", A.toJSON $! Distribution.min stats),
("max", A.toJSON $! Distribution.max stats),
("type", A.toJSON (metricType DistributionType))]
goOne :: A.ToJSON a => a -> MetricType -> A.Value
goOne val ty = A.object [
("val", A.toJSON val), ("type", A.toJSON (metricType ty))]
{-# SPECIALIZE goOne :: Int64 -> MetricType -> A.Value #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE goOne :: T.Text -> MetricType -> A.Value #-}
encodeOne :: Value -> L.ByteString
encodeOne = A.encode . buildOneM
typeMismatch :: String -- ^ The expected type
-> A.Value -- ^ The actual value encountered
-> a
typeMismatch expected actual =
error $ "when expecting a " ++ expected ++ ", encountered " ++ name ++
" instead"
name = case actual of
A.Object _ -> "Object"
A.Array _ -> "Array"
A.String _ -> "String"
A.Number _ -> "Number"
A.Bool _ -> "Boolean"
A.Null -> "Null"