2015-01-15 01:46:40 -05:00

95 lines
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;;; Emacs for the jaded vimmer
;; Author: Henrik Lissner <henrik@lissner>
;; URL:
;;; Description:
;; My emacs.d, which sets out to rustle emacs users' jimmies by making
;; emacs as vim-like as possible.
;; Naming conventions:
;; * my--<defun-name> ; interal defuns, meant for use via elisp
;; * my-<defun-name> ; interactive command, can be used via M-x
;; * my.<defun-name> ; commands with buffer side-effects (for keybinds)
;; * my:<defun-name> ; defuns meant to be used from Ex mode
;; * *<defun/var-name> ; for altering the visual state
;;; Code:
(defconst DEBUG-MODE nil)
(defconst my-dir user-emacs-directory)
(defconst my-core-dir (concat my-dir "core/"))
(defconst my-modules-dir (concat my-dir "init/"))
(defconst my-elisp-dir (concat my-dir "elisp/"))
(defconst my-themes-dir (concat my-dir "themes/"))
(defconst my-snippets-dir (concat my-dir "snippets/"))
(defconst my-tmp-dir (concat my-dir ".cache/"))
(defconst *dark-theme 'brin)
(defconst *light-theme 'github) ; wtb better light theme...
(defconst *default-font "Terminus (TTF)")
(defconst *default-font-size (if (eq system-name "ganymede.local") 9 12))
(defconst *alt-font "Terminus")
(defconst *presentation-font "Panic Sans")
(defconst *presentation-font-size 22)
(add-to-list 'load-path my-core-dir)
(add-to-list 'load-path my-modules-dir)
(add-to-list 'load-path my-elisp-dir)
;; Add elisp dirs to load-path
(let ((default-directory my-elisp-dir))
;; Just the... bear necessities...
(mapc 'require
;; ls init/{init,my}* | xargs basename | sed -e 's/\..*$//'
;; init-auto-complete
init-auto-insert ; for the lazy typis
init-company ; see above
init-cc ; C/C++/Obj-C madness
;; init-d ; D - It's C, but better!
;; init-cscope
init-dev ; general dev tools/settings
init-lisp ; all things lisp; elisp, clojure
;; init-erlang
;; init-eshell
;; init-floobits ; when I'm feeling lonely
init-fly ; fly(check|spell)
init-git ; git-gutter + modes
;; init-go
init-helm ; when you forget where you put your constellation
init-ido ; when you forget where you put your keys
init-java ; the poster child for carpal tunnel syndome
init-js ; alert("not java, javascript!")
init-lua ; zero-based indices? Zero-based indices.
;; init-org ; for fearless leader (who is organized)
init-php ; making php less painful to work with
init-project ; project tools - dired, perspective, neotree
init-projectile ; when you forget where you put your house
init-python ; beautiful is better than ugly
init-regex ; /^[^\s](meaning)[^\n]*/
init-ruby ; <3
init-scss ; @include magic;
init-smalltalk ;
init-sh ; #!/bin/bash_your_head_in
init-swift ; yay, emoji variables!
init-text ; I got nothing...
;; init-rust
init-yasnippet ; type for me
;; I've created a monster!