Henrik Lissner 30845199b5 Rewrote core initfiles: add mod-ac, mod-fly & mod-git
* mod-ac: fuzzy and unintrusive auto-complete
* mod-fly: on-the-fly syntax and spell checking
* mod-git: git-gutter and git-related modes
2014-07-17 02:59:53 -04:00

71 lines
2.4 KiB

;;; Emacs for the jaded vimmer
;; Author: Henrik Lissner <henrik@lissner>
;; URL:
;; These settings set up a very vim-like experience, with some of emacs goodness
;; squeezed in between the cracks.
;;; Code:
(cd "~") ; Default directory, instead of /
;; (setq debug-on-error t)
;; Append homebrew's bin to emac's PATH
(setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/usr/local/bin")))
;; Global vars
(defvar my-dir (file-name-directory load-file-name))
(defvar my-core-dir (expand-file-name "init" my-dir))
(defvar my-modules-dir (expand-file-name "modules" my-dir))
(defvar my-themes-dir (expand-file-name "themes" my-dir))
(defvar my-elisp-dir (expand-file-name "elisp" my-dir))
(defvar my-tmp-dir (expand-file-name "tmp" my-dir))
;; Setup loadpaths
(add-to-list 'load-path my-core-dir)
(add-to-list 'load-path my-modules-dir)
(add-to-list 'load-path my-elisp-dir)
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path my-themes-dir)
;; Font & color scheme
(load-theme 'brin t)
(defvar my-font "Ubuntu Mono-15")
;; Bootstrap
(dolist (module '(
core ; Emacs core settings
core-packages ; Package init & management
core-ui ; Look and behavior of the emacs UI
core-editor ; Text/code editor settings and behavior
core-osx ; OSX-specific settings & functions
core-project ; Project navigation settings & packages
;; Editor essentials
mod-ac ; Auto-complete engine & settings
mod-git ; GIT tools/settings
mod-fly ; Syntax and spell checkers
; mod-webdev ; Webdev tools (sass, js, etc)
; mod-gamedev ; Gamedev tools (C++, love2D, html5)
; mod-shell ; Goodies for ansi-term
;; Must be last!
core-keymaps ; Global & local keybindings for all modes
(require module))
;;;; Modes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(associate-mode 'ruby-mode '(".rb" "RakeFile"))
(associate-mode 'markdown-mode '(".md" ".markdown" "README"))
(associate-mode 'scss-mode '(".scss"))
(associate-mode 'org-mode '(".org" ".gtd") t)
(associate-mode 'js2-mode '(".js" ".json"))
(associate-mode 'web-mode '(".html" ".htm" ".phtml" ".tpl" ".tpl.php" ".erb"))
; (associate-mode 'lua-mode ".lua")
;; (associate-mode 'yaml-mode ".yml")
;; (associate-mode 'python-mode ".py")