2024-05-21 17:16:38 +02:00
packages.el bump: :ui 2024-05-21 17:16:38 +02:00 docs(*): replace all-the-icons with nerd-icons 2024-05-21 17:16:13 +02:00

:ui zen

Description   unfold

This module provides two minor modes that make Emacs into a more comfortable writing or coding environment. Folks familiar with "distraction-free" or "zen" modes from other editors or doom-package:olivetti, doom-package:sublimity, and doom-package:tabula-rasa (Emacs plugins) will feel right at home.

These modes are:

Which renders (most) text in a variable pitch font (see doom-variable-pitch-font). Unlike variable-pitch-mode, this will not affect segments of text that are intended to remain in a fixed pitch font, such as code blocks or ASCII tables.

Our all-in-one "zen" mode that will:

  1. Center the current buffer.
  2. Remove superfluous UI elements (like the modeline).
  3. Activate mixed-pitch-mode.
  4. Scale up the buffer's text slightly (see +zen-text-scale).
  5. And make the window's borders slightly thicker (see +zen-window-divider-size).

Module flags

This module has no flags.


  • Doom has disabled all of writeroom-mode's "global" effects (writeroom-global-effects and writeroom-maximize-window are set to nil), and encapsulated them into the +zen/toggle-fullscreen command, whereas +zen/toggle will only operate on the current buffer. This way, the user may choose how far-reaching they want its effect to be.
  • text-scale has been advised to adjust visual-fill-column's margins, so its text won't "squeeze" as you scale it up (or "spill" when scaled down).

TODO Changelog

This module does not have a changelog yet.


Enable this module in your doom! block.

This module has no external requirements.


This module provides two entry points:

  • M-x +zen/toggle (on <leader> t z): toggles writeroom-mode (restricted to the current buffer).
  • M-x +zen/toggle-fullscreen (on <leader> t Z): toggles zen mode in full-screen mode (deletes other windows and full screens the Emacs frame).

Invoke either command again to undo the change.

TODO Configuration

󱌣 This module has no configuration documentation yet. Write some?


There are no known problems with this module. Report one?

Frequently asked questions

This module has no FAQs yet. Ask one?

TODO Appendix

󱌣 This module has no appendix yet. Write one?