Henrik Lissner a2b02942f8
fix: void-function set-fontset-font error
Due to some packages and modules using this in some (non-GUI) builds of
Emacs. display-graphic-p isn't enough here, so rather than police all
the possible offenders, I've defined it to no-op in those cases,

Close: #6876
2022-10-29 01:57:42 +02:00

651 lines
25 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

;;; doom-ui.el --- defaults for Doom's aesthetics -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code;
;;; Variables
(defvar doom-theme nil
"A symbol representing the Emacs theme to load at startup.
Set to `nil' to load no theme at all. This variable is changed by
(defvar doom-font nil
"The default font to use.
Must be a `font-spec', a font object, an XFT font string, or an XLFD string.
This affects the `default' and `fixed-pitch' faces.
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family \"Fira Mono\" :size 12))
(setq doom-font \"Terminus (TTF):pixelsize=12:antialias=off\")
(setq doom-font \"Fira Code-14\")")
(defvar doom-variable-pitch-font nil
"The default font to use for variable-pitch text.
Must be a `font-spec', a font object, an XFT font string, or an XLFD string. See
`doom-font' for examples.
An omitted font size means to inherit `doom-font''s size.")
(defvar doom-serif-font nil
"The default font to use for the `fixed-pitch-serif' face.
Must be a `font-spec', a font object, an XFT font string, or an XLFD string. See
`doom-font' for examples.
An omitted font size means to inherit `doom-font''s size.")
(defvar doom-unicode-font nil
"Fallback font for Unicode glyphs.
Must be a `font-spec', a font object, an XFT font string, or an XLFD string. See
`doom-font' for examples.
The defaults on macOS and Linux are Apple Color Emoji and Symbola, respectively.
WARNING: if you specify a size for this font it will hard-lock any usage of this
font to that size. It's rarely a good idea to do so!")
(defvar doom-emoji-fallback-font-families
'("Apple Color Emoji"
"Segoe UI Emoji"
"Noto Color Emoji"
"Noto Emoji")
"A list of fallback font families to use for emojis.")
(defvar doom-symbol-fallback-font-families
'("Segoe UI Symbol"
"Apple Symbols")
"A list of fallback font families for general symbol glyphs.")
;;; Custom hooks
(defvar doom-init-ui-hook nil
"List of hooks to run when the UI has been initialized.")
(defvar doom-load-theme-hook nil
"Hook run after the theme is loaded with `load-theme' or reloaded with
(defvar doom-switch-buffer-hook nil
"A list of hooks run after changing the current buffer.")
(defvar doom-switch-window-hook nil
"A list of hooks run after changing the focused windows.")
(defvar doom-switch-frame-hook nil
"A list of hooks run after changing the focused frame.")
(defun doom-run-switch-buffer-hooks-h (&optional _)
(let ((gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(inhibit-redisplay t))
(run-hooks 'doom-switch-buffer-hook)))
(defvar doom--last-frame nil)
(defun doom-run-switch-window-or-frame-hooks-h (&optional _)
(let ((gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(inhibit-redisplay t))
(unless (equal (old-selected-frame) (selected-frame))
(run-hooks 'doom-switch-frame-hook))
(unless (or (minibufferp)
(equal (old-selected-window) (minibuffer-window)))
(run-hooks 'doom-switch-window-hook))))
(defun doom-protect-fallback-buffer-h ()
"Don't kill the scratch buffer. Meant for `kill-buffer-query-functions'."
(not (eq (current-buffer) (doom-fallback-buffer))))
(defun doom-highlight-non-default-indentation-h ()
"Highlight whitespace at odds with `indent-tabs-mode'.
That is, highlight tabs if `indent-tabs-mode' is `nil', and highlight spaces at
the beginnings of lines if `indent-tabs-mode' is `t'. The purpose is to make
incorrect indentation in the current buffer obvious to you.
Does nothing if `whitespace-mode' or `global-whitespace-mode' is already active
or if the current buffer is read-only or not file-visiting."
(unless (or (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
(bound-and-true-p global-whitespace-mode)
(null buffer-file-name))
(require 'whitespace)
(set (make-local-variable 'whitespace-style)
(cl-union (if indent-tabs-mode
'(tabs tab-mark))
(when whitespace-mode
(remq 'face whitespace-active-style))))
(cl-pushnew 'face whitespace-style) ; must be first
(whitespace-mode +1)))
;;; General UX
;; A simple confirmation prompt when killing Emacs. But only prompt when there
;; are real buffers open.
(setq confirm-kill-emacs #'doom-quit-p)
;; Prompt for confirmation when deleting a non-empty frame; a last line of
;; defense against accidental loss of work.
(global-set-key [remap delete-frame] #'doom/delete-frame-with-prompt)
;; Don't prompt for confirmation when we create a new file or buffer (assume the
;; user knows what they're doing).
(setq confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer nil)
(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward
;; no beeping or blinking please
ring-bell-function #'ignore
visible-bell nil)
;; middle-click paste at point, not at click
(setq mouse-yank-at-point t)
;; Larger column width for function name in profiler reports
(after! profiler
(setf (caar profiler-report-cpu-line-format) 80
(caar profiler-report-memory-line-format) 80))
;;; Scrolling
(setq hscroll-margin 2
hscroll-step 1
;; Emacs spends too much effort recentering the screen if you scroll the
;; cursor more than N lines past window edges (where N is the settings of
;; `scroll-conservatively'). This is especially slow in larger files
;; during large-scale scrolling commands. If kept over 100, the window is
;; never automatically recentered.
scroll-conservatively 101
scroll-margin 0
scroll-preserve-screen-position t
;; Reduce cursor lag by a tiny bit by not auto-adjusting `window-vscroll'
;; for tall lines.
auto-window-vscroll nil
;; mouse
mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(2 ((shift) . hscroll))
mouse-wheel-scroll-amount-horizontal 2)
;;; Cursor
;; The blinking cursor is distracting, but also interferes with cursor settings
;; in some minor modes that try to change it buffer-locally (like treemacs) and
;; can cause freezing for folks (esp on macOS) with customized & color cursors.
(blink-cursor-mode -1)
;; Don't blink the paren matching the one at point, it's too distracting.
(setq blink-matching-paren nil)
;; Don't stretch the cursor to fit wide characters, it is disorienting,
;; especially for tabs.
(setq x-stretch-cursor nil)
;;; Buffers
(defadvice! doom--switch-to-fallback-buffer-maybe-a (&rest _)
"Switch to `doom-fallback-buffer' if on last real buffer.
Advice for `kill-current-buffer'. If in a dedicated window, delete it. If there
are no real buffers left OR if all remaining buffers are visible in other
windows, switch to `doom-fallback-buffer'. Otherwise, delegate to original
:before-until #'kill-current-buffer
(let ((buf (current-buffer)))
(cond ((window-dedicated-p)
((eq buf (doom-fallback-buffer))
(message "Can't kill the fallback buffer.")
((doom-real-buffer-p buf)
(let ((visible-p (delq (selected-window) (get-buffer-window-list buf nil t))))
(unless visible-p
(when (and (buffer-modified-p buf)
(not (y-or-n-p
(format "Buffer %s is modified; kill anyway?"
(user-error "Aborted")))
(let ((inhibit-redisplay t)
(when (or ;; if there aren't more real buffers than visible buffers,
;; then there are no real, non-visible buffers left.
(not (cl-set-difference (doom-real-buffer-list)
;; if we end up back where we start (or previous-buffer
;; returns nil), we have nowhere left to go
(memq (switch-to-prev-buffer nil t) (list buf 'nil)))
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer)))
(unless visible-p
(with-current-buffer buf
(restore-buffer-modified-p nil))
(kill-buffer buf)))
(run-hooks 'buffer-list-update-hook)
;;; Fringes
;; Reduce the clutter in the fringes; we'd like to reserve that space for more
;; useful information, like git-gutter and flycheck.
(setq indicate-buffer-boundaries nil
indicate-empty-lines nil)
;;; Windows/frames
;; A simple frame title
(setq frame-title-format '("%b Doom Emacs")
icon-title-format frame-title-format)
;; Don't resize the frames in steps; it looks weird, especially in tiling window
;; managers, where it can leave unseemly gaps.
(setq frame-resize-pixelwise t)
;; But do not resize windows pixelwise, this can cause crashes in some cases
;; when resizing too many windows at once or rapidly.
(setq window-resize-pixelwise nil)
;; UX: GUIs are inconsistent across systems, desktop environments, and themes,
;; and don't match the look of Emacs. They also impose inconsistent shortcut
;; key paradigms. I'd rather Emacs be responsible for prompting.
(setq use-dialog-box nil)
(when (bound-and-true-p tooltip-mode)
(tooltip-mode -1))
;; FIX: The native border "consumes" a pixel of the fringe on righter-most
;; splits, `window-divider' does not. Available since Emacs 25.1.
(setq window-divider-default-places t
window-divider-default-bottom-width 1
window-divider-default-right-width 1)
(add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'window-divider-mode)
;; UX: Favor vertical splits over horizontal ones. Monitors are trending toward
;; wide, rather than tall.
(setq split-width-threshold 160
split-height-threshold nil)
;;; Minibuffer
;; Allow for minibuffer-ception. Sometimes we need another minibuffer command
;; while we're in the minibuffer.
(setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
;; Show current key-sequence in minibuffer ala 'set showcmd' in vim. Any
;; feedback after typing is better UX than no feedback at all.
(setq echo-keystrokes 0.02)
;; Expand the minibuffer to fit multi-line text displayed in the echo-area. This
;; doesn't look too great with direnv, however...
(setq resize-mini-windows 'grow-only)
;; Typing yes/no is obnoxious when y/n will do
(if (boundp 'use-short-answers)
(setq use-short-answers t)
;; DEPRECATED: Remove when we drop 27.x support
(advice-add #'yes-or-no-p :override #'y-or-n-p))
;; Try to keep the cursor out of the read-only portions of the minibuffer.
(setq minibuffer-prompt-properties '(read-only t intangible t cursor-intangible t face minibuffer-prompt))
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'cursor-intangible-mode)
;;; Built-in packages
;;;###package ansi-color
(setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode t)
(after! comint
(setq comint-prompt-read-only t
comint-buffer-maximum-size 2048)) ; double the default
(after! compile
(setq compilation-always-kill t ; kill compilation process before starting another
compilation-ask-about-save nil ; save all buffers on `compile'
compilation-scroll-output 'first-error)
;; Handle ansi codes in compilation buffer
;; DEPRECATED Use `ansi-color-compilation-filter' when dropping 27.x support
(add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook #'doom-apply-ansi-color-to-compilation-buffer-h)
;; Automatically truncate compilation buffers so they don't accumulate too
;; much data and bog down the rest of Emacs.
(autoload 'comint-truncate-buffer "comint" nil t)
(add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook #'comint-truncate-buffer))
(after! ediff
(setq ediff-diff-options "-w" ; turn off whitespace checking
ediff-split-window-function #'split-window-horizontally
ediff-window-setup-function #'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
(defvar doom--ediff-saved-wconf nil)
;; Restore window config after quitting ediff
(add-hook! 'ediff-before-setup-hook
(defun doom-ediff-save-wconf-h ()
(setq doom--ediff-saved-wconf (current-window-configuration))))
(add-hook! '(ediff-quit-hook ediff-suspend-hook) :append
(defun doom-ediff-restore-wconf-h ()
(when (window-configuration-p doom--ediff-saved-wconf)
(set-window-configuration doom--ediff-saved-wconf)))))
(use-package! hl-line
;; Highlights the current line
:hook (doom-first-buffer . global-hl-line-mode)
(defvar global-hl-line-modes
'(prog-mode text-mode conf-mode special-mode
org-agenda-mode dired-mode)
"What modes to enable `hl-line-mode' in.")
;; HACK I reimplement `global-hl-line-mode' so we can white/blacklist modes in
;; `global-hl-line-modes' _and_ so we can use `global-hl-line-mode',
;; which users expect to control hl-line in Emacs.
(define-globalized-minor-mode global-hl-line-mode hl-line-mode
(lambda ()
(and (cond (hl-line-mode nil)
((null global-hl-line-modes) nil)
((eq global-hl-line-modes t))
((eq (car global-hl-line-modes) 'not)
(not (derived-mode-p global-hl-line-modes)))
((apply #'derived-mode-p global-hl-line-modes)))
(hl-line-mode +1))))
;; Temporarily disable `hl-line' when selection is active, since it doesn't
;; serve much purpose when the selection is so much more visible.
(defvar doom--hl-line-mode nil)
(add-hook! 'hl-line-mode-hook
(defun doom-truly-disable-hl-line-h ()
(unless hl-line-mode
(setq-local doom--hl-line-mode nil))))
(add-hook! '(evil-visual-state-entry-hook activate-mark-hook)
(defun doom-disable-hl-line-h ()
(when hl-line-mode
(hl-line-mode -1)
(setq-local doom--hl-line-mode t))))
(add-hook! '(evil-visual-state-exit-hook deactivate-mark-hook)
(defun doom-enable-hl-line-maybe-h ()
(when doom--hl-line-mode
(hl-line-mode +1)))))
(use-package! winner
;; undo/redo changes to Emacs' window layout
:preface (defvar winner-dont-bind-my-keys t) ; I'll bind keys myself
:hook (doom-first-buffer . winner-mode)
(appendq! winner-boring-buffers
'("*Compile-Log*" "*inferior-lisp*" "*Fuzzy Completions*"
"*Apropos*" "*Help*" "*cvs*" "*Buffer List*" "*Ibuffer*"
"*esh command on file*")))
(use-package! paren
;; highlight matching delimiters
:hook (doom-first-buffer . show-paren-mode)
(setq show-paren-delay 0.1
show-paren-highlight-openparen t
show-paren-when-point-inside-paren t
show-paren-when-point-in-periphery t))
;;;###package whitespace
(setq whitespace-line-column nil
'(face indentation tabs tab-mark spaces space-mark newline newline-mark
trailing lines-tail)
'((tab-mark ?\t [? ?\t])
(newline-mark ?\n [ ?\n])
(space-mark ?\ [] [?.])))
;;; Third party packages
(use-package! all-the-icons
:commands (all-the-icons-octicon
(add-hook! 'after-setting-font-hook
(defun doom-init-all-the-icons-fonts-h ()
(when (fboundp 'set-fontset-font)
(dolist (font (list "Weather Icons"
"Material Icons"))
(set-fontset-font t 'unicode font nil 'append)))))
(cond ((daemonp)
(defadvice! doom--disable-all-the-icons-in-tty-a (fn &rest args)
"Return a blank string in tty Emacs, which doesn't support multiple fonts."
:around '(all-the-icons-octicon all-the-icons-material
all-the-icons-faicon all-the-icons-fileicon
all-the-icons-wicon all-the-icons-alltheicon)
(if (or (not after-init-time) (display-multi-font-p))
(apply fn args)
((not (display-graphic-p))
(defadvice! doom--disable-all-the-icons-in-tty-a (&rest _)
"Return a blank string for tty users."
:override '(all-the-icons-octicon all-the-icons-material
all-the-icons-faicon all-the-icons-fileicon
all-the-icons-wicon all-the-icons-alltheicon)
;; Hide the mode line in completion popups and MAN pages because they serve
;; little purpose there, and is better hidden.
;;;###package hide-mode-line-mode
(add-hook! '(completion-list-mode-hook Man-mode-hook)
;; Many major modes do no highlighting of number literals, so we do it for them
(use-package! highlight-numbers
:hook ((prog-mode conf-mode) . highlight-numbers-mode)
:config (setq highlight-numbers-generic-regexp "\\_<[[:digit:]]+\\(?:\\.[0-9]*\\)?\\_>"))
;;;###package image
(setq image-animate-loop t)
;;;###package rainbow-delimiters
;; Helps us distinguish stacked delimiter pairs, especially in parentheses-drunk
;; languages like Lisp. I reduce it from it's default of 9 to reduce the
;; complexity of the font-lock keyword and hopefully buy us a few ms of
;; performance.
(setq rainbow-delimiters-max-face-count 4)
;;; Line numbers
;; Explicitly define a width to reduce the cost of on-the-fly computation
(setq-default display-line-numbers-width 3)
;; Show absolute line numbers for narrowed regions to make it easier to tell the
;; buffer is narrowed, and where you are, exactly.
(setq-default display-line-numbers-widen t)
;; Enable line numbers in most text-editing modes. We avoid
;; `global-display-line-numbers-mode' because there are many special and
;; temporary modes where we don't need/want them.
(add-hook! '(prog-mode-hook text-mode-hook conf-mode-hook)
;; Fix #2742: cursor is off by 4 characters in `artist-mode'
;; REVIEW Reported upstream
;; DEPRECATED Fixed in Emacs 28; remove when we drop 27 support
(unless (> emacs-major-version 27)
(add-hook 'artist-mode-hook #'doom-disable-line-numbers-h))
;;; Theme & font
;; User themes should live in $DOOMDIR/themes, not ~/.emacs.d
(setq custom-theme-directory (concat doom-user-dir "themes/"))
;; Third party themes add themselves to `custom-theme-load-path', but the themes
;; living in $DOOMDIR/themes should always have priority.
(setq custom-theme-load-path
(cons 'custom-theme-directory
(delq 'custom-theme-directory custom-theme-load-path)))
(defun doom--make-font-specs (face font)
(let* ((base-specs (cadr (assq 'user (get face 'theme-face))))
(base-specs (or base-specs '((t nil))))
(attrs '(:family :foundry :slant :weight :height :width))
(new-specs nil))
(dolist (spec base-specs)
(let ((display (car spec))
(plist (copy-tree (nth 1 spec))))
;; Alter only DISPLAY conditions matching this frame.
(when (or (memq display '(t default))
(face-spec-set-match-display display this-frame))
(dolist (attr attrs)
(setq plist (plist-put plist attr (face-attribute face attr)))))
(push (list display plist) new-specs)))
(nreverse new-specs)))
(defun doom-init-fonts-h (&optional reload)
"Loads `doom-font'."
(dolist (map `((default . ,doom-font)
(fixed-pitch . ,doom-font)
(fixed-pitch-serif . ,doom-serif-font)
(variable-pitch . ,doom-variable-pitch-font)))
(when-let* ((face (car map))
(font (cdr map)))
(dolist (frame (frame-list))
(when (display-multi-font-p frame)
(set-face-attribute face frame
:width 'normal :weight 'normal
:slant 'normal :font font)))
(let ((new-specs (doom--make-font-specs face font)))
;; Don't save to `customized-face' so it's omitted from `custom-file'
;;(put face 'customized-face new-specs)
(custom-push-theme 'theme-face face 'user 'set new-specs)
(put face 'face-modified nil))))
(when (fboundp 'set-fontset-font)
(let ((fn (doom-rpartial #'member (font-family-list))))
(when-let (font (cl-find-if fn doom-symbol-fallback-font-families))
(set-fontset-font t 'symbol font))
(when-let (font (cl-find-if fn doom-emoji-fallback-font-families))
(set-fontset-font t 'unicode font))
(when doom-unicode-font
(set-fontset-font t 'unicode doom-unicode-font))))
;; Users should inject their own font logic in `after-setting-font-hook'
(run-hooks 'after-setting-font-hook))
(defun doom-init-theme-h (&rest _)
"Load the theme specified by `doom-theme' in FRAME."
(when (and doom-theme (not (custom-theme-enabled-p doom-theme)))
(load-theme doom-theme t)))
(defadvice! doom--load-theme-a (fn theme &optional no-confirm no-enable)
"Record `doom-theme', disable old themes, and trigger `doom-load-theme-hook'."
:around #'load-theme
;; Run `load-theme' from an estranged buffer, where we can ensure that
;; buffer-local face remaps (by `mixed-pitch-mode', for instance) won't
;; interfere with recalculating faces in new themes.
(let ((last-themes (copy-sequence custom-enabled-themes)))
;; Disable previous themes so there are no conflicts. If you truly want
;; multiple themes enabled, then use `enable-theme' instead.
(mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)
(prog1 (funcall fn theme no-confirm no-enable)
(when (and (not no-enable) (custom-theme-enabled-p theme))
(setq doom-theme theme)
(put 'doom-theme 'previous-themes (or last-themes 'none))
;; DEPRECATED Hook into `enable-theme-functions' when we target 29
(doom-run-hooks 'doom-load-theme-hook))))))
;;; Bootstrap
(defun doom-init-ui-h (&optional _)
"Initialize Doom's user interface by applying all its advice and hooks.
These should be done as late as possible, as to avoid/minimize prematurely
triggering hooks during startup."
(doom-run-hooks 'doom-init-ui-hook)
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-query-functions #'doom-protect-fallback-buffer-h)
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'doom-highlight-non-default-indentation-h 'append)
;; Make `next-buffer', `other-buffer', etc. ignore unreal buffers.
(push '(buffer-predicate . doom-buffer-frame-predicate) default-frame-alist)
;; Initialize `doom-switch-window-hook' and `doom-switch-frame-hook'
(add-hook 'window-selection-change-functions #'doom-run-switch-window-or-frame-hooks-h)
;; Initialize `doom-switch-buffer-hook'
(add-hook 'window-buffer-change-functions #'doom-run-switch-buffer-hooks-h)
;; `window-buffer-change-functions' doesn't trigger for files visited via the server.
(add-hook 'server-visit-hook #'doom-run-switch-buffer-hooks-h))
;; Apply fonts and theme
(let ((hook (if (daemonp)
(add-hook hook #'doom-init-fonts-h -100)
(add-hook hook #'doom-init-theme-h -90))
;; PERF: Init UI late, but not too late. Its impact on startup time seems to
;; vary wildly depending on exact placement. `window-setup-hook' appears to be
;; the sweet spot.
(add-hook 'window-setup-hook #'doom-init-ui-h -100)
;;; Fixes/hacks
;; Doom doesn't support `customize' and it never will. It's a clumsy interface
;; that sets variables at a time where it can be easily and unpredictably
;; overwritten. Configure things from your $DOOMDIR instead.
(dolist (sym '(customize-option customize-browse customize-group customize-face
customize-rogue customize-saved customize-apropos
customize-changed customize-unsaved customize-variable
customize-set-value customize-customized customize-set-variable
customize-apropos-faces customize-save-variable
customize-apropos-groups customize-apropos-options
customize-changed-options customize-save-customized))
(put sym 'disabled "Doom doesn't support `customize', configure Emacs from $DOOMDIR/config.el instead"))
(put 'customize-themes 'disabled "Set `doom-theme' or use `load-theme' in $DOOMDIR/config.el instead")
;; These two functions don't exist in terminal Emacs, but some Emacs packages
;; (internal and external) use it anyway, leading to void-function errors. I
;; define a no-op substitute to suppress them.
(unless (fboundp 'define-fringe-bitmap)
(fset 'define-fringe-bitmap #'ignore))
(unless (fboundp 'set-fontset-font)
(fset 'set-fontset-font #'ignore))
(after! whitespace
(defun doom-is-childframes-p ()
"`whitespace-mode' inundates child frames with whitespace markers, so
disable it to fix all that visual noise."
(null (frame-parameter nil 'parent-frame)))
(add-function :before-while whitespace-enable-predicate #'doom-is-childframes-p))
(provide 'doom-ui)
;;; doom-ui.el ends here