roife f6616e8a06
fix(vc-gutter): add missing autoloads
Add required autoloads for vc-gutter to fix errors from which-key. See the issue

Fix: #6957
2023-02-18 01:00:59 -05:00

220 lines
10 KiB

;;; ui/vc-gutter/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; TODO Implement me
(defvar +vc-gutter-in-margin nil
"If non-nil, use the margin for diffs instead of the fringe.")
(defvar +vc-gutter-in-remote-files nil
"If non-nil, enable the vc gutter in remote files (e.g. open through TRAMP).")
;;; Default styles
(when (modulep! +pretty)
;; UI: make the fringe small enough that the diff bars aren't too domineering,
;; while leaving enough room for other indicators.
(if (fboundp 'fringe-mode) (fringe-mode '8))
;; UI: the gutter looks less cramped with some space between it and buffer.
(setq-default fringes-outside-margins t)
;; STYLE: Redefine fringe bitmaps to take up only half the horizontal space in
;; the fringe. This way we avoid overbearingly large diff bars without
;; having to shrink the fringe and sacrifice precious space for other fringe
;; indicators (like flycheck or flyspell).
;; REVIEW: Extract these into a package with faces that themes can target.
(if (not (modulep! +diff-hl))
(after! git-gutter-fringe
(define-fringe-bitmap 'git-gutter-fr:added [224]
nil nil '(center repeated))
(define-fringe-bitmap 'git-gutter-fr:modified [224]
nil nil '(center repeated))
(define-fringe-bitmap 'git-gutter-fr:deleted [128 192 224 240]
nil nil 'bottom))
(defadvice! +vc-gutter-define-thin-bitmaps-a (&rest args)
:override #'diff-hl-define-bitmaps
(define-fringe-bitmap 'diff-hl-bmp-middle [224] nil nil '(center repeated))
(define-fringe-bitmap 'diff-hl-bmp-delete [240 224 192 128] nil nil 'top))
(defun +vc-gutter-type-face-fn (type _pos)
(intern (format "diff-hl-%s" type)))
(defun +vc-gutter-type-at-pos-fn (type _pos)
(if (eq type 'delete)
(advice-add #'diff-hl-fringe-bmp-from-pos :override #'+vc-gutter-type-at-pos-fn)
(advice-add #'diff-hl-fringe-bmp-from-type :override #'+vc-gutter-type-at-pos-fn)
(setq diff-hl-draw-borders nil)
(add-hook! 'diff-hl-mode-hook
(defun +vc-gutter-fix-diff-hl-faces-h ()
(mapc (doom-rpartial #'set-face-background nil)
;; FIX: To minimize overlap between flycheck indicators and git-gutter/diff-hl
;; indicators in the left fringe.
(after! flycheck
;; Let diff-hl have left fringe, flycheck can have right fringe
(setq flycheck-indication-mode 'right-fringe)
;; A non-descript, left-pointing arrow
(define-fringe-bitmap 'flycheck-fringe-bitmap-double-arrow
[16 48 112 240 112 48 16] nil nil 'center)))
;;; git-gutter
(use-package! git-gutter
:unless (modulep! +diff-hl)
:commands git-gutter:revert-hunk git-gutter:stage-hunk git-gutter:previous-hunk git-gutter:next-hunk
(add-hook! 'find-file-hook
(defun +vc-gutter-init-maybe-h ()
"Enable `git-gutter-mode' in the current buffer.
If the buffer doesn't represent an existing file, `git-gutter-mode's activation
is deferred until the file is saved. Respects `git-gutter:disabled-modes'."
(let ((file-name (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))
((and (file-remote-p (or file-name default-directory))
(not +vc-gutter-in-remote-files)))
;; UX: If not a valid file, wait until it is written/saved to activate
;; git-gutter.
((not (and file-name (vc-backend file-name)))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'+vc-gutter-init-maybe-h nil 'local))
;; UX: Allow git-gutter or git-gutter-fringe to activate based on the
;; type of frame we're in. This allows git-gutter to work for silly
;; geese who open both tty and gui frames from the daemon.
((if (and (display-graphic-p)
(require 'git-gutter-fringe nil t))
(setq-local git-gutter:init-function #'git-gutter-fr:init
git-gutter:view-diff-function #'git-gutter-fr:view-diff-infos
git-gutter:clear-function #'git-gutter-fr:clear
git-gutter:window-width -1)
(setq-local git-gutter:init-function 'nil
git-gutter:view-diff-function #'git-gutter:view-diff-infos
git-gutter:clear-function #'git-gutter:clear-diff-infos
git-gutter:window-width 1))
(unless (memq major-mode git-gutter:disabled-modes)
(git-gutter-mode +1)
(remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'+vc-gutter-init-maybe-h 'local)))))))
;; UX: Disable in Org mode, as per syl20bnr/spacemacs#10555 and
;; syohex/emacs-git-gutter#24. Apparently, the mode-enabling function for
;; global minor modes gets called for new buffers while they are still in
;; `fundamental-mode', before a major mode has been assigned. I don't know
;; why this is the case, but adding `fundamental-mode' here fixes the issue.
(setq git-gutter:disabled-modes '(fundamental-mode image-mode pdf-view-mode))
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*git-gutter" :select nil :size '+popup-shrink-to-fit)
;; PERF: Only enable the backends that are available, so it doesn't have to
;; check when opening each buffer.
(setq git-gutter:handled-backends
(cons 'git (cl-remove-if-not #'executable-find (list 'hg 'svn 'bzr)
:key #'symbol-name)))
;; UX: update git-gutter on focus (in case I was using git externally)
(add-hook 'focus-in-hook #'git-gutter:update-all-windows)
(add-hook! '(doom-escape-hook doom-switch-window-hook) :append
(defun +vc-gutter-update-h (&rest _)
"Refresh git-gutter on ESC. Return nil to prevent shadowing other
`doom-escape-hook' hooks."
(ignore (or (memq this-command '(git-gutter:stage-hunk
(if git-gutter-mode
;; UX: update git-gutter when using magit commands
(advice-add #'magit-stage-file :after #'+vc-gutter-update-h)
(advice-add #'magit-unstage-file :after #'+vc-gutter-update-h)
;; FIX: stop git-gutter:{next,previous}-hunk from jumping to random hunks.
(defadvice! +vc-gutter--fix-linearity-of-hunks-a (diffinfos is-reverse)
:override #'git-gutter:search-near-diff-index
(cl-position-if (let ((lineno (line-number-at-pos))
(fn (if is-reverse #'> #'<)))
(lambda (line) (funcall fn lineno line)))
:key #'git-gutter-hunk-start-line
:from-end is-reverse)))
;;; diff-hl
(use-package! diff-hl
:when (modulep! +diff-hl)
:hook (find-file . diff-hl-mode)
:hook (vc-dir-mode . diff-hl-dir-mode)
:hook (dired-mode . diff-hl-dired-mode)
:hook (diff-hl-mode . diff-hl-flydiff-mode)
:commands diff-hl-stage-current-hunk diff-hl-revert-hunk diff-hl-next-hunk diff-hl-previous-hunk
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*diff-hl" :select nil :size '+popup-shrink-to-fit)
;; PERF: reduce load on remote
(defvaralias 'diff-hl-disable-on-remote '+vc-gutter-in-remote-files)
;; PERF: A slightly faster algorithm for diffing.
(setq vc-git-diff-switches '("--histogram"))
;; PERF: Slightly more conservative delay before updating the diff
(setq diff-hl-flydiff-delay 0.5) ; default: 0.3
;; UX: get realtime feedback in diffs after staging/unstaging hunks.
(setq diff-hl-show-staged-changes nil)
;; UX: Update diffs when it makes sense too, without being too slow
(when (modulep! :editor evil)
(map! :after diff-hl-show-hunk
:map diff-hl-show-hunk-map
:n "p" #'diff-hl-show-hunk-previous
:n "n" #'diff-hl-show-hunk-next
:n "c" #'diff-hl-show-hunk-copy-original-text
:n "r" #'diff-hl-show-hunk-revert-hunk
:n "[" #'diff-hl-show-hunk-previous
:n "]" #'diff-hl-show-hunk-next
:n "{" #'diff-hl-show-hunk-previous
:n "}" #'diff-hl-show-hunk-next
:n "S" #'diff-hl-show-hunk-stage-hunk))
;; UX: Refresh git-gutter on ESC or refocusing the Emacs frame.
(add-hook! '(doom-escape-hook doom-switch-window-hook) :append
(defun +vc-gutter-update-h (&rest _)
"Return nil to prevent shadowing other `doom-escape-hook' hooks."
(ignore (or inhibit-redisplay
(and (or (bound-and-true-p diff-hl-mode)
(bound-and-true-p diff-hl-dir-mode))
;; UX: Update diff-hl when magit alters git state.
(when (modulep! :tools magit)
(add-hook 'magit-pre-refresh-hook #'diff-hl-magit-pre-refresh)
(add-hook 'magit-post-refresh-hook #'diff-hl-magit-post-refresh))
;; FIX: The revert popup consumes 50% of the frame, whether or not you're
;; reverting 2 lines or 20. This resizes the popup to match its contents.
(defadvice! +vc-gutter--shrink-popup-a (fn &rest args)
:around #'diff-hl-revert-hunk-1
(letf! ((refine-mode diff-auto-refine-mode)
(diff-auto-refine-mode t)
(defun diff-refine-hunk ()
(when refine-mode
(funcall diff-refine-hunk))
(apply fn args)))
;; UX: Don't delete the current hunk's indicators while we're editing
(when (modulep! :editor evil)
(add-hook! 'diff-hl-flydiff-mode-hook
(defun +vc-gutter-init-flydiff-mode-h ()
(if (not diff-hl-flydiff-mode)
(remove-hook 'evil-insert-state-exit-hook #'diff-hl-flydiff-update)
(add-hook 'evil-insert-state-exit-hook #'diff-hl-flydiff-update)))))
;; FIX: Reverting a hunk causes the cursor to be moved to an unexpected place,
;; often far from the target hunk.
(defadvice! +vc-gutter--save-excursion-a (fn &rest args)
"Suppresses unexpected cursor movement by `diff-hl-revert-hunk'."
:around #'diff-hl-revert-hunk
(let ((pt (point)))
(prog1 (apply fn args)
(goto-char pt)))))