Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 9abfd74d6c
intial either lib
2022-08-09 16:24:03 +02:00

388 lines
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(ns either.core
"Sumtype like Either in Clojure.
This is useful to represent potential failure with an adjoined error.
Unlike exceptions it is functionally pure.
In the litterature, an Either is sum type with a Left and a Right.
Left often represent the error and Right the value.
As the main usage of Either is probably pure error handling, this ns
provide both naming conventions.
left/right and val/err
Also provide a `let-either` macro for a do-notation similar as the one in Haskell
for the Either type.
(:require [schema.core :as s]
[schema-tools.core :as st]))
(defn ->Either
"Return an Either schema by specifying the two sub schemas"
[left-schema right-schema]
{:err left-schema
:val right-schema}))
(def EitherAny
"Useful generic schema for Either"
(->Either s/Any s/Any))
(s/defn left? :- s/Bool
"returns true if the Either contains an error"
[e :- EitherAny]
(contains? e :err))
(s/def error? :- (s/=> s/Bool EitherAny)
"returns true if the Either contains an error"
(s/defn right? :- s/Bool
"returns true if the Either contains a value"
[e :- EitherAny]
(not (error? e)))
(s/def val? :- (s/=> s/Bool EitherAny)
"returns true if the Either contains a value"
(s/defn pure :- EitherAny
"Returns an Either from a value"
{:val value})
(s/def val-> :- (s/=> :EitherAny s/Any)
"Returns an Either from a value"
(s/defn err-> :- EitherAny
"Returns an Either containing an error"
{:err err})
(s/defn ->either :- EitherAny
"This is a helper function to build an Either.
The first argument should be a function that should return a value.
The second argument should be a function that given either nil or an Exception should return an error.
- If the function returns a non-nil value then we return `(pure (f))`
- If the function return nil then we return (err-> (exception->err nil))
- If the function throw an Exception e then we return (err-> (exception->err e))
[f :- (s/=> s/Any)
exception->err :- (s/=> s/Any (s/maybe Exception))]
(try (if-some [v (f)]
(pure v)
(err-> (exception->err nil)))
(catch Exception e
(err-> (exception->err e)))))
(s/defn some->either :- EitherAny
"Return `(pure v)` unless v is nil, in which case returns `(err-> err)`
Equivalent to: `(->either (constantly v) (constantly err))`
[v err]
(if (some? v) (pure v) (err-> err)))
(s/defn left :- s/Any
"Return the error of an Either"
[e :- EitherAny]
(:err e))
(def ->err
"Extract the error of an Either. Returns nil if the Either contains a value"
(s/defn right :- s/Any
"Extract the value of an Either. Returns nil if the Either contains an error"
[e :- EitherAny]
(when-not (error? e)
(:val e)))
(def ->val
"Extract the value of an Either. Returns nil if the Either contains an error"
(s/defn <- :- s/Any
"Return the content of an Either. If the Either contains
an error will just return the error otherwise returns the value."
[e :- EitherAny]
(if (error? e)
(->err e)
(->val e)))
(s/defn fmap :- EitherAny
"Apply a function to the value of an either"
[f e :- EitherAny]
(if (right? e)
(update e :val f)
(s/defn >>= :- EitherAny
"give an Either and a function taking the value of it and returning a new Either bind them.
> (>>= {:val 0} (fn [i] {:val (inc i)}))
{:val 1}
> (>>= {:err :ERROR} (fn [i] {:val (inc i)}))
{:err :ERROR}
[e :- EitherAny
f :- (s/=> EitherAny s/Any)]
(if (error? e)
(f (:val e))))
(s/defn >> :- EitherAny
"Equivalent to (>>= e1 (constantly e2))
> (>> {:val 1} {:val :second})
{:val :second}
#> (>> {:err :ERROR} {:val 2})
{:err :ERROR}
[e1 :- EitherAny
e2 :- EitherAny]
(if (error? e1) e1 e2))
(s/defn <> :- EitherAny
"Returns its first argument if not an error otherwise the second."
[e1 :- EitherAny
e2 :- EitherAny]
(if (error? e1) e2 e1))
(s/defn either :- s/Any
"Given a function to apply to errors and one to apply to values, applies the correct function to
an Either and return a result which is potentially no more an Either
Perhaps being more precise in the type could help (we cannot do that easily with Clojure and schemas)
The haskell notation would give:
`either : (a -> r) -> (b -> r) -> Either a b -> r`
> (either str inc {:val 1})
> (either str inc {:err :ERROR})
[err-fn ;; a -> r
val-fn ;; b -> r
e :- EitherAny ;; Either a b
(if (error? e)
(err-fn (left e))
(val-fn (right e))))
(s/defn from-either :- s/Any
"Extract the value out of an Either, but apply an error-fn "
[err-fn e :- EitherAny]
(either err-fn identity e))
(s/defn from-either! :- s/Any
"Extract the value out of an Either,
but throw an ExceptionInfo if instead of a value the either contain an error.
We try to build a convenient exception, if the error is a string we use it.
If the error is a map we look for a description in the following keys (in order):
1. `:error_description` (to follow OAuth2 error message structure)
2. `:msg`
3. `:error`
We advise you to build your own
function transforming errors to exceptions.
And on a general note, too much usage of `from-either!` or even `from-either` indicates
an issue with your usage of this library.
If that's the case, you probably want to invest more time in looking into
the `let-either` macro."
[e :- EitherAny]
(let [err->ex-info
(fn [err]
(string? err) (ex-info err {})
(map? err) (if-let [err-msg (or (:error_description err)
(:msg err)
(:error err))]
(string? err-msg) (ex-info err-msg err)
(keyword? err-msg) (ex-info (name err-msg) err)
:else (ex-info "error" err))
(ex-info "error" err))
:else (ex-info "error" {:err err})))]
(either #(throw (err->ex-info %)) identity e)))
(s/defn bimap :- EitherAny
"Given two functions, one to apply to val and one to apply to errors
Apply the function into the Either content.
This should obey the laws:
> (bimap f g (pure x)) == (pure (g x))
> (bimap f g (err-> x)) == (pure (f x))
> (bimap str inc (pure 0))
> (bimap str inc (err-> :ERROR))
[err-fn val-fn e :- EitherAny]
(if (error? e)
(err-> (err-fn (left e)))
(pure (val-fn (right e)))))
(s/defn bifoldmap :- [EitherAny]
"Given two functions, one to apply on errors and one to apply on values
Apply the function inside the Either for a sequence of them.
> (= (bifoldmap str inc [(pure 0) (err-> :ERROR)])
[(pure 1) (err-> \":ERROR\")])
[err-fn val-fn eithers :- [EitherAny]]
(map #(bimap err-fn val-fn %) eithers))
(defmacro let-either
"The let-either macro can be used to handle cascading eithers that
could depends of preceeding values.
It is EXACTLY like the either monad.
So all right-hand-side of the let must return an EitherAny
If one of the function fail, we stop evaluation as soon as possible
and return the failed either.
If all functions are successful we return the content of the
body as a successful Result. So the body shouldn't take care of
returning an Either..
> (let-either [] 10)
> (let-either [x {:val 1}] ;; x => 1
(inc x))
> (let-either [x {:val 1} ;; x => 1
y {:val (inc x)} ;; y => 2
z {:val (+ x y)} ;; z => 3
t {:err :ERROR} ;; stop evaluating here
u {:val (+ z x)}]
(inc u))
{:err :ERROR}
> (let-either [x {:val 1} ;; x => 1
y {:val (inc x)} ;; y => 2
z {:val (+ x y)} ;; z => 3
t {:val (* z 2)} ;; t => 6
u {:val (* t 10)}] ;; u => 60
(inc u))
{:special-form true
:forms '[(let-either [bindings*] exprs*)]
:style/indent 0}
[bindings & body]
(if (empty? bindings)
`(do ~@body)
(if (>= (count bindings) 2)
`(let [either# ~(second bindings)]
(if (error? either#)
(let [~(first bindings) (:val either#)]
(let-either ~(drop 2 bindings) ~@body))))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"an even number of arguments is expected in the bindings")))))
(s/defn partition-eithers :- {:vals [s/Any] :errs [s/Any]}
"This function is useful to accumulate extracted values and errors from eithers.
> (sut/partition-eithers [(sut/pure 1)
(sut/pure 2)
(sut/err-> :x)
(sut/pure 3)
(sut/err-> :y)])
{:vals [1 2 3], :errs [:x :y]}
[eithers :- [EitherAny]]
(let [[vs errs]
(->> eithers
(sort-by error?)
(partition-by error?))]
;; empty list
(nil? vs) {:vals [] :errs []}
;; only errors
(error? (first vs)) {:vals [] :errs (mapv left vs)}
:else {:vals (mapv right vs)
:errs (mapv left errs)})))
(s/defn rights :- [s/Any]
"This function accumulate all values of a list of eithers, and discard errors.
If you need both values and errors, use partition-eithers instead of `left-sum`
and `right-sum` separately."
[eithers :- [EitherAny]]
(:vals (partition-eithers eithers)))
(s/defn lefts :- [s/Any]
"Accumulate errors of a list of eithers and discard values.
If you need both values and errors, use partition-eithers instead of `left-sum`
and `right-sum` separately."
[eithers :- [EitherAny]]
(:errs (partition-eithers eithers)))
(defmacro build-either-api
"Declare all functions for Either but restricted to (->Either left-schema right-schema)
instead of using the broader EitherAny schema.
It will declare all the functions in your current namespace."
[left-schema right-schema]
`(let [ls# ~left-schema
rs# ~right-schema]
(def ~'Either (either.core/->Either ls# rs#))
(schema.core/defn ~'left? :- schema.core/Bool [e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/left? e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'error? :- schema.core/Bool [e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/error? e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'right? :- schema.core/Bool [e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/right? e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'val? :- schema.core/Bool [e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/val? e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'pure :- ~'Either [v# :- rs#] (either.core/pure v#))
(schema.core/defn ~'val-> :- ~'Either [v# :- rs#] (either.core/pure v#))
(schema.core/defn ~'err-> :- ~'Either [err# :- ls#] (either.core/err-> err#))
(schema.core/defn ~'->either :- ~'Either [f# x#] (either.core/->either f# x#))
(schema.core/defn ~'some->either :- ~'Either [v# :- rs# err# :- ls#] (either.core/some->either v# err#))
(schema.core/defn ~'left :- ls# [e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/left e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'->err :- ls# [e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/left e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'right :- rs# [e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/right e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'->val :- rs# [e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/right e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'<- [e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/<- e#)) ;; missing s/either cond-pre is to risky
(schema.core/defn ~'fmap :- ~'Either [f# e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/fmap f# e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'>>= :- ~'Either [e# :- ~'Either f#] (either.core/>>= e# f#))
(schema.core/defn ~'>> :- ~'Either [e1# :- ~'Either e2# :- ~'Either] (either.core/>> e1# e2#))
(schema.core/defn ~'<> :- ~'Either [e1# :- ~'Either e2# :- ~'Either] (either.core/<> e1# e2#))
(schema.core/defn ~'either [lfn# rfn# e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/either lfn# rfn# e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'from-either [lfn# e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/from-either lfn# e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'from-either! [e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/from-either! e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'bimap :- ~'Either [lfn# rfn# e# :- ~'Either] (either.core/bimap lfn# rfn# e#))
(schema.core/defn ~'bifoldmap :- [~'Either] [lfn# rfn# es# :- [~'Either]] (either.core/bifoldmap lfn# rfn# es#))
(schema.core/defn ~'partition-eithers :- {:vals [rs#] :errs [ls#]} [es# :- [~'Either]] (either.core/partition-eithers es#))
(schema.core/defn ~'rights :- [rs#] [es# :- [~'Either]] (either.core/rights es#))
(schema.core/defn ~'lefts :- [ls#] [es# :- [~'Either]] (either.core/lefts es#))))