Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 9abfd74d6c
intial either lib
2022-08-09 16:24:03 +02:00

476 lines
19 KiB

(ns either.core-test
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.test :as t]
[either.core :as sut]
[schema.core :as s]
(t/use-fixtures :once schema.test/validate-schemas)
(t/deftest ->Either-test
(t/testing "Either Str Int"
(let [EitherStrInt (sut/->Either s/Str s/Int)]
(t/testing "valid"
(t/are [x] (nil? (s/check EitherStrInt x))
(sut/pure 1)
(sut/err-> "error")))
(t/testing "invalid"
(t/are [x] (s/check EitherStrInt x)
(sut/pure "string")
(sut/err-> :not-string))))))
(t/deftest error?-test
(t/is (false? (sut/error? (sut/pure nil)))
"Even if the value is nil, it should detect this either is not an error.")
(t/is (false? (sut/error? (sut/pure false)))
"Even if the value is false, it should detect this either is not an error.")
(t/is (false? (sut/error? (sut/pure true)))
"Even if the value is true, it should detect this either is not an error.")
(t/is (false? (sut/error? {}))
"An empty map is a valid Either, equivalent to {:val nil} and is thus not an error.")
(t/is (true? (sut/error? (sut/err-> nil)))
"Even if the error value is nil, it should detect this either is an error.")
(t/is (true? (sut/error? (sut/err-> false)))
"Even if the error value is false, it should detect this either is an error.")
(t/is (true? (sut/error? (sut/err-> true)))
"Even if the error value is true, it should detect this either is an error."))
(t/deftest val?-test
(t/is (true? (sut/val? (sut/pure nil)))
"Even if the value is nil, it should detect this either is not an error.")
(t/is (true? (sut/val? (sut/pure false)))
"Even if the value is false, it should detect this either is not an error.")
(t/is (true? (sut/val? (sut/pure true)))
"Even if the value is true, it should detect this either is not an error.")
(t/is (true? (sut/val? {}))
"An empty map is a valid Either, equivalent to {:val nil} and is thus not an error.")
(t/is (false? (sut/val? (sut/err-> nil)))
"Even if the error value is nil, it should detect this either is an error.")
(t/is (false? (sut/val? (sut/err-> false)))
"Even if the error value is false, it should detect this either is an error.")
(t/is (false? (sut/val? (sut/err-> true)))
"Even if the error value is true, it should detect this either is an error."))
(t/deftest pure-test
(doseq [x [nil :x true "x" {:a "a"}]]
(t/is (= x (sut/right (sut/pure x)))
"pure should return an Either with a single right")))
(t/deftest err->-test
(doseq [x [nil :x true "x" {:a "a"}]]
(t/is (= x (sut/left (sut/err-> x)))
"err-> should return an Either with a single left")))
(t/deftest ->either-test
(t/is (= (sut/pure 10)
(sut/->either (constantly 10) (constantly :ERROR))))
(t/is (= (sut/err-> :ERROR)
(sut/->either (constantly nil)
(fn [e] (if e {:e (ex-data e)} :ERROR)))))
(t/is (= (sut/err-> {:e {:error :test-error}})
(sut/->either (fn [] (throw (ex-info "test-error" {:error :test-error})))
(fn [e] (if e {:e (ex-data e)} :ERROR)))))
(t/is (= :schema.core/error
(try (sut/->either nil :ERROR)
(catch Exception e
(:type (ex-data e)))))
"not passing a function should throw a schema exception")
(t/is (= :schema.core/error
(try (sut/->either (constantly nil) nil)
(catch Exception e
(:type (ex-data e)))))
"not passing a function should throw a schema exception"))
(t/deftest some->either-test
(t/is (= (sut/pure 10)
(sut/some->either 10 :ERROR)))
(t/is (= (sut/err-> :ERROR)
(sut/some->either nil :ERROR))))
(t/deftest left-test
(doseq [x [nil :x true "x" {:a "a"}]]
(t/is (= x (sut/left (sut/err-> x)))
"left should return the value of an either"))
(t/is (false? (sut/left {:val true :err false}))
"left should return the error even if the Either is misrepresented"))
(t/deftest ->err-test
(doseq [x [nil :x true "x" {:a "a"}]]
(t/is (= x (sut/->err (sut/err-> x)))
"->err should return the value of an either"))
(t/is (false? (sut/->err {:val true :err false}))
"->err should return the error even if the Either is misrepresented"))
(t/deftest right-test
(doseq [x [nil :x true "x" {:a "a"}]]
(t/is (= x (sut/right (sut/val-> x)))
"right should return the value of an either"))
(t/is (nil? (sut/right {:val true :err false}))
"right should return nil if the Either is an error even when the Either is misrepresented"))
(t/deftest ->val-test
(doseq [x [nil :x true "x" {:a "a"}]]
(t/is (= x (sut/->val (sut/val-> x)))
"->val should return the value of an either"))
(t/is (nil? (sut/->val {:val true :err false}))
"->val should return nil if the Either is an error even when the Either is misrepresented"))
(t/deftest <--test
(doseq [x [nil :x true "x" {:a "a"}]]
(t/is (= x (sut/<- (sut/val-> x)))
"should return the value if this is a pure value")
(t/is (= x (sut/<- (sut/err-> x)))
"should return the error if this is a pure error")
(t/is (= x (sut/<- {:val true :err x}))
"should return the error if the either is misrepresented")))
(t/deftest left-test
(doseq [x [nil :x true "x" {:a "a"}]]
(t/is (= x (sut/left (sut/err-> x)))
"left should return the error of an either")
(t/is (nil? (sut/left (sut/pure x)))
"left should return nil for non error eithers")))
(t/deftest right-test
(doseq [x [nil :x true "x" {:a "a"}]]
(t/is (= x (sut/right (sut/pure x)))
"right should return the error of an either")
(t/is (nil? (sut/right (sut/err-> x)))
"right should return nil for non error eithers"))
(t/is (nil? (sut/right {:val true :err nil}))
"Even if the either is not clean (both :val and :err) it should return the error"))
(t/deftest fmap-test
(t/testing "Obey applicative law"
(doseq [[x f] [[0 inc]
[:ERROR str]
[:ERROR name]
[:x (constantly :value)]]]
(t/is (= (sut/pure (f x))
(sut/fmap f (sut/pure x))))
(let [err (sut/err-> x)]
(t/is (= err (sut/fmap f err))))
(let [malformed-either {:val true :err x}]
(t/is (= malformed-either (sut/fmap f malformed-either)))))))
(t/deftest >>=-test
(t/is (= (sut/pure 1)
(sut/>>= (sut/pure 0) (fn [i] (sut/pure (inc i))))))
(t/is (= (sut/err-> :ERROR)
(sut/>>= (sut/err-> :ERROR) (fn [i] (sut/pure (inc i)))))))
(t/deftest >>-test
(t/is (= (sut/pure 42)
(sut/>> (sut/pure 0) (sut/pure 42))))
(t/is (= (sut/err-> :ERROR)
(sut/>> (sut/err-> :ERROR) (sut/pure 42)))))
(t/deftest either-test
(t/is (= 2 (sut/either str inc (sut/pure 1))))
(t/is (= ":ERROR" (sut/either str inc (sut/err-> :ERROR)))))
(t/deftest from-either-test
(t/is (= 1 (sut/from-either (constantly :HERE) (sut/pure 1))))
(t/is (= :HERE (sut/from-either (constantly :HERE) (sut/err-> :ERROR))))
(t/is (= :HERE (sut/from-either (constantly :HERE) {:val 1 :err :ERROR}))
"Should return the error for misrepresented eithers"))
(t/deftest from-either!-test
(let [ex-info->map (fn [e] {:msg (ex-message e)
:data (ex-data e)
:cause (ex-cause e)})]
(t/is (= 1 (sut/from-either! (sut/pure 1))))
(t/is (= {:msg "error"
:data {:err :ERROR}
:cause nil}
(try (sut/from-either! (sut/err-> :ERROR))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (ex-info->map e)))))
(t/is (= {:msg "direct error message", :data {}, :cause nil}
(try (sut/from-either! (sut/err-> "direct error message"))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (ex-info->map e)))))
(t/is (= {:msg "some description"
:data {:error :code
:error_description "some description"}
:cause nil}
(try (sut/from-either! (sut/err-> {:error :code :error_description "some description"}))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (ex-info->map e)))))
(t/is (= {:msg "keyword-error"
:data {:error :code
:error_description :keyword-error}
:cause nil}
(try (sut/from-either! (sut/err-> {:error :code :error_description :keyword-error}))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (ex-info->map e)))))
(t/is (= {:msg "error"
:data {:error :code, :error_description {:bad :type}}
:cause nil}
(try (sut/from-either! (sut/err-> {:error :code :error_description {:bad :type}}))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (ex-info->map e)))))
(t/is (= {:msg "message"
:data {:msg "message"}
:cause nil}
(try (sut/from-either! (sut/err-> {:msg "message"}))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (ex-info->map e)))))
(t/is (= {:msg "error-code"
:data {:error :error-code}
:cause nil}
(try (sut/from-either! (sut/err-> {:error :error-code}))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (ex-info->map e)))))))
(t/deftest bimap-test
;; testing that:
;; (bimap f g (pure x)) == (pure (f x))
;; (bimap f g (err-> x)) == (pure (g x))
(t/is (= (sut/pure 1) (sut/bimap str inc (sut/pure 0))))
(t/is (= (sut/err-> ":ERROR") (sut/bimap str inc (sut/err-> :ERROR))))
(t/is (= {:err ":ERROR"} (sut/bimap str inc {:val 0 :err :ERROR}))
"Even if misrepresented handled bimap correctly, forget val"))
(t/deftest bifolfmap-test
(= (sut/bifoldmap str inc [(sut/pure 0) (sut/err-> :ERROR)])
[(sut/pure 1) (sut/err-> ":ERROR")])))
(t/deftest let-either-test
(t/is (= :ok (sut/let-either [] :ok)))
(t/is (= 2 (sut/let-either [x (sut/pure 1)]
(inc x))))
(= 61
(sut/let-either [x (sut/pure 1) ;; x => 1
y (sut/pure (inc x)) ;; y => 2
z (sut/pure (+ x y)) ;; z => 3
t (sut/pure (* z 2)) ;; t => 6
u (sut/pure (* t 10))] ;; u => 60
(inc u)))
"Check every left-hand-side is the value of the either extracted as expected")
(= {:err :ERROR}
(sut/let-either [x (sut/pure 1) ;; x => 1
y (sut/err-> :ERROR) ;; STOP here and should not evaluate
z (throw (ex-info "SHOULD NOT BE THROWN" {:x x :y y}))
t (sut/pure (* z 2)) ;; t => 6
u (sut/pure (* t 10))] ;; u => 60
(inc u)))
"Test early failure")
(catch Exception e
(t/is (= :error (ex-data e))
"No exception should be thrown because let stop evaluating as soon as possible."))))
(t/deftest partition-eithers-test
(t/is (= {:vals [], :errs []}
(sut/partition-eithers [])))
(t/is (= {:vals [], :errs [:x :y]}
(sut/partition-eithers [(sut/err-> :x)
(sut/err-> :y)])))
(t/is (= {:vals [1 2 3], :errs []}
(sut/partition-eithers [(sut/pure 1)
(sut/pure 2)
(sut/pure 3)])))
(t/is (= {:vals [1 2 3], :errs [:x :y]}
(sut/partition-eithers [(sut/pure 1)
(sut/pure 2)
(sut/err-> :x)
(sut/pure 3)
(sut/err-> :y)]))))
(t/deftest lefts-test
(t/is (= [] (sut/lefts [])))
(t/is (= []
(sut/lefts [(sut/pure 1)
(sut/pure 2)
(sut/pure 3)])))
(t/is (= [:x :y]
(sut/lefts [(sut/err-> :x)
(sut/err-> :y)])))
(t/is (= [:x :y]
(sut/lefts [(sut/pure 1)
(sut/pure 2)
(sut/err-> :x)
(sut/pure 3)
(sut/err-> :y)]))))
(t/deftest rights-test
(t/is (= [] (sut/rights [])))
(t/is (= [1 2 3]
(sut/rights [(sut/pure 1)
(sut/pure 2)
(sut/pure 3)])))
(t/is (= []
(sut/rights [(sut/err-> :x)
(sut/err-> :y)])))
(t/is (= [1 2 3]
(sut/rights [(sut/pure 1)
(sut/pure 2)
(sut/err-> :x)
(sut/pure 3)
(sut/err-> :y)]))))
;; --- MACRO build-either-apit TESTING
;; To understand what is going on, the build-either-api
;; will declare all function with the same names as the one declared
;; in either.core
;; but these local functions will be more restrictive with their schemas.
;; So we could test the schema validation by building some Either with the wrong schemas
;; using the global functions in either.core but using them with the local
;; function declared in this specific namespace (either.core-test)
(sut/build-either-api s/Str s/Int)
(defmacro throw-schema-x?
"Around a body, returns true if once evaluated the body thrown a schema error exception"
[& body]
`(= :schema.core/error
(try (do ~@body)
(catch Exception e#
(:type (ex-data e#))))))
(t/deftest build-either-api-test
;; see comment on top of build-either-api in this ns
;; for help
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore true, :eastwood/ignore true}
(let [ok-val 10
bad-val "bad-type"
ok-err "error"
bad-err :not-a-string
r (sut/pure ok-val)
bad-r (sut/pure bad-val)
l (sut/err-> ok-err)
bad-l (sut/err-> bad-err)]
(t/testing "(build-either-api Str Int)"
(t/testing "left?"
(t/is (left? l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (left? bad-l))))
(t/testing "error?"
(t/is (error? l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (error? bad-l))))
(t/testing "right?"
(t/is (right? r))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (right? bad-r))))
(t/testing "val?"
(t/is (val? r))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (val? bad-r))))
(t/testing "pure"
(t/is (pure 10))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (pure "some-string"))))
(t/testing "val->"
(t/is (val-> ok-val))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (val-> bad-val))))
(t/testing "err->"
(t/is (err-> ok-err))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (err-> bad-err))))
(t/testing "->either"
(t/is (->either (constantly ok-val) (constantly ok-err)))
(t/is (->either (constantly nil) (constantly ok-err)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (->either (constantly bad-val) (constantly ok-err))))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (->either (constantly nil) (constantly bad-err)))))
(t/testing "some->either"
(t/is (some->either ok-val ok-err))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (some->either nil ok-err)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (some->either ok-val bad-err))))
(t/testing "left"
(t/is (left l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (left bad-l))))
(t/testing "->err"
(t/is (->err l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (->err bad-l))))
(t/testing "right"
(t/is (right r))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (right bad-r))))
(t/testing "->val"
(t/is (->val r))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (->val bad-r))))
(t/testing "<-"
(t/is (<- r))
(t/is (<- l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (<- bad-r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (<- bad-l))))
(t/testing "fmap"
(t/is (fmap identity r))
(t/is (fmap identity l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (fmap identity bad-r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (fmap identity bad-l))))
(t/testing ">>="
(t/is (>>= r #(sut/pure (inc %)) ))
(t/is (>>= l #(sut/pure (inc %))))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (>>= bad-r #(sut/pure (str "x" %)))))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (>>= r #(sut/err-> (inc %))))))
(t/testing ">>"
(t/is (>> r r))
(t/is (>> l r))
(t/is (>> r l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (>> bad-r r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (>> r bad-r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (>> bad-l r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (>> r bad-l))))
(t/testing "<>"
(t/is (<> r r))
(t/is (<> r l))
(t/is (<> l r))
(t/is (<> l l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (<> bad-r r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (<> bad-r l)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (<> bad-l r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (<> bad-l l)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (<> r bad-r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (<> r bad-l)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (<> l bad-r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (<> l bad-l))))
(t/testing "either"
(t/is (either string/reverse inc r))
(t/is (either string/reverse inc l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (either string/reverse inc bad-r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (either string/reverse inc bad-l)))
;; would be nice but we don't have a natural way with conditional to express this is one schema or another
;; (t/is (throw-schema-x? (either (constantly bad-err) (constantly bad-val) r)))
;; (t/is (throw-schema-x? (either (constantly bad-err) (constantly bad-val) l)))
(t/testing "from-either"
(t/is (from-either string/reverse r))
(t/is (from-either string/reverse l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (from-either string/reverse bad-r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (from-either string/reverse bad-l))))
(t/testing "from-either!"
(t/is (from-either! r))
(t/is (not (throw-schema-x? (from-either! l)))) ;; throw an exception but not a schema exception
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (from-either! bad-r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (from-either! bad-l))))
(t/testing "bimap"
(t/is (bimap string/reverse inc r))
(t/is (bimap string/reverse inc l))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (bimap string/reverse inc bad-r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (bimap string/reverse inc bad-l)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (bimap (constantly bad-err) (constantly bad-val) r)))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (bimap (constantly bad-err) (constantly bad-val) l))))
(t/testing "bifoldmap"
(t/is (bifoldmap string/reverse inc [r l]))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (bifoldmap string/reverse inc [bad-r l])))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (bifoldmap string/reverse inc [r bad-l])))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (bifoldmap (constantly bad-err) inc [r l])))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (bifoldmap string/reverse (constantly bad-val) [r l]))))
(t/testing "partition-eithers"
(t/is (partition-eithers [r l r l]))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (partition-eithers [r l bad-r l])))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (partition-eithers [r l r bad-l]))))
(t/testing "rights"
(t/is (rights [r l r l]))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (rights [r l bad-r l])))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (rights [r l r bad-l]))))
(t/testing "lefts"
(t/is (lefts [r l r l]))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (lefts [r l bad-r l])))
(t/is (throw-schema-x? (lefts [r l r bad-l])))))))