2024-05-21 17:16:39 +02:00

445 lines
18 KiB

;;; lisp/lib/debug.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
;;; Doom's debug mode
(defvar doom-debug-variables
`(;; Doom variables
(doom-print-minimum-level . debug)
(doom-inhibit-log . nil)
;; Emacs variables
(message-log-max . 16384)
(native-comp-async-report-warnings-errors . silent)
(native-comp-warning-on-missing-source . t)
(warning-suppress-types . nil))
"A list of variable to toggle on `doom-debug-mode'.
Each entry can be a variable symbol or a cons cell whose CAR is the variable
symbol and CDR is the value to set it to when `doom-debug-mode' is activated.")
(defvar doom-debug--unbound-vars nil)
(defun doom-debug--watch-vars-h (&rest _)
(when-let (vars (copy-sequence doom-debug--unbound-vars))
(setq doom-debug--unbound-vars nil)
(mapc #'doom-debug--set-var vars)))
(defun doom-debug--set-var (spec)
(cond ((listp spec)
(pcase-let ((`(,var . ,val) spec))
(if (boundp var)
var (if (not doom-debug-mode)
(prog1 (get var 'initial-value)
(put var 'initial-value nil))
(doom-log "debug:vars: %s = %S" var (default-toplevel-value var))
(put var 'initial-value (default-toplevel-value var))
(add-to-list 'doom-debug--unbound-vars spec))))
((boundp spec)
(doom-log "debug:vars: %s = %S" spec doom-debug-mode)
(set-default-toplevel-value spec doom-debug-mode))
((add-to-list 'doom-debug--unbound-vars (cons spec t)))))
(define-minor-mode doom-debug-mode
"Toggle `debug-on-error' and `init-file-debug' for verbose logging."
:global t
(let ((enabled doom-debug-mode))
(doom-log "debug: enabled!")
(mapc #'doom-debug--set-var doom-debug-variables)
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(when (fboundp 'explain-pause-mode)
(explain-pause-mode (if enabled +1 -1))))
;; Watch for changes in `doom-debug-variables', or when packages load (and
;; potentially define one of `doom-debug-variables'), in case some of them
;; aren't defined when `doom-debug-mode' is first loaded.
(cond (enabled
(unless noninteractive
(message "Debug mode enabled! (Run 'M-x view-echo-area-messages' to open the log buffer)"))
;; Produce more helpful (and visible) error messages from errors
;; emitted from hooks (particularly mode hooks), that usually go
;; unnoticed otherwise.
(advice-add #'run-hooks :override #'doom-run-hooks)
;; Add time stamps to lines in *Messages*
(advice-add #'message :before #'doom--timestamped-message-a)
;; The constant debug output from GC is mostly unhelpful. I still
;; want it logged to *Messages*, just out of the echo area.
(advice-add #'gcmh-idle-garbage-collect :around #'doom-debug-shut-up-a)
(add-variable-watcher 'doom-debug-variables #'doom-debug--watch-vars-h)
(add-hook 'after-load-functions #'doom-debug--watch-vars-h))
(advice-remove #'run-hooks #'doom-run-hooks)
(advice-remove #'message #'doom--timestamped-message-a)
(advice-remove #'gcmh-idle-garbage-collect #'doom-debug-shut-up-a)
(remove-variable-watcher 'doom-debug-variables #'doom-debug--watch-vars-h)
(remove-hook 'after-load-functions #'doom-debug--watch-vars-h)
(doom-log "debug: disabled")
(message "Debug mode disabled!")))))
(defun doom-debug-shut-up-a (fn &rest args)
"Suppress output from FN, even in debug mode."
(let (init-file-debug)
(apply #'doom-shut-up-a fn args)))
;;; Custom debugger
;; HACK: I advise `debug' instead of changing `debugger' to hide the debugger
;; itself from the backtrace. Doing it manually would require reimplementing
;; most of `debug', which is a lot of unnecessary work, when I only want to
;; decorate the original one slightly.
(defadvice! doom-debugger-a (fn &rest args)
:around #'debug
;; Without `doom-debug-mode', be as vanilla as possible.
(if (not doom-debug-mode)
(apply fn args)
;; Work around Emacs's heuristic (in eval.c) for detecting errors in the
;; debugger, which would run this handler again on subsequent calls. Taken
;; from `ert--run-test-debugger'.
(if (and noninteractive (fboundp 'doom-cli-debugger))
(apply #'doom-cli-debugger args)
;; TODO: Write backtraces to file
;; TODO: Write backtrace to a buffer in case recursive error interupts the
;; debugger (happens more often than it should).
(apply fn args))))
(autoload 'backtrace-get-frames "backtrace")
(defun doom-backtrace ()
"Return a stack trace as a list of `backtrace-frame' objects."
;; (let* ((n 0)
;; (frame (backtrace-frame n))
;; (frame-list nil)
;; (in-program-stack nil))
;; (while frame
;; (when in-program-stack
;; (push (cdr frame) frame-list))
;; (when (eq (elt frame 1) debugger)
;; (setq in-program-stack t))
;; ;; (when (and (eq (elt frame 1) 'doom-cli-execute)
;; ;; (eq (elt frame 2) :doom))
;; ;; (setq in-program-stack nil))
;; (setq n (1+ n)
;; frame (backtrace-frame n)))
;; (nreverse frame-list))
(cdr (backtrace-get-frames debugger)))
(defun doom-backtrace-write-to-file (backtrace file)
"Write BACKTRACE to FILE with appropriate boilerplate."
(make-directory (file-name-directory file) t)
(let ((doom-print-indent 0))
(with-temp-file file
(insert ";; -*- lisp-interaction -*-\n")
(insert ";; vim: set ft=lisp:\n")
(insert (format ";; command=%S\n" command-line-args))
(insert (format ";; date=%S\n\n" (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S" before-init-time)))
(insert ";;;; ENVIRONMENT\n" (with-output-to-string (doom/version)) "\n")
(let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
(print-quoted t)
(print-escape-newlines t)
(print-escape-control-characters t)
(print-symbols-bare t)
(print-level nil)
(print-circle nil)
(n -1))
(mapc (lambda (frame)
(princ (format ";;;; %d\n" (cl-incf n)))
(pp (list (cons (backtrace-frame-fun frame)
(backtrace-frame-args frame))
(backtrace-frame-locals frame)))
;;; Time-stamped *Message* logs
(defun doom--timestamped-message-a (format-string &rest _args)
"Advice to run before `message' that prepends a timestamp to each message.
Activate this advice with:
(advice-add 'message :before 'doom--timestamped-message-a)"
(when (and (stringp format-string)
message-log-max ; if nil, logging is disabled
(not (equal format-string "%s%s"))
(not (equal format-string "\n")))
(with-current-buffer "*Messages*"
(let ((timestamp (format-time-string "[%F %T] " (current-time)))
(deactivate-mark nil))
(goto-char (point-max))
(if (not (bolp))
(insert timestamp))))
(let ((window (get-buffer-window "*Messages*")))
(when (and window (not (equal (selected-window) window)))
(with-current-buffer "*Messages*"
(goto-char (point-max))
(set-window-point window (point-max)))))))
;;; Hooks
(defun doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h ()
"Run all startup Emacs hooks. Meant to be executed after starting Emacs with
-q or -Q, for example:
emacs -Q -l init.el -f doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h"
(setq after-init-time (current-time))
(let ((inhibit-startup-hooks nil))
(doom-run-hooks 'after-init-hook
;;; Helpers
(defsubst doom--collect-forms-in (file form)
(when (file-readable-p file)
(let (forms)
(insert-file-contents file)
(with-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table
(while (re-search-forward (format "(%s " (regexp-quote form)) nil t)
(let ((ppss (syntax-ppss)))
(unless (or (nth 4 ppss)
(nth 3 ppss))
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(push (sexp-at-point) forms))))))
(nreverse forms)))))
(defun doom-info ()
"Returns diagnostic information about the current Emacs session in markdown,
ready to be pasted in a bug report on github."
(require 'vc-git)
(require 'doom-packages)
(let ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir))
(letf! ((defun sh (&rest args) (cdr (apply #'doom-call-process args)))
(defun cat (file &optional limit)
(insert-file-contents file nil 0 limit)
(defun abbrev-path (path)
(regexp-opt (list (user-login-name)) 'words) "$USER"
(abbreviate-file-name path)))
(defun symlink-path (file)
(format "%s%s" (abbrev-path file)
(if (file-symlink-p file)
(concat " -> " (abbrev-path (file-truename file)))
`((generated . ,(format-time-string "%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S"))
(system . ,(delq
nil (list (doom-system-distro-version)
(when (executable-find "uname")
(sh "uname" "-msr"))
(emacs . ,(delq
nil (list emacs-version
(bound-and-true-p emacs-repository-branch)
(and (stringp emacs-repository-version)
(substring emacs-repository-version 0 9))
(format "EMACSDIR=%s" (symlink-path doom-emacs-dir))
(format "EMACS=%s" (expand-file-name invocation-name invocation-directory)))))
(doom . ,(list doom-version
(if doom-profile
(format "PROFILE=%s@%s"
(car doom-profile)
(cdr doom-profile))
(if (file-exists-p! ".git" doom-emacs-dir)
(sh "git" "log" "-1" "--format=%D %h %ci")
"[no repo]")
(symlink-path doom-user-dir)))
(shell . ,(abbrev-path shell-file-name))
(features . ,system-configuration-features)
. ,(mapcar
nil (list (cond (noninteractive 'batch)
((display-graphic-p) 'gui)
(if (daemonp) 'daemon)
(if (and (require 'server)
(if (boundp 'chemacs-version)
(intern (format "chemacs-%s" chemacs-version)))
(if (file-exists-p doom-env-file)
(if (featurep 'exec-path-from-shell)
(if (file-symlink-p doom-emacs-dir)
(if (file-symlink-p doom-user-dir)
(if (and (stringp custom-file) (file-exists-p custom-file))
(if (doom-files-in doom-user-dir :type 'files :match "\\.elc$")
(if (doom-files-in doom-core-dir :type 'files :match "\\.elc$")
(if (doom-files-in doom-module-load-path :type 'files :match "\\.elc$")
,@(when (and (stringp custom-file)
(file-exists-p custom-file))
(cl-loop for (type var _) in (get 'user 'theme-settings)
if (eq type 'theme-value)
collect var)))
,@(or (cl-loop with lastcat = nil
for (cat . mod) in (seq-filter #'cdr (doom-module-list))
if (or (not lastcat)
(not (eq lastcat cat)))
do (setq lastcat cat)
and collect lastcat
(let* ((flags (doom-module-get lastcat mod :flags))
(path (doom-module-get lastcat mod :path))
(cond ((null path)
(list '&nopath))
((not (file-in-directory-p path doom-modules-dir))
(list '&user)))
(if flags
`(,mod ,@flags)
(list mod)))))
(if (= (length module) 1)
(car module)
,@(condition-case e
#'cdr (doom--collect-forms-in
(doom-path doom-user-dir doom-module-packages-file)
(error (format "<%S>" e))))
,@(condition-case e
(mapcan #'identity
#'cdr (doom--collect-forms-in
(doom-path doom-user-dir doom-module-packages-file)
(error (list (format "<%S>" e)))))
,@(condition-case e
(unless (bound-and-true-p package--initialized)
(cl-loop for (name . _) in package-alist
collect (format "%s" name)))
(error (format "<%S>" e))))))))
(defun doom-info-string (&optional width nocolor)
"Return the `doom-info' as a compact string.
FILL-COLUMN determines the column at which lines will be broken."
(let ((doom-print-backend (unless nocolor doom-print-backend))
(doom-print-indent 0))
(dolist (spec (cl-remove-if-not #'cdr (doom-info)) (buffer-string))
;; FIXME Refactor this horrible cludge, either here or in `format!'
(insert! ((bold "%-10s ") (symbol-name (car spec)))
(if (listp (cdr spec))
(mapconcat (doom-partial #'format "%s")
(cdr spec)
" ")
(cdr spec))
(- (or width 80) 11))
;;; Commands
(defun doom/version ()
"Display the running version of Doom core, module sources, and Emacs."
(print! "%s\n%s\n%s"
(format "%-13s v%-15s %s"
"GNU Emacs"
(format "%-13s v%-15s %s"
"Doom core"
(or (cdr (doom-call-process
"git" "-C" (expand-file-name doom-emacs-dir)
"log" "-1" "--format=%D %h %ci"))
;; NOTE This is a placeholder. Our modules will be moved to its own
;; repo eventually, and Doom core will later be capable of managing
;; them like package sources.
(format "%-13s v%-15s %s"
"Doom modules"
(or (cdr (doom-call-process
"git" "-C" (expand-file-name doom-modules-dir)
"log" "-1" "--format=%D %h %ci"))
(defun doom/info ()
"Collects some debug information about your Emacs session, formats it and
copies it to your clipboard, ready to be pasted into bug reports!"
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*doom info*")))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(insert (doom-info-string 86)))
(pop-to-buffer buffer)
(kill-new (buffer-string))
(when (y-or-n-p "Your doom-info was copied to the clipboard.\n\nOpen")
(browse-url "")))))
;;; Profiling
(defvar doom--profiler nil)
(defun doom/toggle-profiler ()
"Toggle the Emacs profiler. Run it again to see the profiling report."
(if (not doom--profiler)
(profiler-start 'cpu+mem)
(setq doom--profiler (not doom--profiler)))
(provide 'doom-lib '(debug))
;;; debug.el ends here