2024-05-21 17:17:03 +02:00

502 lines
18 KiB

;;; lisp/lib/print.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary
;; This is Doom's output library, for controlling what does and doesn't get
;; logged, and provides a simple DSL for formatting output. It's mainly to
;; serve the noninteractive use-case, as `message' is more than good enough in
;; interactive sessions, but `print!' and `doom-log' are safe to use as a
;; drop-in replacement.
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'doom)) ; be silent, o'byte-compiler
(require 'ansi-color)
;;; Variables
(defvar doom-print-ansi-alist
'(;; fx
(bold . 1)
(dark . 2)
(italic . 3)
(underscore . 4)
(blink . 5)
(rapid . 6)
(contrary . 7)
(concealed . 8)
(strike . 9)
;; fg
(black . 30)
(red . 31)
(green . 32)
(yellow . 33)
(blue . 34)
(magenta . 35)
(cyan . 36)
(white . 37)
;; bg
(on-black . 40)
(on-red . 41)
(on-green . 42)
(on-yellow . 43)
(on-blue . 44)
(on-magenta . 45)
(on-cyan . 46)
(on-white . 47))
"An alist of fg/bg/fx names mapped to ansi codes.
This serves as the cipher for converting (COLOR ...) function calls in `print!'
and `format!' into colored output, where COLOR is any car of this list (or
(defvar doom-print-class-alist
`((buffer . doom-print--buffer)
(color . doom-print--style)
(class . doom-print--class)
(indent . doom-print--indent)
(fill . doom-print--fill)
(join . doom-print--join)
(org . doom-print--org)
(markup . doom-print--cli-markup)
(trim . string-trim)
(rtrim . string-trim-right)
(ltrim . string-trim-left)
(p . doom-print--paragraph)
(truncate . doom-print--truncate)
(success . (lambda (str &rest args)
(apply #'doom-print--style 'green
(doom-print--indent str "")
(warn . (lambda (str &rest args)
(apply #'doom-print--style 'yellow
(doom-print--indent str "! ")
(error . (lambda (str &rest args)
(apply #'doom-print--style 'red
(doom-print--indent str "x ")
(item . (lambda (str &rest args)
(if args (apply #'format str args) str)
"- ")))
(start . (lambda (str &rest args)
(if args (apply #'format str args) str)
"> ")))
(path . (lambda (&rest segments)
(abbreviate-file-name (apply #'doom-path segments))))
(symbol . symbol-name)
(relpath . (lambda (str &optional dir)
(if (or (not str)
(not (stringp str))
(string-blank-p str))
(let ((dir (or dir (file-truename default-directory)))
(str (file-truename str)))
(if (file-in-directory-p str dir)
(file-relative-name str dir)
(abbreviate-file-name str))))))
(filename . file-name-nondirectory)
(dirname . (lambda (path)
(unless (file-directory-p path)
(setq path (file-name-directory path)))
(directory-file-name path))))
"An alist of text classes that map to transformation functions.
Any of these classes can be called like functions from within `format!' and
`print!' calls, which will transform their input.")
(defvar doom-print-indent 0
"Level to rigidly indent text returned by `format!' and `print!'.")
(defvar doom-print-indent-increment 2
"Steps in which to increment `doom-print-indent' for consecutive levels.")
(defvar doom-print-backend (if noninteractive 'ansi 'text-properties)
"Whether to print colors/styles with ANSI codes or with text properties.
Accepts `ansi' and `text-properties'. `nil' means don't render styles at all.")
(defvar doom-print-level 'notice
"The current, default logging level.")
(defvar doom-print-minimum-level 'notice
"The minimum logging level for a message to be output.")
;; Record print levels in these symbols for easy, quasi-read-only access later.
(let ((levels '(debug ; the system is thinking out loud
info ; less details about important progress
notice ; important details about important progress
warning ; a dismissable issue that may have reprecussions later
error))) ; something has gone terribly wrong
(dotimes (i (length levels))
(put (nth i levels) 'print-level i)))
;;; Library
(cl-defun doom-print
(output &key
(format nil)
(level doom-print-level)
(newline t)
(stream standard-output))
"Print OUTPUT to stdout.
Unlike `message', this:
- Respects the value of `standard-output'.
- Indents according to `doom-print-indent' (if FORMAT is non-nil).
- Prints to stdout instead of stderr in batch mode.
- Recognizes more terminal escape codes (only in batch mode).
- No-ops if OUTPUT is nil or an empty/blank string.
Returns OUTPUT."
(cl-check-type output (or null string))
(when (and (stringp output)
(or (eq level t)
(if (listp level)
(memq doom-print-minimum-level level)
(>= (get level 'print-level)
(get doom-print-minimum-level 'print-level)))))
(when format
(setq output (doom-print--format "%s" output)))
(princ output stream)
(if newline (terpri stream))
(defmacro format! (message &rest args)
"An alternative to `format' that understands `print!'s style syntax."
`(doom-print--format ,@(doom-print--apply `(,message ,@args))))
(defmacro print-group! (&rest body)
"Indents any `print!' or `format!' output within BODY."
(declare (indent defun))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key if indent level verbose title
;; TODO: Implement these
(cl-loop for (key val) on body by #'cddr
while (keywordp key)
collect (pop body)
collect (pop body))
(if verbose (setq level ''info))
,@(if title `((print! (start ,title))))
(let ((doom-print-level (or ,level doom-print-level))
(+ (if ,(or if t) (or ,indent doom-print-indent-increment) 0)
(defmacro print! (message &rest args)
"Prints MESSAGE, formatted with ARGS, to stdout.
Returns non-nil if the message is a non-empty string.
Can be colored using (color ...) blocks:
(print! \"Hello %s\" (bold (blue \"How are you?\")))
(print! \"Hello %s\" (red \"World\"))
(print! (green \"Great %s!\") \"success\")
Uses faces in interactive sessions and ANSI codes otherwise."
`(doom-print (format! ,message ,@args)))
(defmacro insert! (&rest args)
"Like `insert', but with the power of `format!'.
Each argument in ARGS can be a list, as if they were arguments to `format!':
\(fn &rest (MESSAGE . ARGS)...)"
`(insert ,@(cl-loop for arg in args
if (listp arg)
collect `(format! ,@arg)
else collect arg)))
(defvar doom-print--output-depth 0)
(defmacro with-output-to! (streamspec &rest body)
"Capture all output within BODY according to STREAMSPEC.
STREAMSPEC is a list of log specifications, indicating where to write output
based on the print level of the message. For example:
`((>= notice ,(get-buffer-create \"*stdout*\"))
(= error ,(get-buffer-create \"*errors*\"))
(t . ,(get-buffer-create \"*debug*\")))"
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((sym (make-symbol "streamspec")))
`(letf! ((,sym ,streamspec)
(standard-output (doom-print--redirect-standard-output ,sym t))
(#'message (doom-print--redirect-message ,sym (if noninteractive 'debug 'notice)))
(doom-print--output-depth (1+ doom-print--output-depth)))
;;; Helpers
(defun doom-print--redirect-streams (streamspec level)
(if (or (eq streamspec t)
(bufferp streamspec)
(functionp streamspec)
(markerp streamspec))
(list (cons t streamspec))
(cl-loop for (car . spec) in streamspec
if (eq car t)
collect (cons t spec)
collect (cons (or (eq level t)
(get level 'print-level)
(get (car spec) 'print-level)))
(cadr spec)))))
(defun doom-print--redirect-standard-output (streamspec level)
(let ((old standard-output)
(streams (doom-print--redirect-streams streamspec level)))
(lambda (ch)
(let ((str (char-to-string ch)))
(dolist (stream streams)
(when (or (eq (car stream) t)
(funcall (car stream)))
(doom-print str :newline nil :stream (cdr stream))))
(doom-print str :newline nil :stream t :level level)))))
(defun doom-print--redirect-message (streamspec level)
(let ((old (symbol-function #'message))
(streams (doom-print--redirect-streams streamspec level)))
(lambda (message &rest args)
(when message
(let ((output (apply #'doom-print--format message args)))
(if (<= doom-print--output-depth 1)
(doom-print output :level level :stream t)
(let ((doom-print--output-depth (1- doom-print--output-depth)))
(funcall old "%s" output)))
(dolist (stream streams)
(when (or (eq (car stream) t)
(funcall (car stream)))
(doom-print output :stream (cdr stream)))))
(defun doom-print--format (message &rest args)
(if (or (null message) (string-blank-p message))
(concat (make-string doom-print-indent 32)
"\n" (concat "\n" (make-string doom-print-indent 32))
(if args (apply #'format message args) message)
t t))))
(defun doom-print--indent (text &optional prefix)
"Indent TEXT by WIDTH spaces. If ARGS, format TEXT with them."
(let ((width
(cond ((null prefix)
((integerp prefix)
((length (ansi-color-filter-apply (format "%s" prefix)))))))
(insert (format "%s" (or text "")))
(indent-rigidly (point-min) (point-max) width)
(when (stringp prefix)
(goto-char (point-min))
(delete-char width)
(insert prefix))
(defun doom-print--fill (message &optional column indent)
"Ensure MSG is split into lines no longer than `fill-column'."
(let* ((fill-column (or column fill-column))
(col 0)
(indent (or indent 0))
(fill-prefix (make-string indent ?\s)))
(insert (format "%s" (or message ""))))
;; HACK This monkey patches `fill-region' to not count ANSI codes as
;; legitimate characters, when calculating per-line `fill-column'.
(letf! (defun current-fill-column ()
(let ((target (funcall current-fill-column)))
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(let ((n 0)
(c 0))
(while (and (not (eolp)) (<= n target))
(if (looking-at ansi-color-control-seq-regexp)
(let ((len (length (match-string 0))))
(cl-incf c len)
(forward-char len))
(cl-incf n 1)
(forward-char 1))))
(+ target c (length fill-prefix))))))
(fill-region (point-min) (point-max) nil t))
(defun doom-print--paragraph (&rest lines)
(doom-print--fill (apply #'concat lines)))
(defun doom-print--join (sequence &optional separator)
"Ensure SEQUENCE is joined with SEPARATOR.
`nil' and empty strings in SEQUENCE are omitted."
(mapconcat (doom-partial #'format "%s")
(seq-remove (fn! (or (null %)
(and (stringp %)
(string-empty-p %))))
(or separator " ")))
(defun doom-print--truncate (text &optional col ellipsis)
"Replaces basic org markup with ansi/text-properties."
(truncate-string-to-width (or text "") (or col (- fill-column doom-print-indent))
nil nil (or ellipsis "...")))
(defun doom-print--buffer (buffer &optional beg end)
"Replaces basic org markup with ansi/text-properties."
(if (and (bufferp buffer) (buffer-live-p buffer))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(if (or beg end)
(buffer-substring (or beg (point-min))
(or end (point-max)))
(defun doom-print--cli-markup (text)
"Replace `...', `...`, and ```...``` quotes in TEXT with CLI formatting.
- `$ENVVAR' = bolded
- `--switch' = bolded
- `ARG' = underlined
- `symbol' = highlighted in blue
- `arbitrary code` = highlighted in blue
- ```
Arbitrary multiline code gets highlighted in blue too.
(if (not text) ""
(let ((case-fold-search nil))
;; TODO Syntax highlighting?
" *```\n\\(.+?\\)\n *```" (doom-print--style 'blue "%s" "\\1")
"`\\$ \\([^`\n]+?\\)`" (format "`%s`" (doom-print--style 'blue "%s" "\\1"))
"`\\([^ \n]+?\\)'"
(let ((styles '(("^\\$" . envvar)
("^--?" . option)
("^[A-Z][A-Z0-9-_]*$" . arg)
("." . symbol))))
(lambda (match)
(let ((text (match-string 1 match)))
(pcase (assoc-default text styles #'string-match-p)
(`arg (doom-print--style 'underscore "%s" text))
(`envvar (doom-print--style 'bold "%s" text))
(`option (doom-print--style 'bold "%s" text))
(_ (format "`%s'" (doom-print--style 'blue "%s" text)))))))
text t)
(defun doom-print--org (text)
"Replaces basic Org markup with ansi/text-properties.
All emphasis markers need to be preceded by a backslash."
(let* ((inhibit-modification-hooks t)
(styles '((?* . bold)
(?_ . underscore)
(?/ . italic)
(?= . magenta)
(?+ . strike)
(?~ . blue)))
(fences (regexp-quote (mapconcat #'char-to-string (mapcar #'car styles) ""))))
(save-excursion (insert text))
(while (re-search-forward (format "\\([%s]\\)" fences) nil t)
(unless (= (char-before (match-beginning 0)) ?\\)
(let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
(ibeg (point))
(fence (match-string 1))
(fence-re (regexp-quote fence)))
(when (re-search-forward (format "[^\\]%s" fence-re) (line-end-position 2) t)
(let ((end (point))
(iend (1- (point))))
(let ((text (buffer-substring ibeg iend)))
(when-let (style (cdr (assq (string-to-char fence) styles)))
(goto-char beg)
(delete-region beg end)
(insert (doom-print--style style "%s" text)))))
(goto-char beg)))))
(defun doom-print--style (style format &rest args)
"Apply STYLE to formatted MESSAGE with ARGS.
STYLE is a symbol that correlates to `doom-print-ansi-alist'.
In a noninteractive session, this wraps the result in ansi color codes.
Otherwise, it maps colors to a term-color-* face."
(let* ((code (cdr (assq style doom-print-ansi-alist)))
(format (format "%s" (or format "")))
(message (if args (apply #'format format args) format)))
(unless code
(error "Invalid print style: %s" style))
(pcase doom-print-backend
(format "\e[0%dm%s\e[%dm" code message 0))
(ansi-color-apply message))
(_ message))))
(defun doom-print--class (class format &rest args)
"Apply CLASS to formatted format with ARGS.
CLASS is derived from `doom-print-class-alist', and can contain any arbitrary,
transformative logic."
(let (fn)
(cond ((setq fn (cdr (assq class doom-print-class-alist)))
(if (functionp fn)
(apply fn format args)
(error "%s does not have a function" class)))
(args (apply #'format format args))
(defun doom-print--apply (forms &optional sub)
"Replace color-name functions with calls to `doom-print--style'."
(cond ((null forms) nil)
((listp forms)
(append (cond ((not (symbolp (car forms)))
(list (doom-print--apply (car forms))))
(list (car forms)))
((assq (car forms) doom-print-ansi-alist)
`(doom-print--style ',(car forms)))
((assq (car forms) doom-print-class-alist)
`(doom-print--class ',(car forms)))
((list (car forms))))
(doom-print--apply (cdr forms) t)
(provide 'doom-lib '(print))
;;; print.el ends here