2024-05-21 17:16:46 +02:00
app bump: :app 2024-05-21 17:16:40 +02:00
checkers refactor!: deprecate IS-* OS constants 2024-05-21 17:16:36 +02:00
completion fix(vertico): use remote fd in tramp buffers 2024-05-21 17:16:45 +02:00
config bump: :config 2024-05-21 17:16:38 +02:00
editor refactor(format): improve lsp/eglot formatter dispatchers 2024-05-21 17:16:46 +02:00
emacs bump: :tools magit :emacs vc 2024-05-21 17:16:43 +02:00
email tweak(wanderlust): don't show DomainKey-Signature 2024-05-21 17:16:45 +02:00
input bump: :input 2024-05-21 17:16:40 +02:00
lang fix(org): initialize eldoc in org-mode buffers 2024-05-21 17:16:45 +02:00
os bump: :os tty 2024-05-21 17:16:40 +02:00
term refactor!: deprecate IS-* OS constants 2024-05-21 17:16:36 +02:00
tools bump: :tools magit :emacs vc 2024-05-21 17:16:43 +02:00
ui nit(popup): mention post-command-select-window for 30.x+ 2024-05-21 17:16:44 +02:00
LICENSE refactor: doom-unicode-font -> doom-symbol-font 2024-05-21 17:16:20 +02:00

Official modules

Description   unfold

This is a repository of official modules for Doom Emacs. They are more closely looked after by Doom's author. If a module you want isn't here, check our sibling repository for community-maintained modules: doomemacs/contrib-modules, which also serves as a staging ground for new modules.

📌 Technical documentation on the anatomy of Doom modules can be found in the official developer's manual.


TODO Changelog

This module does not have a changelog yet.


This module repository is included with Doom Emacs (for now). No additional setup is needed to add them. However, the modules themselves can be toggled in your doom! block.

Remember to check their documentation (listed and linked below) for additional setup instructions.

Module list (150)   unfold

:app (6)   unfold

Application modules are complex and opinionated modules that transform Emacs toward a specific purpose. They may have additional dependencies and should be loaded last (but before doom-module::config modules).

calendar: -

Watch your missed deadlines in real time

This module adds a calendar view for Emacs, with org and google calendar sync support.

emms: -

A media player for music no one's heard of

This module enables Emacs to be used as a music player. It uses mpd as a backend server and mpc to update your music database.

everywhere: -

*leave* Emacs!? You must be joking

This module adds system-wide popup Emacs windows for quick edits.

irc: -

How neckbeards socialize

This module turns Emacs into an IRC client, capable of OS notifications.

rss: +org

An RSS reader that Google can't shut down

Read RSS feeds in the comfort of Emacs.

twitter: -

Be superficial in plain text

Enjoy twitter from emacs.

  • View various timelines side by side, e.g. user's timeline, home, etc.
  • Post new tweets
  • Send direct messages
  • Retweet
  • Follow and un-follow users
  • Favorite tweets

:checkers (3)   unfold

For modules dedicated to linting plain text (primarily code and prose).

grammar: -

Tasing grammar mistake every you make

This module adds grammar checking to Emacs to aid your writing by combining doom-package:lang-tool and doom-package:writegood-mode.

spell: +aspell +enchant +everywhere +flyspell +hunspell

Tasing you for misspelling mispelling

This modules provides spellchecking powered by aspell, hunspell or enchant.

Spellcheck is automatically loaded in many text-mode derivatives, which includes org-mode, markdown-mode, the Git Commit buffer (from magit), mu4e-compose-mode, and others.

  • Spell checking and correction using aspell, hunspell or enchant.
  • Ignores source code inside org or markdown files.
  • Lazily spellchecking recent changes only when idle.
  • Choosing suggestions using completion interfaces (doom-package:ivy or doom-package:helm).

syntax: +childframe

Tasing you for every semicolon you forget

This module provides syntax checking and error highlighting, powered by doom-package:flycheck.

:completion (5)   unfold

These modules provide interfaces and frameworks completion, including code completion.

company: +childframe +tng

The ultimate code completion backend

This module provides code completion, powered by company-mode. Many of Doom's doom-module::lang modules require it for "intellisense" functionality.

helm: +childframe +fuzzy +icons

A tank for hunting a house fly

This module provides Helm integration for a variety of Emacs commands, as well as a unified interface for project search and replace, powered by Ripgrep.

ido: -

A foil for other search engines

Interactive DO things. The completion engine that is mostly built-into Emacs.

ivy: +childframe +fuzzy +icons +prescient

Yesterday's lightest search engine

This module provides Ivy integration for a variety of Emacs commands, as well as a unified interface for project search and replace, powered by ripgrep.

I prefer ivy over ido for its flexibility. I prefer ivy over helm because it's lighter, simpler and faster in many cases.

vertico: +icons

Tomorrow's search engine

This module enhances the Emacs search and completion experience, and also provides a united interface for project search and replace, powered by ripgrep.

It does this with several modular packages focused on enhancing the built-in completing-read interface, rather than replacing it with a parallel ecosystem like doom-package:ivy and doom-package:helm do. The primary packages are:

  • Vertico, which provides the vertical completion user interface
  • Consult, which provides a suite of useful commands using completing-read
  • Embark, which provides a set of minibuffer actions
  • Marginalia, which provides annotations to completion candidates
  • Orderless, which provides better filtering methods

:config (2)   unfold

Modules in this category provide sane defaults or improve your ability to configure Emacs. It is best to load these last.

default: +bindings +smartparens

Reasonable defaults for reasonable people

This module provides a set of reasonable defaults, including:

  • A Spacemacs-inspired keybinding scheme
  • A configuration for (almost) universally repeating searches with ; and ,
  • A doom-package:smartparens configuration for smart completion of certain delimiters, like /* */ command blocks in C-languages, <?php ?> tags in PHP, or def end in Ruby/Crystal/etc.

literate: -

Disguise your config as poor documentation

This module enables support for a literate config.

A literate config consists of a $DOOMDIR/ All src blocks within are tangled $DOOMDIR/config.el, by default, when $ doom sync is executed.

:editor (12)   unfold

For modules concerned with the insertion and editing of text. Amen.

evil: +everywhere

The text editor Emacs was missing

This holy module brings the Vim editing model to Emacs.

file-templates: -

Fill the void in your empty files

This module adds file templates for blank files, powered by doom-package:yasnippet.

fold: -

What you can't see won't hurt you

This module marries doom-package:hideshow, doom-package:vimish-fold, and outline-minor-mode to bring you marker, indent and syntax-based code folding for as many languages as possible.

format: +onsave

Standardize your ugly code

This module integrates code formatters into Emacs. Here are some of the formatters that it currently supports:

asmfmt, black, brittany, cabal-fmt, clang-format, cmake-format, dartfmt, dfmt, dhall format, dockfmt, elm-format, emacs, fish_indent, fprettify, gleam format, gofmt, iStyle, jsonnetfmt, ktlint, latexindent, ledger-mode, lua-fmt, mix format, nixfmt, node-cljfmt, ocp-indent, perltidy, prettier, purty, rufo, rustfmt, scalafmt, script shfmt, snakefmt, sqlformat, styler, swiftformat, tidy

god: -


Adds doom-package:god-mode support to Doom Emacs, allowing for entering commands without modifier keys, similar to Vim's modality, separating command mode and insert mode.

lispy: -

Vim for lisp, for people who don't like vim

This module adds a keybind scheme for navigating and editing S-expressions in Lisps; including S-exp awareness for Evil users. This affects the following languages:

  • Common Lisp
  • Emacs Lisp
  • Scheme
  • Racket
  • Hy
  • LFE
  • Clojure
  • Fennel

multiple-cursors: -

Make all your mistakes at once

This module adds a multiple cursors implementation to Emacs (two, if you use evil) that loosely take after multi-cursors in Atom or Sublime Text.

objed: +manual

Text object editing for the innocent

This modules adds doom-package:objed, a global minor-mode for navigating and manipulating text objects. It combines the ideas of versor-mode and other editors like Vim or Kakoune and tries to align them with regular Emacs conventions.

See the objed project README for information on keybinds and usage.

parinfer: -

For lispers that like Python more (i.e. nobody)

Parinfer is a minor mode that aids the writing of Lisp code. It automatically infers parenthesis matching and indentation alignment, keeping your code balanced and beautiful.

rotate-text: -

The only back'n'forth nerds will ever know

This module adds text rotation to Doom Emacs. I.e. The ability to cycle through keywords or text patterns at point, like true and false, or public, protected, and private (in c++-mode).

snippets: -

My elves type so I don't have to

This module adds snippet expansions to Emacs, powered by doom-package:yasnippet.

word-wrap: -

Soft-wrapping with language-aware indent

This module adds a minor-mode fn:+word-wrap-mode, which intelligently wraps long lines in the buffer without modifying the buffer content.

:emacs (6)   unfold

Modules in this category augment and extend the built-in features of Emacs.

dired: +icons +ranger

Making dired pretty [functional]

This module provides reasonable defaults and augmentations for dired.

electric: -

Shocking keyword-based electric-indent

This module augments the built-in doom-package:electric package with keyword-based indentation (as opposed to character-based).

ibuffer: +icons

Edit me like one of your French buffers

This module augments the built-in doom-package:ibuffer package.

  • Adds project-based grouping of buffers
  • Support for file-type icons
  • Uses human-readable file-size

tramp: -

(No description)

undo: +tree

Persistent, smarter undo for your inevitable mistakes

This module augments Emacs' built-in undo system to be more intuitive and to persist across Emacs sessions.

vc: -

Be the difference you want to see in the fringe

This module augments Emacs builtin version control support and provides better integration with git.

:email (3)   unfold

Modules that turn Emacs in an email client.

mu4e: +gmail +org

The great filter Hanson hadn't anticipated

This module makes Emacs an email client, using mu4e.

  • Tidied mu4e headers view, with flags from doom-package:nerd-icons.
  • Consistent coloring of reply depths (across compose and gnus modes).
  • Prettified mu4e:main view.
  • Cooperative locking of the mu process. Another Emacs instance may request access, or grab the lock when it's available.
  • doom-package:org-msg integration with doom-module:+org, which can be toggled per-message, with revamped style and an accent color.
  • Gmail integrations with the doom-module:+gmail flag.
  • Email notifications with doom-package:mu4e-alert, and (on Linux) a customised notification style.

💡 I want to live in Emacs, but as we all know, living is incomplete without email. So I prayed to the text editor gods and they (I) answered. Emacs+evil's editing combined with org-mode for writing emails? Yes please.

It uses mu4e to read my email, but depends on offlineimap (to sync my email via IMAP) and mu (to index my mail into a format mu4e can understand).

notmuch: +afew +org

Closest Emacs will ever be to multi-threaded

This module turns Emacs into an email client using doom-package:notmuch.

wanderlust: +gmail

To boldly go where no mail has gone before

🔨 This module has no description. Write one?

:input (3)   unfold

Modules in this category extend Emacs support for additional keyboard layouts and input methods for non-English languages.

chinese: -

Spend your 3 hours a week in Emacs

This module adds support for traditional Chinese script by introducing two input methods: Pinyin and Wubi.

japanese: -

Ah, a man of culture

This module adds support for Japanese script.

layout: +azerty +bepo

auie,ctsrnm is the superior home row

This module provides barebones support for using Doom with non-qwerty keyboard layouts.

:lang (60)   unfold

These modules specialize in integration particular languages and their ecosystems into (Doom) Emacs.

agda: -

Types of types of types of types...

This module adds support for the agda programming language. The Emacs support exists directly in the agda repository, but not in melpa.

beancount: +lsp

Mind the GAAP

This module adds support for Beancount to Emacs. Beancount, like ledger, lets you manage your money in plain text.

cc: +lsp

C > C++ == 1

This module adds support for the C-family of languages: C, C++, and Objective-C.

  • Code completion (company-irony)
  • eldoc support (irony-eldoc)
  • Syntax-checking (flycheck-irony)
  • Code navigation (rtags)
  • File Templates (c-mode, c++-mode)
  • Snippets (cc-mode, c-mode, c++-mode)
  • Several improvements to C++11 indentation and syntax highlighting.

clojure: +lsp

Java with a lisp

This module adds support for the Clojure(Script) language.

  • Interactive development environment (cider): REPL, compilation, debugging, running tests, definitions & documentation lookup, code completion, and much more
  • Refactoring (clj-refactor)
  • Linting (clj-kondo), requires :checkers syntax
  • LSP support (clojure-lsp)

common-lisp: -

If you've seen one lisp, you've seen them all

This module provides support for Common Lisp and the doom-package:Sly development environment. Common Lisp is not a single language but a specification, with many competing compiler implementations. By default, Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is assumed to be installed, but this can be configured.

Common Lisp benefits from a mature specification and rich standard library. Thanks to its powerful REPL and debugger, it boasts an "interactive programming" style often unseen in other languages. Compiled Common Lisp programs are trusted to run unmodified for a long time.

coq: -

Proofs as programs

This module adds coq support, powered by Proof General.

crystal: -

Ruby at the speed of C

This modules adds crystal support.

  • Syntax-checking (flycheck)
  • REPL (inf-crystal)

csharp: +dotnet +lsp +unity

Unity, .NET, and Mono shenanigans

This module adds C# support to Emacs, powered by Omnisharp (directly or through LSP).

dart: +flutter +lsp

Paint ui and not much else

Dart is a client-optimized language by Google for fast apps on any platform. It is fast and optimized for UI, famous for the Flutter framework, also made by Google. Both Flutter and Dart are free and open-source.

This module wraps dart-mode, with LSP features like code completion for .dart files, syntax highlighting, debugging, closing labels, etc.

data: -

A dumping ground for data formats

This module adds Emacs support for CSV and XML files.

dhall: -

Config as code

This module adds Dhall language support to Emacs.

Dhall is a programmable configuration language that you can think of as: JSON + functions + types + imports.

elixir: +lsp

Erlang done right

This module provides support for Elixir programming language via doom-package:alchemist or elixir-ls.

elm: +lsp

Care for a cup of TEA?

This module adds Elm support to Doom Emacs.

emacs-lisp: -

A parsel-tongue for the oldest serpent

This module extends support for Emacs Lisp in Doom Emacs.

  • Macro expansion
  • Go-to-definitions or references functionality
  • Syntax highlighting for defined and quoted symbols
  • Replaces the built-in help with the more powerful doom-package:helpful
  • Adds function example uses to documentation

erlang: +lsp

An elegant language for a more civilized age

This module provides support Erlang programming language. Support for the sourcer language server is optional.


  • Code completion (doom-module:+lsp, doom-module::completion company, & doom-module::completion ivy)
  • Syntax checking (doom-module::checkers syntax)

ess: +stan

73.6% of all statistics are made up

This module adds support for various statistics languages, including R, S-Plus, SAS, Julia and Stata.

factor: -


This module adds support to the factor programming language and its associated doom-package:fuel emacs plugin.

faust: -

DSP, but you can keep your soul

Add support to Faust language inside emacs.

  • Faust code syntax highlighting and indentation
  • Project-based (inter-linked Faust files)
  • Build/compile with output window
  • Graphic diagrams generation and visualization in the (default) browser
  • Browse generated C++ code inside Emacs
  • Inter-linked files/buffers :

    • From "component" to Faust file
    • From "include" to Faust library file
  • From error to file:line number
  • From function name to online documentation
  • Fully configurable (build type/target/architecture/toolkit, keyboard shortcuts, etc.)
  • Automatic keyword completion (if Auto-Complete is installed)
  • Automatic objets (functions, operators, etc.) template insertion with default sensible values (if doom-module::editor snippets is enabled)
  • Modeline indicator of the state of the code

fsharp: +lsp

ML stands for Microsoft's Language

This module adds F# support to Doom Emacs.

fstar: -

(Dependent) types and (monadic) effects and Z3

This module adds F* support, powered by fstar-mode.el.

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Interactively process F* files one definition at a time
  • Query the running F* process to look up definitions, documentation, and theorems

gdscript: +lsp

the language you waited for

This module adds support for GDScript, the scripting language of the Godot game engine, to Doom Emacs, powered by gdscript-mode.

go: +lsp

The hipster dialect

This module adds Go support, with optional (but recommended) LSP support via gopls.

  • Code completion (gocode)
  • Documentation lookup (godoc)
  • Eldoc support (go-eldoc)
  • REPL (gore)
  • Syntax-checking (flycheck)
  • Auto-formatting on save (gofmt) (requires doom-module::editor format +onsave)
  • Code navigation & refactoring (go-guru)
  • File templates
  • Snippets
  • Generate testing code (go-gen-test)
  • Code checking (flycheck-golangci-lint)

haskell: +lsp

A language that's lazier than I am

This module adds Haskell support to Doom Emacs.

hy: -

Lisp is better than ugly

(No description yet)

idris: -

A language you can depend on

This module adds rudimentary Idris support to Doom Emacs.

java: +lsp +meghanada

The poster child for carpal tunnel syndrome

This module adds Java support to Doom Emacs, including android-mode and groovy-mode.

javascript: +lsp


This module adds JavaScript and TypeScript support to Doom Emacs.

json: +lsp

At least it ain't XML

This module adds JSON support to Doom Emacs.

julia: +lsp

A better, faster MATLAB

This module adds support for the Julia language to Doom Emacs.

kotlin: +lsp

A Java(Script) that won't depress you

This module adds Kotlin support to Doom Emacs.

latex: +cdlatex +fold +latexmk +lsp

Writing papers in Emacs has never been so fun

Provide a helping hand when working with LaTeX documents.

lean: -

For folks with too much to prove

This module adds support for the Lean programming language to Doom Emacs.

ledger: -

Be audit you can be

This module adds support for ledger files. Ledger is a command line double-entry accounting system that works with simple text files holding transactions in the following format:

2015/10/12 Exxon
    Expenses:Auto:Gas                         $10.00
    Liabilities:MasterCard                   $-10.00

This modules enables the following features:

  • Syntax and indentation support for ledger files
  • Add, edit, and delete transactions
  • Generate reports
  • Schedule transactions
  • Sort transactions
  • Display statistics about transactions
  • Display balance up to a point

lua: +fennel +lsp +moonscript

One-based indices? one-based indices

This module adds Lua support to Doom Emacs.

  • REPL
  • Love2D specific functions
  • Moonscript support
  • Fennel support

markdown: +grip

Write docs for people to ignore

This module provides Markdown support for Emacs.

Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).

Thus, “Markdown” is two things: (1) a plain text formatting syntax; and (2) a software tool, written in Perl, that converts the plain text formatting to HTML. See the Syntax page for details pertaining to Markdown's formatting syntax. You can try it out, right now, using the online Dingus.

The overriding design goal for Markdown's formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible. The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it's been marked up with tags or formatting instructions. While Markdown's syntax has been influenced by several existing text-to-HTML filters, the single biggest source of inspiration for Markdown's syntax is the format of plain text email. John Gruber

nim: -

Python + lisp at the speed of C

This module adds Nim support to Doom Emacs.

nix: -

I hereby declare "nix geht mehr!"

This module adds support for the Nix language to Doom Emacs, along with tools for managing Nix(OS).


ocaml: +lsp

An objective camel

This module adds OCaml support to Doom Emacs, powered by doom-package:tuareg-mode.

org: +brain +dragndrop +gnuplot +hugo +ipython +journal +jupyter +noter +pandoc +pomodoro +present +pretty +roam +roam2

Organize your plain life in plain text

This module adds org-mode support to Doom Emacs, along with a number of adjustments, extensions and reasonable defaults to make it more performant and intuitive out of the box:

  • A custom, centralized attachment system that stores files in one place, rather than in the same directory as the input file(s) (only applies to attachments from files in/under org-directory).
  • Executable code blocks with support for a variety of languages and tools (depending on what :lang modules are enabled).
  • Supports an external org-capture workflow through the bin/org-capture shell script and +org-capture/open-frame.
  • A configuration for using org-mode for slide-show presentations or exporting org files to reveal.js slideshows.
  • Drag-and-drop support for images (with inline preview) and media files (drops a file icon and a short link) (requires doom-module:+dragndrop flag).
  • Integration with pandoc, ipython, jupyter, reveal.js, beamer, and others (requires flags).
  • Export-to-clipboard functionality, for copying text into formatted html, markdown or rich text to the clipboard (see +org/export-to-clipboard and +org/export-to-clipboard-as-rich-text).

Org is a system for writing plain text notes with syntax highlighting, code execution, task scheduling, agenda management, and many more. The whole idea is that you can write notes and mix them with references to things like articles, images, and example code combined with the output of that code after it is executed.

php: +hack +lsp

Perl's insecure younger brother

This module adds support for PHP 5.3+ (including PHP7) to Doom Emacs.

  • ctags-based code completion (company-php and phpctags)
  • eldoc support (ac-php and php-extras)
  • REPL (php-boris)
  • Code refactoring commands (php-refactor-mode)
  • Unit-test commands (phpunit)
  • Support for laravel and composer projects (with project-specific snippets)
  • File templates
  • Snippets

💡 PHP was the first programming language I got paid to code in, back in the Cretaceous period (2003). My sincerest apologies go out to all the programmers who inherited my earliest PHP work. I know you're out there, writhing in your straitjackets.

Save a programmer today. Stop a friend from choosing PHP as their first language.

plantuml: -

Diagrams to confuse people more

This module adds plantuml support to Emacs; allowing you to generate diagrams from plain text.

purescript: +lsp

Javascript, but functional

This module adds Purescript support to Doom Emacs.

python: +conda +cython +lsp +poetry +pyenv +pyright

Beautiful is better than ugly

This module adds Python support to Doom Emacs.

qt: -

The cutest GUI framework ever

This module provides language functionality for Qt specific files.

  • Syntax highlighting for qml files
  • Syntax highlighting for .pro and .pri files used by qmake

racket: +lsp +xp

The DSL for DSLs

This module adds support for the Racket programming language to Doom Emacs.

raku: -

The artist formerly known as perl6

This module adds support for the Raku programming language to Doom Emacs.

rest: -

Emacs as a REST client

This module turns Emacs into a REST client.

  • Code-completion (company-restclient)
  • Code evaluation
  • Imenu support for restclient-mode
  • org-mode: babel support (ob-restclient)

💡 restclient-mode is tremendously useful for automated or quick testing REST APIs. My workflow is to open an org-mode buffer, create a restclient source block and hack away. restclient-mode and company-restclient power this arcane wizardry.

rst: -

ReST in peace

This module adds ReStructured Text support to Doom Emacs.

ruby: +chruby +lsp +rails +rbenv +rvm

1.step {|i| p "Ruby is #{i.even? ? 'love' : 'life'}"}

This module add Ruby and optional Ruby on Rails support to Emacs.

rust: +lsp


This module adds support for the Rust language and integration for its tools, e.g. cargo.

scala: +lsp

Java, but good

This module adds scala and sbt support to Doom Emacs.

Through the power of Metals (LSP) this module offers:

  • Goto Definition
  • Completions
  • Hover
  • Paremeter Hints
  • Find References
  • Run/Debug
  • Find Implementations
  • Rename Symbol
  • Code Actions
  • Document Symbols
  • Formatting
  • Folding
  • Organize Imports

scheme: +chez +chibi +chicken +gambit +gauche +guile +kawa +mit +racket

A fully conniving family of lisps

This module provides support for the Scheme family of Lisp languages, powered by geiser.

sh: +fish +lsp +powershell

She sells {ba,z,fi}sh shells on the C xor

This module adds support for shell scripting languages (including Powershell and Fish script) to Doom Emacs.

sml: -


THis module adds SML (Standard ML) programming language support to Doom Emacs.

solidity: -

Do you need a blockchain? No.

This module adds Solidity support to Doom Emacs.

swift: +lsp

We asked for emoji variables?

This module adds support for the Swift programming language to Doom Emacs.

terra: -

Earth and Moon in alignment for performance.

(No description)

web: +lsp

The tubes

This module adds support for various web languages, including HTML5, CSS, SASS/SCSS, Pug/Jade/Slim, and HAML, as well as various web frameworks, like ReactJS, Wordpress, Jekyll, Phaser, AngularJS, Djano, and more.

yaml: +lsp

JSON, but readable

This module provides support for the YAML file format to Doom Emacs.

zig: +lsp

C, but simpler

This module adds Zig support, with optional (but recommended) LSP support via zls.

:os (2)   unfold

Modules in this category are designed to improve compatibility with certain operating systems or OS features (like the shell).

macos: -

Compatibility for our favorite walled garden

This module provides extra functionality for macOS.

tty: +osc

Make TTY Emacs suck less

This module configures Emacs for use in the terminal, by providing:

  • System clipboard integration (through an external clipboard program or OSC-52 escape codes in supported terminals).
  • Cursor-shape changing across evil states (requires a terminal that supports it).
  • Mouse support in the terminal.

:term (4)   unfold

What's an operating system without a terminal? The modules in this category bring varying degrees of terminal emulation into Emacs.

If you can't decide which to choose, I recommend doom-package:vterm or doom-package:eshell. doom-module::term vterm offers that best terminal emulation available but requires a few extra steps to get going. doom-module::term eshell works everywhere that Emacs runs, even Windows, and provides a shell entirely implemented in Emacs Lisp.

eshell: -

The elisp shell that works everywhere

This module provides additional features for the built-in Emacs Shell

The Emacs Shell or doom-package:eshell is a shell-like command interpreter implemented in Emacs Lisp. It is an alternative to traditional shells such as bash, zsh, fish, etc. that is built into Emacs and entirely cross-platform.

shell: -

A REPL for your shell

Provides a REPL for your shell.

💡 shell is more REPL than terminal emulator. You can edit your command line like you would any ordinary text in Emacs something you can't do in doom-package:term (without term-line-mode, which can be unstable) or doom-package:vterm.

Due to shell's simplicity, you're less likely to encounter edge cases (e.g. against your shell config), but it's also the least capable. TUI programs like htop or vim won't work in shell directly, but will be launched in a term buffer which handles them reasonably well.

term: -

It's terminal

(No description)

vterm: -

As good as terminal emulation gets in Emacs

This module provides a terminal emulator powered by libvterm. It is still in alpha and requires a component be compiled (

💡 doom-package:vterm is as good as terminal emulation gets in Emacs (at the time of writing) and the most performant, as it is implemented in C. However, it requires extra steps to set up:

  • Emacs must be built with dynamic modules support,
  • and must be compiled, which depends on libvterm, cmake, and libtool-bin.

doom-package:vterm will try to automatically build when you first open it, but this will fail on Windows, NixOS and Guix out of the box. Install instructions for nix/guix can be found in the doom-module::term vterm module's documentation. There is no way to install vterm on Windows that I'm aware of (but perhaps with WSL?).

:tools (21)   unfold

Modules that integrate external tools into Emacs.

ansible: -

Allow silly people to focus on silly things

(No description)

biblio: -

(No description)

debugger: +lsp

Step through code to help you add bugs

Introduces a code debugger to Emacs, powered by doom-package:realgud or doom-package:dap-mode (LSP).

This document will help you to configure doom-package:dap-mode Native Debug(GDB/LLDB) as there is still not enough documentation for it.

direnv: -

Save (or destroy) the environment at your leisure

This module integrates direnv into Emacs.

📌 direnv is an environment switcher for the shell. It knows how to hook into bash, zsh, tcsh, fish shell and elvish to load or unload environment variables depending on the current directory. This allows project-specific environment variables without cluttering the ~/.profile file.

Before each prompt, direnv checks for the existence of a ".envrc" file in the current and parent directories. If the file exists (and is authorized), it is loaded into a bash sub-shell and all exported variables are then captured by direnv and then made available to the current shell.

docker: +lsp

Yo dawg, I heard you like OSes, so I…

This module allows you to manipulate Docker images, containers, and more from Emacs.

Provides a major dockerfile-mode to edit Dockerfiles. Additional convenience functions allow images to be built easily.

doom-package:docker-tramp offers TRAMP support for Docker containers.

editorconfig: -

Let someone else argue tabs and spaces

This module integrates EditorConfig into Emacs, allowing users to dictate code style on a per-project basis with an .editorconfig file (formal specification).

ein: -

Tame Jupyter notebooks with emacs

Adds Jupyter notebook integration into Emacs.

eval: +overlay

Run code, run (also, repls)

This modules adds inline code evaluation support to Emacs and a universal interface for opening and interacting with REPLs.

gist: -

A pastebin for Githubsters

Adds the ability to manage, pull from, or push to your Gists from within Emacs.

lookup: +dictionary +docsets +offline

Navigate your labyrinthine code and docs

This module adds code navigation and documentation lookup tools to help you quickly look up definitions, references, documentation, dictionary definitions or synonyms.

  • Jump-to-definition and find-references implementations that just work.
  • Powerful xref integration for languages that support it.
  • Search online providers like, stackoverflow, google, duckduckgo, or youtube (duckduckgo and google have live suggestions).
  • Integration with docsets.
  • Support for online (and offline) dictionaries and thesauruses.

lsp: +eglot +peek

M-x vscode

This module integrates language servers into Doom Emacs. They provide features you'd expect from IDEs, like code completion, realtime linting, language-aware doom-package:imenu/doom-package:xref integration, jump-to-definition/references support, and more.

As of this writing, this is the state of LSP support in Doom Emacs:

Module Major modes Default language server
doom-module::lang cc c-mode, c++-mode, objc-mode ccls, clangd
doom-module::lang clojure clojure-mode clojure-lsp
doom-module::lang csharp csharp-mode omnisharp
doom-module::lang elixir elixir-mode elixir-ls
doom-module::lang fsharp fsharp-mode Mono, .NET core
doom-module::lang go go-mode go-langserver
doom-module::lang haskell haskell-mode haskell-language-server
doom-module::lang java java-mode lsp-java
doom-module::lang javascript js2-mode, rjsx-mode, typescript-mode ts-ls, deno-ls
doom-module::lang julia julia-mode LanguageServer.jl
doom-module::lang ocaml tuareg-mode ocaml-language-server
doom-module::lang php php-mode php-language-server
doom-module::lang purescript purescript-mode purescript-language-server
doom-module::lang python python-mode lsp-python-ms
doom-module::lang ruby ruby-mode solargraph
doom-module::lang rust rust-mode rls
doom-module::lang scala scala-mode metals
doom-module::lang sh sh-mode bash-language-server
doom-module::lang swift swift-mode sourcekit
doom-module::lang web web-mode, css-mode, scss-mode, sass-mode, less-css-mode vscode-css-languageserver-bin, vscode-html-languageserver-bin
doom-module::lang zig zig-mode zls

magit: +forge

Wield git like a wizard

This module provides Magit, an interface to the Git version control system.

make: -

The discount build system

This module adds commands for executing Makefile targets.

pass: +auth

A password manager for nerds

This module provides an Emacs interface to Pass.

pdf: -

Emacs, your next PDF reader

This module improves support for reading and interacting with PDF files in Emacs.

It uses doom-package:pdf-tools, which is a replacement for the built-in doc-view-mode for PDF files. The key difference being pages are not pre-rendered, but instead rendered on-demand and stored in memory; a much faster approach, especially for larger PDFs.

Displaying PDF files is just one function of doom-package:pdf-tools. See its project website for details and videos.

prodigy: -

No sweatshop is complete without child processes

This module provides an interface for managing external services from within Emacs.

rgb: -

Creating color strings

Highlights color hex values and names with the color itself, and provides tools to easily modify color values or formats.

taskrunner: -

Taskrunner for all your projects

This module integrates doom-package:taskrunner into Doom Emacs, which scraps runnable tasks from build systems like make, gradle, npm and the like.

terraform: -

Infrastructure as code

This module adds support for working with Terraform files within Emacs. This includes syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, and the ability to run Terraform commands directly from Emacs.

tmux: -

From one multiplexer to another

This module provides an API for talking to Tmux sessions.

upload: -

Map local directories to remotes via ssh/ftp

Uses ssh-deploy to map a local folder to a remote one.

From the ssh-deploy README:

The ssh-deploy plug-in for Emacs makes it possible to effortlessly deploy local files and directories to remote hosts via Tramp (including but not limited to SSH, SFTP, FTP). It tries to provide functions that can be easily used by custom scripts.

The idea for this plug-in was to mimic the behavior of PhpStorm deployment functionality.

:ui (23)   unfold

For modules concerned with changing Emacs' appearance or providing interfaces for its features, like sidebars, tabs, or fonts.

deft: -

Notational velocity for Emacs

Deft is a major mode for creating, browsing, and filtering notes written in plain text formats, such as org-mode, markdown, and LaTeX. It enables you to quickly jot down thoughts and easily retrieve them later.

doom: -

Make Doom fabulous again

This module gives Doom its signature look: powered by the doom-one theme (loosely inspired by Atom's One Dark theme) and doom-package:solaire-mode. Includes:

doom-dashboard: -

Welcome to your doom

This module adds a minimalistic, Atom-inspired dashboard to Emacs.

Besides eye candy, the dashboard serves two other purposes:

  1. To improve Doom's startup times (the dashboard is lighter than the scratch buffer in many cases).
  2. And to preserve the "last open directory" you were in. Occasionally, I kill the last buffer in my project and I end up who-knows-where (in the working directory of another buffer/project). It can take some work to find my way back to where I was. Not with the Dashboard. Since the dashboard cannot be killed, and it remembers the working directory of the last open buffer, M-x find-file will work from the directory I expect.

doom-quit: -

One does not simply quit Emacs

A silly module that throws cute confirmation prompts at you when you exit Emacs, like DOOM (the game) did. Some quotes are from the classic games, others are random, nerdy references that no decent human being has any business recognizing.

emoji: +ascii +github +unicode


This module gives Emacs the ability to display and insert emojis (ASCII, Github style, or unicode styles), as well as convert certain text patterns (e.g. :smile:) into emojis.

hl-todo: -


This module adds syntax highlighting for various tags in code comments, such as TODO, FIXME, and NOTE, among others.

hydra: -

Discount modality for mythological beast hunters

This module adds hydra to Doom Emacs, as well as a few custom built hydras to start with:

  • A hydra to control windows +hydra/window-nav/body.
  • A hydra to control text zoom level +hydra/text-zoom/body.

indent-guides: -

Line up them indent columns

(No description)

ligatures: +extra +fira +hasklig +iosevka +pragmata-pro

Distract folks from your code

This module enables ligatures and arbitrary symbol substitutions with mac-auto-operator-composition-mode (on supported macOS systems) or composition tables (harfbuzz on Emacs 28), falling back on prettify-symbols-mode otherwise.

minimap: -

A map for lost programmers

This module displays a minimap of the buffer in a sidebar, similar to the feature found in many other editors.

modeline: +light

Snazzy, Atom-inspired modeline, plus API

This module provides an Atom-inspired, minimalistic modeline for Doom Emacs, powered by the doom-package:doom-modeline package (where you can find screenshots).

nav-flash: -

Blink after big motions

This module flashes the line around the cursor after any significant motion, to make it easy to follow after big operations.

💡 Tremendously helpful on large, 1600p+ or 4K displays.

neotree: -

NERDTree for evil nerds

This module brings a side panel for browsing project files, inspired by vim's NERDTree.

💡 Sure, there's doom-package:dired and doom-package:projectile, but sometimes I'd like a bird's eye view of a project.

ophints: -

An indicator for “what did I just do?”

This module provides op-hints (operation hinting), i.e. visual feedback for certain operations. It highlights regions of text that the last operation (like yank) acted on.

Uses doom-package:evil-goggles for evil users and doom-package:volatile-highlights otherwise.

popup: +all +defaults

Tame sudden yet inevitable temporary windows

This module provides a customizable popup window management system.

Not all windows are created equally. Some are less important. Some I want gone once they have served their purpose, like code output or a help buffer. Others I want to stick around, like a scratch buffer or org-capture popup.

More than that, popups ought to be the second class citizens of my editor; spawned off to the side, discarded with the push of a button (e.g. ESC or C-g), and easily restored if I want to see them again. Of course, this system should clean up after itself and kill off buffers I mark as transient.

tabs: -

Keep tabs on your buffers, literally

This module adds an Atom-esque tab bar to the Emacs UI.

treemacs: +lsp

A sidebar for all the things

Treemacs is a file and project explorer similar to NeoTree or vim's NerdTree, but largely inspired by the Project Explorer in Eclipse. It shows the file system outlines of your projects in a simple tree layout allowing quick navigation and exploration, while also possessing basic file management utilities. It includes:

  • Integration with Git (if doom-module::tools magit is enabled)
  • Integration with Evil (if doom-module::editor evil +everywhere is enabled)
  • Workspace awareness (if doom-module::ui workspaces is enabled)

unicode: -

Extended unicode support for various languages

This module extends Doom's ability to display non-English unicode. It is primarily useful for non-English Emacs users, for whom Doom's built-in unicode support in insufficient.

This module relies on the unicode-fonts package. It tries to setup the default emacs fontset to cover as many unicode glyphs as possible by scanning all available glyphs from all available fonts.

When this module is enabled:

  • Emacs will prefer to use the doom-symbol-font font to display non-latin glyphs if it provides coverage for them.
  • The first time you run Emacs a unicode cache will be generated this will take a while!
  • The cache will be regenerated every time Emacs is made aware of new fonts or you change the font configuration e.g. by modifying doom-symbol-font.
  • The cache will be stored and should not be regenerated unless font-related configuration or the versions of relevant packages changes.

vc-gutter: -

Get your diff out of the gutter

This module displays a diff of the current file (against HEAD) in the fringe. Supports Git, Svn, Hg, and Bzr.

vi-tilde-fringe: -

Fringe tildes beyond EOB

Displays a tilde(~) in the left fringe to indicate an empty line, similar to Vi.

window-select: +numbers +switch-window

Visually switch windows

This module provides several methods for selecting windows without the use of the mouse or spatial navigation (e.g. C-w {h,j,k,l}).

The command other-window is remapped to either doom-package:switch-window or doom-package:ace-window, depending on which backend you've enabled. It is bound to C-x o (and C-w C-w for evil users).

It also provides numbered windows and selection with the doom-package:winum package, if desired. Evil users can jump to window N in C-w <N> (where N is a number between 0 and 9). Non evil users have C-x w <N> instead.

workspaces: -

Tab emulation, persistence, & separate workspaces

This module adds support for workspaces, powered by doom-package:persp-mode, as well as a API for manipulating them.

💡 There are many ways to use workspaces. I spawn a workspace per task. Say I'm working in the main workspace, when I realize there is a bug in another part of my project. I open a new workspace and deal with it in there. In the meantime, I need to check my email, so mu4e gets its own workspace.

Once I've completed the task, I close the workspace and return to main.

zen: -

Distraction-free mode for the eternally distracted

This module provides two minor modes that make Emacs into a more comfortable writing or coding environment. Folks familiar with "distraction-free" or "zen" modes from other editors or doom-package:olivetti, doom-package:sublimity, and doom-package:tabula-rasa (Emacs plugins) will feel right at home.

These modes are:

Which renders (most) text in a variable pitch font (see doom-variable-pitch-font). Unlike variable-pitch-mode, this will not affect segments of text that are intended to remain in a fixed pitch font, such as code blocks or ASCII tables.

Our all-in-one "zen" mode that will:

  1. Center the current buffer.
  2. Remove superfluous UI elements (like the modeline).
  3. Activate mixed-pitch-mode.
  4. Scale up the buffer's text slightly (see +zen-text-scale).
  5. And make the window's borders slightly thicker (see +zen-window-divider-size).