2014-08-13 00:24:22 -04:00

176 lines
5.9 KiB

;;;; Macros ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defmacro λ (&rest body)
`(lambda () (interactive) ,@body))
;; vimmish keymapping shortcuts
(defmacro nmap (map &rest body)
`(evil-define-key 'normal ,map ,@body))
(defmacro vmap (map &rest body)
`(evil-define-key 'visual ,map ,@body))
(defmacro imap (map &rest body)
`(evil-define-key 'insert ,map ,@body))
(defmacro emap (map &rest body)
`(evil-define-key 'emacs ,map ,@body))
;; insert-mode key-chord mapping
(defmacro ichmap (key command)
`(key-chord-define evil-insert-state-map ,key ,command))
;;;; Commands ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; File navigation defuns
(defun my/initfiles ()
"Do an ido-find in ~/.emacs.d"
(ido-find-file-in-dir my/dir))
(defun my/open-scratch ()
"Open a blank scratch buffer"
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*"))
(defun my/expand-space ()
"Insert a space ahead of the cursor"
(save-excursion (insert " ")))
(defun my/expand-backspace ()
"Add a space before and ahead of the cursor"
(save-excursion (delete-char 1))
(delete-backward-char 1))
(defun my/enable-hard-wrap()
"Enable hard line wrapping"
(auto-fill-mode 1))
(defun my/byte-recompile ()
"Byte compile init.el, ~/.emacs.d/init/* and ~/.emacs.d/elisp/*"
(byte-recompile-file (expand-file-name "init.el" my/dir))
(byte-recompile-directory my/init-dir 0)
(byte-recompile-directory my/elisp-dir 0))
(defun my/notes()
"Load up my notes folder in dropbox"
(ido-find-file-in-dir "~/Dropbox/notes"))
(defun my/kill-all-buffers ()
"Kill all buffers, even the one you're in"
(mapc 'kill-buffer (buffer-list))
(message "All buffers killed"))
(defun my/kill-other-buffers ()
"Kill all buffers but the one you're in"
(mapc 'kill-buffer (cdr (buffer-list (current-buffer))))
(message "All other buffers killed"))
(defun my/kill-non-project-buffers ()) ; TODO Implement this
(defun my/recentf-ido-find-file ()
"Find a recent file using ido."
(let ((file (ido-completing-read "Choose recent file: " recentf-list nil t)))
(when file
(find-file file))))
(defun my/ido-goto-symbol (&optional symbol-list)
"Refresh imenu and jump to a place in the buffer using Ido."
(unless (featurep 'imenu)
(require 'imenu nil t))
((not symbol-list)
(let ((ido-mode ido-mode)
(if (boundp 'ido-enable-flex-matching)
ido-enable-flex-matching t))
name-and-pos symbol-names position)
(unless ido-mode
(ido-mode 1)
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t))
(while (progn
(setq imenu--index-alist nil)
(my/ido-goto-symbol (imenu--make-index-alist))
(setq selected-symbol
(ido-completing-read "Symbol? " symbol-names))
(string= (car imenu--rescan-item) selected-symbol)))
(unless (and (boundp 'mark-active) mark-active)
(push-mark nil t nil))
(setq position (cdr (assoc selected-symbol name-and-pos)))
((overlayp position)
(goto-char (overlay-start position)))
(goto-char position)))))
((listp symbol-list)
(dolist (symbol symbol-list)
(let (name position)
((and (listp symbol) (imenu--subalist-p symbol))
(my/ido-goto-symbol symbol))
((listp symbol)
(setq name (car symbol))
(setq position (cdr symbol)))
((stringp symbol)
(setq name symbol)
(setq position
(get-text-property 1 'org-imenu-marker symbol))))
(unless (or (null position) (null name)
(string= (car imenu--rescan-item) name))
(add-to-list 'symbol-names name)
(add-to-list 'name-and-pos (cons name position))))))))
;;;; Ac-setup Defuns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun my/ac-ruby-setup()
"Set up RSense and ac-sources"
(setq ac-sources (append '(ac-source-rsense ac-source-yasnippet) ac-sources)))
(defun my/ac-files-setup()
"Set up filepath completion sources"
(setq ac-sources (append '(ac-source-filename ac-source-files-in-current-dir) ac-sources)))
(defun my/setup-run-code(mode interpreter)
"Set up s-r to run code using a specified interpreter and print the
output in the echo area"
(nmap mode (kbd "s-r")
`(lambda() (interactive) (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) ,interpreter)))
(vmap mode (kbd "s-r")
`(lambda() (interactive) (shell-command-on-region (region-beginning) (region-end) ,interpreter))))
;;;; Tmux defuns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun my/tmux-send(command)
(interactive "sRun command: ")
(shell-command (concat "tmux send-keys C-u " (shell-quote-argument command) " Enter"))
(message "Tmux: Command sent!"))
(defun my/tmux-chdir(dir)
(interactive "DDirectory: ")
(shell-command (concat "tmux send-keys C-u \"cd " dir "\" Enter"))
(message "Tmux: Directory changed!"))
;;;; Mac-specific Defuns ;;;;;;;;;
(when is-mac
;; Send current file to OSX apps
(defun open-file-with (path &optional appName)
(if (not (string= "" appName))
(setq appName (concat "-a " appName ".app")))
(shell-command (concat "open " appName " " path)))
(defun open-with (appName)
(open-file-with (buffer-file-name) appName))
(defun send-to-transmit () (interactive) (open-with "Transmit"))
(defun send-to-launchbar () (interactive) (open-with "LaunchBar"))
(defun send-dir-to-launchbar () (interactive) (open-file-with default-directory "LaunchBar"))
(defun send-dir-to-finder () (interactive) (open-file-with default-directory "Finder")))
(provide 'my-defuns)