Henrik Lissner dd81955f13
fix: ensure load-path et co are set on doom/reload
This addresses a number of missing-package errors after running

Fix: #7764
Fix: #7636
Fix: #7182
2024-05-21 17:17:04 +02:00

459 lines
21 KiB

;;; lisp/doom-profiles.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'doom)) ; be silent, o'byte-compiler
;;; Variables
;;; File/directory variables
(defvar doom-profiles-generated-dir doom-data-dir
"Where generated profiles are kept.
Profile directories are in the format {data-profiles-dir}/$NAME/@/$VERSION, for
example: '~/.local/share/doom/_/@/0/'")
(defvar doom-profile-load-path
(if-let (path (getenv-internal "DOOMPROFILELOADPATH"))
(mapcar #'expand-file-name (split-string-and-unquote path path-separator))
(list (file-name-concat doom-user-dir "profiles.el")
(file-name-concat doom-emacs-dir "profiles.el")
(expand-file-name "doom-profiles.el" (or (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME") "~/.config"))
(expand-file-name "~/.doom-profiles.el")
(file-name-concat doom-user-dir "profiles")
(file-name-concat doom-emacs-dir "profiles")))
"A list of profile config files or directories that house implicit profiles.
`doom-profiles-initialize' loads and merges all profiles defined in the above
files/directories, then writes a profile load script to
Can be changed externally by setting $DOOMPROFILELOADPATH to a colon-delimited
list of paths or profile config files (semi-colon delimited on Windows).")
(defvar doom-profile-load-file
(if-let (loader (getenv-internal "DOOMPROFILELOADFILE"))
(expand-file-name loader doom-emacs-dir)
(file-name-concat doom-emacs-dir (format "profiles/load.el" emacs-major-version)))
"Where Doom writes its interactive profile loader script.
Can be changed externally by setting $DOOMPROFILELOADFILE.")
(defvar doom-profile-init-file-name (format "init.%d.el" emacs-major-version)
(defvar doom-profile-init-dir-name (format "init.%d.d" emacs-major-version)
"The subdirectory of `doom-profile-dir'")
(defvar doom-profiles-config-file-name ".doomprofile"
;;; Profile storage variables
(defvar doom-profile-generators
'(("" . doom-profile--generate-init-vars)
("" . doom-profile--generate-doom-autoloads)
("" . doom-profile--generate-package-autoloads)
("" . doom-profile--generate-load-modules))
"An alist mapping file names to generator functions.
The file will be generated in `doom-profile-dir'/`doom-profile-init-dir-name',
and later combined into `doom-profile-dir'/`doom-profile-init-file-name' in
lexicographical order. These partials are left behind in case the use wants to
load them directly (for whatever use), or for commands to use (e.g.
`doom/reload-autoloads' loads any file with a NN-loaddefs[-.] prefix to
accomplish its namesake).
Files with an .auto.el suffix will be automatically deleted whenever the profile
is regenerated. Users (or Doom CLIs, like `doom env') may add their own
generators to this list, or to `doom-profile-dir'/`doom-profile-init-dir-name',
and they will be included in the profile init file next time `doom sync' is
(defvar doom--profiles ())
(defconst doom-profile-default (cons "_" "0"))
;;; Helpers
(defun doom-profiles-bootloadable-p ()
"Return non-nil if `doom-emacs-dir' can be a bootloader."
(with-memoization (get 'doom 'bootloader)
(or (file-equal-p doom-emacs-dir "~/.config/emacs")
(file-equal-p doom-emacs-dir "~/.emacs.d"))))
(defun doom-profiles-read (&rest paths)
(let (profiles)
(dolist (path (delq nil (flatten-list paths)))
((file-directory-p path)
(setq path (file-truename path))
(dolist (subdir (doom-files-in path :depth 0 :match "/[^.][^/]+$" :type 'dirs :map #'file-name-base))
(if (equal subdir (car doom-profile-default))
(signal 'doom-profile-error (list (file-name-concat path subdir) "Implicit profile has invalid name"))
(unless (string-prefix-p "_" subdir)
(cons (intern subdir)
(let* ((val (abbreviate-file-name (file-name-as-directory subdir)))
(val (if (file-name-absolute-p val)
`(,(abbreviate-file-name path) ,val))))
(cons `(user-emacs-directory :path ,@val)
(if-let (profile-file (file-exists-p! doom-profiles-config-file-name path))
(car (doom-file-read profile-file :by 'read*))
(when (file-exists-p (doom-path path subdir "lisp/doom.el"))
'((doom-user-dir :path ,@val)))))))
:test #'eq
:key #'car)))))
((file-exists-p path)
(dolist (profile (car (doom-file-read path :by 'read*)))
(if (eq (symbol-name (car profile)) (car doom-profile-default))
(signal 'doom-profile-error (list path "Profile has invalid name: _"))
(unless (string-prefix-p "_" (symbol-name (car profile)))
(cl-pushnew profile profiles
:test #'eq
:key #'car)))))))
(nreverse profiles)))
(defun doom-profiles-autodetect (&optional _internal?)
"Return all known profiles as a nested alist.
This reads all profile configs and directories in `doom-profile-load-path', then
caches them in `doom--profiles'. If RELOAD? is non-nil, refresh the cache."
(doom-profiles-read doom-profile-load-path
;; TODO: Add in v3
;; (if internal? doom-profiles-generated-dir)
(defun doom-profiles-outdated-p ()
"Return non-nil if files in `doom-profile-load-file' are outdated."
(cl-loop for path in doom-profile-load-path
when (string-suffix-p path ".el")
if (or (not (file-exists-p doom-profile-load-file))
(file-newer-than-file-p path doom-profile-load-file)
(not (equal (doom-file-read doom-profile-load-file :by 'read)
return t))
(defun doom-profile<-id (id)
"Return a (NAME . VERSION) profile cons cell from an id string NAME@VERSION."
(if (string-match "^\\([^@]+\\)@\\(.+\\)$" id)
(cons (match-string 1 id)
(match-string 2 id))
(cons id (cdr doom-profile-default)))))
(defun doom-profile->id (profile)
"Return a NAME@VERSION id string from profile cons cell (NAME . VERSION)."
(cl-check-type profile cons)
(format "%s@%s" (car profile) (cdr profile)))
;; TODO (defun doom-profile--read (profile)
;; (doom-profile-create ))
;; TODO (defun doom-profile-initialize (profile-name &optional ref)
;; )
(defun doom-profiles-save (profiles &optional file)
"Generate a profile bootstrapper for Doom to load at startup."
(unless file
(setq file doom-profile-load-file))
file (let ((profilesym (make-symbol "profile"))
(deferredsym (make-symbol "deferred-vars")))
`(";; -*- lexical-binding: t; tab-width: 8; -*-\n"
";; Updated: " ,(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") "\n"
";; Generated by 'doom profiles sync' or 'doom sync'.\n"
,(format "%S" doom-version)
(pcase (intern (getenv-internal "DOOMPROFILE"))
for (profile-name . bindings) in profiles
for deferred?
= (seq-find (fn! (and (memq (car-safe (cdr %)) '(:prepend :prepend? :append :append?))
(not (stringp (car-safe %)))))
(let ,(if deferred? '(--deferred-vars--))
for (var . val) in bindings
(pcase (car-safe val)
`(,(if (stringp var) 'setenv 'setq)
,var ,(cl-loop with form = `(expand-file-name ,(cadr val) user-emacs-directory)
for dir in (cddr val)
do (setq form `(expand-file-name ,dir ,form))
finally return form)))
(if (eq var '_)
(macroexp-progn (cdr val))
`(,(if (stringp var) 'setenv 'setq)
,var ,(macroexp-progn (cdr val)))))
`(,(if (stringp var) 'setenv 'setq)
,var ',(if (stringp var)
(prin1-to-string (cadr val))
(cadr val))))
((or :prepend :prepend?)
(if (stringp var)
`(setenv ,var (concat ,val (getenv ,var)))
(setq deferred? t)
`(push (cons ',var
(lambda ()
(dolist (item (list ,@(cdr val)))
,(if (eq (car val) :append?)
`(add-to-list ',var item)
`(push item ,var)))))
((or :append :append?)
(if (stringp var)
`(setenv ,var (concat (getenv ,var) ,val))
(setq deferred? t)
`(push (cons ',var
(lambda ()
(dolist (item (list ,@(cdr val)))
,(if (eq (car val) :append?)
`(add-to-list ',var item 'append)
`(set ',var (append ,var (list item)))))))
(_ `(,(if (stringp var) 'setenv 'setq) ,var ',val))))
,@(when deferred?
`((defun --doom-profile-set-deferred-vars-- (_)
(dolist (var --deferred-vars--)
(when (boundp (car var))
(funcall (cdr var))
(setq --deferred-vars-- (delete var --deferred-vars--))))
(unless --deferred-vars--
(remove-hook 'after-load-functions #'--doom-profile-set-deferred-vars--)
(unintern '--doom-profile-set-deferred-vars-- obarray)))
(add-hook 'after-load-functions #'--doom-profile-set-deferred-vars--)
(--doom-profile-set-deferred-vars-- nil)))))))
;; `user-emacs-directory' requires that it end in a directory
;; separator, but users may forget this in their profile configs.
(setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-as-directory user-emacs-directory))))
:mode #o600
:printfn #'pp)
(or (let ((byte-compile-warnings (if init-file-debug byte-compile-warnings))
(lambda (_) (format "%s.%d.elc" (file-name-sans-extension file) emacs-major-version))))
(byte-compile-file file))
;; Do it again? So the errors/warnings are visible?
;; (let ((byte-compile-warnings t))
;; (byte-compile-file file))
(signal 'doom-profile-error (list file "Failed to byte-compile bootstrap file")))))
(defun doom-profile-p (profile-name)
"Return t if PROFILE-NAME is a valid and existing profile."
(when (stringp profile-name)
(setq profile-name (intern profile-name)))
(and (assq profile-name (doom-profiles))
(defun doom-profile-get (profile-name &optional property null-value)
"Return PROFILE-NAME's PROFILE, otherwise its PROPERTY, otherwise NULL-VALUE."
(when (stringp profile-name)
(setq profile-name (intern profile-name)))
(if-let (profile (assq profile-name (doom-profiles)))
(if property
(if-let (propval (assq property (cdr profile)))
(cdr propval)
(defun doom-profile-emacs-dir (profile-name)
"Return the `user-emacs-directory' for PROFILE-NAME.
If the profile doesn't specify one, fall back to `doom-emacs-dir'."
(doom-profile-get profile-name 'user-emacs-directory doom-emacs-dir))
(defun doom-profile-init-file (&optional profile-id version)
"Return the init file for PROFILE-ID at VERSION.
Defaults to the profile at `doom-profile-default'."
(cl-destructuring-bind (profile . version)
(if (and (stringp profile-id) (null version))
(doom-profile<-id profile-id)
(cl-check-type profile-id (or null string))
(cl-check-type version (or null string))
(cons (or profile-id ;; (car doom-profile-default)
(or version ;; (cdr doom-profile-default)
(file-name-concat doom-data-dir
profile "@" version
(format doom-profile-init-file-name emacs-major-version))))
;;; Data structures
;;; API
;; TODO (defun doom-profile-create (name))
;; TODO (defun doom-profile-hash (profile))
;; TODO (defmacro with-profile! (profile &rest body))
;;; Generators
(defun doom-profile-generate (&optional _profile regenerate-only?)
"Generate profile init files."
(let* ((default-directory doom-profile-dir)
(init-dir doom-profile-init-dir-name)
(init-file doom-profile-init-file-name))
(print! (start "(Re)building profile in %s/...") (dirname doom-profile-dir))
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(with-file-modes #o750
(make-directory init-dir t)
(print! (start "Deleting old init files..."))
(print-group! :level 'info
(cl-loop for file in (cons init-file (doom-glob "*.elc"))
if (file-exists-p file)
do (print! (item "Deleting %s...") file)
and do (delete-file file)))
(let ((auto-files (doom-glob init-dir "*.auto.el")))
(print! (start "Generating %d init files...") (length doom-profile-generators))
(print-group! :level 'info
(dolist (file auto-files)
(print! (item "Deleting %s...") file)
(delete-file file))
(pcase-dolist (`(,file . ,fn) doom-profile-generators)
(let ((file (doom-path init-dir file)))
(doom-log "Building %s..." file)
(doom-file-write file (funcall fn))))))
(with-file! init-file
(insert ";; -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t; -*-\n"
";; This file was autogenerated; do not edit it by hand!\n")
;; Doom needs to be synced/rebuilt if either Doom or Emacs has been
;; up/downgraded. This is because byte-code isn't backwards
;; compatible, and many packages (including Doom), bake in absolute
;; paths into their caches that need to be refreshed.
(prin1 `(unless (equal doom-version ,doom-version)
(error ,(concat
"The installed version of Doom (%s) has changed (to %s) since last "
"'doom sync'. Run 'doom sync' to bring Doom up to speed")
,doom-version doom-version))
(dolist (file (doom-glob init-dir "*.el"))
(print-group! :level 'info
(print! (start "Reading %s...") file))
(doom-file-read file :by 'insert)))
(print! (start "Byte-compiling %s...") (relpath init-file))
(let ((byte-compile-warnings (if init-file-debug '(suspicious make-local callargs))))
(byte-compile-file init-file)))
(print! (success "Built %s") (byte-compile-dest-file init-file))))
(error (delete-file init-file)
(delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file init-file))
(signal 'doom-autoload-error (list init-file e))))))
(defun doom-profile--generate-init-vars ()
;; FIX: Make sure this only runs at startup to protect us Emacs' interpreter
;; re-evaluating this file when lazy-loading dynamic docstrings from the
;; byte-compiled init file.
`((when (or (doom-context-p 'init)
(doom-context-p 'reload))
,@(cl-loop for var in doom-autoloads-cached-vars
if (boundp var)
collect `(set-default ',var ',(symbol-value var)))
,@(cl-loop with v = (version-to-list doom-version)
with ref = (doom-call-process "git" "-C" (doom-path doom-emacs-dir) "rev-parse" "HEAD")
with branch = (doom-call-process "git" "-C" (doom-path doom-emacs-dir) "branch" "--show-current")
for (var . val)
in `((major . ,(nth 0 v))
(minor . ,(nth 1 v))
(build . ,(nth 2 v))
(tag . ,(ignore-errors (cadr (split-string doom-version "-" t))))
(ref . ,(if (zerop (car ref)) (cdr ref)))
(branch . ,(if (zerop (car branch)) (cdr branch))))
collect `(put 'doom-version ',var ',val)))))
(defun doom-profile--generate-load-modules ()
(let* ((init-modules-list (doom-module-list nil t))
(config-modules-list (doom-module-list))
(seq-filter (fn! (<= (doom-module-depth (car %) (cdr %) t) -100))
(remove '(:user) init-modules-list)))
(seq-filter (fn! (<= 0 (doom-module-depth (car %) (cdr %) t) 100))
(seq-filter (fn! (<= 0 (doom-module-depth (car %) (cdr %)) 100))
(seq-filter (fn! (>= (doom-module-depth (car %) (cdr %)) 100))
(init-file doom-module-init-file)
(config-file doom-module-config-file))
(letf! ((defun module-loader (group name file &optional noerror)
(doom-module-context-with (cons group name)
`(let ((doom-module-context ,doom-module-context))
(doom-load ,(abbreviate-file-name (file-name-sans-extension file))))))
(defun module-list-loader (modules file &optional noerror)
(cl-loop for (cat . mod) in modules
if (doom-module-locate-path cat mod file)
collect (module-loader cat mod it noerror))))
;; FIX: Same as above (see `doom-profile--generate-init-vars').
`((if (or (doom-context-p 'init)
(doom-context-p 'reload))
(doom-context-with 'modules
(set 'doom-modules ',doom-modules)
(set 'doom-disabled-packages ',doom-disabled-packages)
;; Cache module state and flags in symbol plists for quick lookup by
;; `modulep!' later.
for (category . modules) in (seq-group-by #'car config-modules-list)
`(setplist ',category
(quote ,(cl-loop for (_ . module) in modules
nconc `(,module ,(get category module))))))
(let ((old-custom-file custom-file))
,@(module-list-loader pre-init-modules init-file)
(doom-run-hooks 'doom-before-modules-init-hook)
,@(module-list-loader init-modules init-file)
(doom-run-hooks 'doom-after-modules-init-hook)
(doom-run-hooks 'doom-before-modules-config-hook)
,@(module-list-loader config-modules config-file)
(doom-run-hooks 'doom-after-modules-config-hook)
,@(module-list-loader post-config-modules config-file t)
(when (eq custom-file old-custom-file)
(doom-load custom-file 'noerror)))))))))
(defun doom-profile--generate-doom-autoloads ()
(append (doom-glob doom-core-dir "lib/*.el")
(cl-loop for dir
in (append (doom-module-load-path)
(list doom-user-dir))
if (doom-glob dir "autoload.el") collect (car it)
if (doom-glob dir "autoload/*.el") append it)
(mapcan #'doom-glob doom-autoloads-files))
(defun doom-profile--generate-package-autoloads ()
(mapcar #'straight--autoloads-file
(nreverse (seq-difference (hash-table-keys straight--build-cache)
(provide 'doom-profiles)
;;; doom-profiles.el ends here