
208 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2011-12-16 13:18:13 +00:00
$(function () {
// Number formatters
function formatSuffix(val, prec) {
if (val == null)
return "N/A"
var prec = prec || 1;
if (val >= 1000000000)
return (val / 1000000000).toFixed(prec) + " GB";
else if (val >= 1000000)
return (val / 1000000).toFixed(prec) + " MB";
else if (val >= 1000)
return (val / 1000).toFixed(prec) + " kB";
return val.toFixed(prec) + " B";
function formatRate(val, prec) {
if (val == null)
return "N/A"
return formatSuffix(val, prec) + "/s";
function formatPercent(val, prec) {
if (val == null)
return "N/A"
var prec = prec || 1;
return val.toFixed(prec) + " %"
// Set up polling interval control
var updateInterval = 1000; // ms
$("#updateInterval").val(updateInterval).change(function () {
updateInterval = $(this).val();
// Allow the UI to be paused
var paused = false;
$('#pause-ui').click(function() {
if (paused) {
$(this).text("Pause UI");
paused = false;
} else {
$(this).text("Unpause UI");
paused = true;
// Plot formatters
function suffixFormatter(val, axis) {
return formatSuffix(val, axis.tickDecimals);
function rateFormatter(val, axis) {
return formatRate(val, axis.tickDecimals);
function percentFormatter(val, axis) {
return formatPercent(val, axis.tickDecimals);
// Replaces every instance of the underscore character ("_") by a
// dash ("-").
function dasherize(s) {
return s.replace(/_/g, "-");
// Fetch data periodically and notify interested parties.
var listeners = [];
var fetchData = function() {
function onDataReceived(stats) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
for(var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
listeners[i](stats, now);
$.get("http://localhost:8000/", onDataReceived, "json");
setTimeout(fetchData, updateInterval);
var emptyStats = {
bytes_allocated : 0,
num_gcs : 0,
max_bytes_used : 0,
num_bytes_usage_samples : 0,
cumulative_bytes_used : 0,
bytes_copied : 0,
current_bytes_used : 0,
current_bytes_slop : 0,
max_bytes_slop : 0,
peak_megabytes_allocated : 0,
mutator_cpu_seconds : 0,
mutator_wall_seconds : 0,
gc_cpu_seconds : 0,
gc_wall_seconds : 0,
cpu_seconds : 0,
wall_seconds : 0,
par_avg_bytes_copied : 0,
par_max_bytes_copied : 0
function addPlot(elem, series, opts) {
var defaultOptions = {
series: { shadowSize: 0 }, // drawing is faster without shadows
xaxis: { mode: "time", tickSize: [10, "second"] }
var options = $.extend(true, {}, defaultOptions, opts)
var data = new Array(series.length), maxPoints = 60;
for(var i = 0; i < series.length; i++)
data[i] = [];
var plot = $.plot(elem, [], options);
var prev_stats, prev_time;
function onDataReceived(stats, time) {
for(var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
if (data[i].length >= maxPoints)
data[i] = data[i].slice(1);
data[i].push([time, series[i].fn(stats, time,
prev_stats, prev_time)]);
// zip lengends with data
res = []
for(var i = 0; i < series.length; i++)
res.push({ label: series[i].label, data: data[i] });
if (!paused) {
prev_stats = stats;
prev_time = time;
function addCounter(elem, fn, formatter) {
var prev_stats, prev_time;
function onDataReceived(stats, time) {
if (!paused)
elem.text(formatter(fn(stats, time, prev_stats, prev_time)));
prev_stats = stats;
prev_time = time;
$(document).ready(function() {
// Metrics
var current_bytes_used = function(stats) { return stats.current_bytes_used };
var max_bytes_used = function(stats) { return stats.max_bytes_used };
var max_bytes_slop = function(stats) { return stats.max_bytes_slop };
var current_bytes_slop = function(stats) { return stats.current_bytes_slop };
var productivity_wall_percent = function(stats, time, prev_stats, prev_time) {
if (prev_stats == undefined)
return null;
var mutator_seconds = stats.mutator_wall_seconds -
var gc_seconds = stats.gc_wall_seconds - prev_stats.gc_wall_seconds;
return 100 * mutator_seconds / (mutator_seconds + gc_seconds);
var productivity_cpu_percent = function(stats, time, prev_stats, prev_time) {
if (prev_stats == undefined)
return null;
var mutator_seconds = stats.mutator_cpu_seconds -
var gc_seconds = stats.gc_cpu_seconds - prev_stats.gc_cpu_seconds;
return 100 * mutator_seconds / (mutator_seconds + gc_seconds);
var allocation_rate = function(stats, time, prev_stats, prev_time) {
if (prev_stats == undefined)
return null;
return 1000 * (stats.bytes_allocated - prev_stats.bytes_allocated) /
(time - prev_time);
// Plots
[{ label: "residency", fn: current_bytes_used }],
{ yaxis: { tickFormatter: suffixFormatter } });
[{ label: "rate", fn: allocation_rate }],
{ yaxis: { tickFormatter: rateFormatter } });
[{ label: "wall clock time", fn: productivity_wall_percent },
{ label: "cpu time", fn: productivity_cpu_percent }],
{ yaxis: { tickDecimals: 1, tickFormatter: percentFormatter } });
// Counters
addCounter($("#max-bytes-used"), max_bytes_used, formatSuffix)
addCounter($("#current-bytes-used"), current_bytes_used, formatSuffix)
addCounter($("#max-bytes-slop"), max_bytes_slop, formatSuffix)
addCounter($("#current-bytes-slop"), current_bytes_slop, formatSuffix)
addCounter($("#productivity-wall"), productivity_wall_percent, formatPercent)
addCounter($("#productivity-cpu"), productivity_cpu_percent, formatPercent)
addCounter($("#allocation-rate"), allocation_rate, formatRate)