2019-03-09 03:42:55 -05:00

161 lines
6.3 KiB

;;; core-projects.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(def-package! projectile
:after-call (after-find-file dired-before-readin-hook)
:commands (projectile-project-root projectile-project-name projectile-project-p)
(setq projectile-cache-file (concat doom-cache-dir "projectile.cache")
projectile-enable-caching (not noninteractive)
projectile-known-projects-file (concat doom-cache-dir "projectile.projects")
projectile-require-project-root t
projectile-globally-ignored-files '(".DS_Store" "Icon
" "TAGS")
projectile-globally-ignored-file-suffixes '(".elc" ".pyc" ".o")
projectile-ignored-projects '("~/" "/tmp")
projectile-kill-buffers-filter 'kill-only-files)
(add-hook 'dired-before-readin-hook #'projectile-track-known-projects-find-file-hook)
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'doom|init-project-mode)
(projectile-mode +1)
[remap evil-jump-to-tag] #'projectile-find-tag
[remap find-tag] #'projectile-find-tag)
;; a more generic project root file
(push ".project" projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up)
(setq projectile-globally-ignored-directories
(append projectile-globally-ignored-directories
(list (abbreviate-file-name doom-local-dir) ".sync"
"node_modules" "flow-typed"))
(append projectile-other-file-alist
'(("css" "scss" "sass" "less" "styl")
("scss" "css")
("sass" "css")
("less" "css")
("styl" "css"))))
;; It breaks projectile's project root resolution if HOME is a project (e.g.
;; it's a git repo). In that case, we disable bottom-up root searching to
;; prevent issues. This makes project resolution a little slower and less
;; accurate in some cases.
(let ((default-directory "~"))
(when (cl-find-if #'projectile-file-exists-p
(message "HOME appears to be a project. Disabling bottom-up root search.")
(setq projectile-project-root-files
(append projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up
projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up nil)))
;; Projectile root-searching functions can cause an infinite loop on TRAMP
;; connections, so disable them.
;; TODO Is this still necessary?
(defun doom*projectile-locate-dominating-file (orig-fn file name)
"Don't traverse the file system if on a remote connection."
(unless (file-remote-p default-directory)
(funcall orig-fn file name)))
(advice-add #'projectile-locate-dominating-file :around #'doom*projectile-locate-dominating-file)
;; If fd exists, use it for git and generic projects
;; fd is a rust program that is significantly faster. It also respects
;; .gitignore. This is recommended in the projectile docs
(when (executable-find "fd")
(setq projectile-git-command "fd . --type f -0 -H -E .git"
projectile-generic-command projectile-git-command)))
;; Project-based minor modes
(defvar-local doom-project nil
"Either the symbol or a list of project modes you want to enable. Available
for .dir-locals.el.")
(defvar doom-project-hook nil
"Hook run when a project is enabled. The name of the project's mode and its
state are passed in.")
(defun doom|init-project-mode ()
"Auto-enable the project(s) listed in `doom-project'."
(when doom-project
(if (symbolp doom-project)
(funcall doom-project)
(cl-loop for mode in doom-project
unless (symbol-value mode)
do (funcall mode)))))
(cl-defmacro def-project-mode! (name &key
"Define a project minor-mode named NAME (a symbol) and declare where and how
it is activated. Project modes allow you to configure 'sub-modes' for
major-modes that are specific to a folder, project structure, framework or
whatever arbitrary context you define. These project modes can have their own
settings, keymaps, hooks, snippets, etc.
This creates NAME-hook and NAME-map as well.
A project can be enabled through .dir-locals.el too, by setting `doom-project'.
PLIST may contain any of these properties, which are all checked to see if NAME
should be activated. If they are *all* true, NAME is activated.
:modes MODES -- if buffers are derived from MODES (one or a list of symbols).
:files FILES -- if project contains FILES; takes a string or a form comprised
of nested (and ...) and/or (or ...) forms. Each path is relative to the
project root, however, if prefixed with a '.' or '..', it is relative to the
current buffer.
:match REGEXP -- if file name matches REGEXP
:when PREDICATE -- if PREDICATE returns true (can be a form or the symbol of a
:add-hooks HOOKS -- HOOKS is a list of hooks to add this mode's hook.
:on-load FORM -- FORM to run the first time this project mode is enabled.
:on-enter FORM -- FORM is run each time the mode is activated.
:on-exit FORM -- FORM is run each time the mode is disabled.
Relevant: `doom-project-hook'."
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((init-var (intern (format "%s-init" name))))
,(if on-load `(defvar ,init-var nil))
(define-minor-mode ,name
"A project minor mode generated by `def-project-mode!'."
:init-value nil
:lighter ""
:keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
(if (not ,name)
(run-hook-with-args 'doom-project-hook ',name ,name)
,(when on-load
`(unless ,init-var
(setq ,init-var t)))
,@(cl-loop for hook in add-hooks
collect `(add-hook ',(intern (format "%s-hook" name))
,(when (or modes match files when)
`(associate! ,name
:modes ,modes
:match ,match
:files ,files
:when ,when)))))
(provide 'core-projects)
;;; core-projects.el ends here