2019-07-22 02:37:47 +02:00

61 lines
2.9 KiB

;;; core/doctor.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun file-size (file &optional dir)
(setq file (expand-file-name file dir))
(when (file-exists-p file)
(/ (nth 7 (file-attributes file))
;; Check for oversized problem files in cache that may cause unusual/tremendous
;; delays or freezing. This shouldn't happen often.
(dolist (file (list "savehist"
(let* ((path (expand-file-name file doom-cache-dir))
(size (file-size path)))
(when (and (numberp size) (> size 2000))
(warn! "%s is too large (%.02fmb). This may cause freezes or odd startup delays"
(file-relative-name path doom-core-dir)
(/ size 1024))
(explain! "Consider deleting it from your system (manually)"))))
(unless (ignore-errors (executable-find doom-projectile-fd-binary))
(warn! "Couldn't find the `fd' binary; project file searches will be slightly slower")
(unless (executable-find "rg")
(warn! "Couldn't find the `rg' binary either; project file searches will be even slower")))
(let ((default-directory "~"))
(require 'projectile)
(when (cl-find-if #'projectile-file-exists-p projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up)
(warn! "Your $HOME is recognized as a project root")
(explain! "Doom will disable bottom-up root search, which may reduce the accuracy of project\n"
;; There should only be one
(when (and (file-equal-p doom-private-dir "~/.config/doom")
(file-directory-p "~/.doom.d"))
(warn! "Both %S and '~/.doom.d' exist on your system"
(abbreviate-file-name doom-private-dir))
(explain! "Doom will only load one of these (~/.config/doom takes precedence). Possessing\n"
"both is rarely intentional; you should one or the other."))
;; Check for fonts
(if (not (fboundp 'find-font))
(warn! "Warning: unable to detect font")
(explain! "The `find-font' function is missing. This could indicate the incorrect "
"version of Emacs is being used!"))
;; all-the-icons fonts
(let ((font-dest (pcase system-type
(`gnu/linux (concat (or (getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME")
(`darwin "~/Library/Fonts/"))))
(when (and font-dest (require 'all-the-icons nil t))
(dolist (font all-the-icons-font-families)
(if (sh "fc-list | grep %s" font)
(success! "Found font %s" font)
(warn! "Warning: couldn't find %s font in %s"
font font-dest)
(explain! "You can install it by running `M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts' within Emacs.\n\n"
"This could also mean you've installed them in non-standard locations, in which "
"case feel free to ignore this warning."))))))