Henrik Lissner 51d3b1b424
💥 revise advice naming convention (1/2)
This is first of three big naming convention updates that have been a
long time coming. With 2.1 on the horizon, all the breaking updates will
batched together in preparation for the long haul.

In this commit, we do away with the asterix to communicate that a
function is an advice function, and we replace it with the '-a' suffix.

  doom*shut-up -> doom-shut-up-a
  doom*recenter -> doom-recenter-a
  +evil*static-reindent -> +evil--static-reindent-a

The rationale behind this change is:

1. Elisp's own formatting/indenting tools would occasionally struggle
   with | and * (particularly pp and cl-prettyprint). They have no
   problem with / and :, fortunately.
2. External syntax highlighters (like pygmentize, discord markdown or
   github markdown) struggle with it, sometimes refusing to highlight
   code beyond these symbols.
3. * and | are less expressive than - and -- in communicating the
   intended visibility, versatility and stability of a function.
4. It complicated the regexps we must use to search for them.
5. They were arbitrary and over-complicated to begin with, decided
   on haphazardly way back when Doom was simply "my private config".

Anyhow, like how predicate functions have the -p suffix, we'll adopt the
-a suffix for advice functions, -h for hook functions and -fn for
variable functions.

Other noteable changes:
- Replaces advice-{add,remove}! macro with new def-advice!
  macro. The old pair weren't as useful. The new def-advice! saves on a
  lot of space.
- Removed "stage" assertions to make sure you were using the right
  macros in the right place. Turned out to not be necessary, we'll
  employ better checks later.
2019-07-22 02:27:45 +02:00

377 lines
15 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env sh
":"; command -v emacs >/dev/null || { >&2 echo "Emacs isn't installed"; exit 1; } # -*-emacs-lisp-*-
":"; VERSION=$(emacs --version | head -n1)
":"; case $VERSION in *\ 2[0-2].[0-1].[0-9]) echo "You're running $VERSION"; echo "That version is too old to run the doctor. Check your PATH"; echo; exit 2 ;; esac
":"; exec emacs --quick --script "$0"; exit 0
;; The Doom doctor is essentially one big, self-contained elisp shell script
;; that uses a series of simple heuristics to diagnose common issues on your
;; system. Issues that could intefere with Doom Emacs.
;; Doom modules may optionally have a doctor.el file to run their own heuristics
;; in. Doctor scripts may run in versions of Emacs as old as Emacs 23, so make
;; no assumptions about what's available in the standard library (e.g. avoid
;; cl/cl-lib, subr-x, map, seq, etc).
;; Ensure Doom doctor always runs out of the current Emacs directory (optionally
;; specified by the EMACSDIR envvar)
(setq user-emacs-directory
(or (getenv "EMACSDIR")
(expand-file-name "../" (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
(unless (file-directory-p user-emacs-directory)
(error "Couldn't find a Doom config!"))
(unless noninteractive
(error "This script must not be run from an interactive session."))
(when (getenv "DEBUG")
(setq debug-on-error t))
(require 'pp)
(load (expand-file-name "core/autoload/message" user-emacs-directory) nil t)
(defvar doom-init-p nil)
(defvar doom-warnings 0)
(defvar doom-errors 0)
;;; Helpers
(defun sh (cmd &rest args)
(shell-command-to-string (apply #'format cmd args)))))
(defun elc-check-dir (dir)
(dolist (file (directory-files-recursively dir "\\.elc$"))
(when (file-newer-than-file-p (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".el")
(warn! "%s is out-of-date" (abbreviate-file-name file)))))
(defmacro assert! (condition message &rest args)
`(unless ,condition
(error! ,message ,@args)))
;;; Logging
(defvar indent 0)
(defvar prefix "")
(defmacro msg! (msg &rest args)
(indent indent
(format (concat prefix ,msg)
(defmacro error! (&rest args)
`(progn (msg! (red ,@args))
(setq doom-errors (+ doom-errors 1))))
(defmacro warn! (&rest args)
`(progn (msg! (yellow ,@args))
(setq doom-warnings (+ doom-warnings 1))))
(defmacro success! (&rest args) `(msg! (green ,@args)))
(defmacro section! (&rest args) `(msg! (bold (blue ,@args))))
(defmacro explain! (&rest args)
`(msg! (indent (+ indent 2) (autofill ,@args))))
;;; Polyfills
;; early versions of emacs won't have this
(unless (fboundp 'string-match-p)
(defun string-match-p (regexp string &optional start)
(string-match regexp string &optional start))))
;; subr-x don't exist in older versions of Emacs
(unless (fboundp 'string-trim-right)
(defsubst string-trim-right (string &optional regexp)
(if (string-match (concat "\\(?:" (or regexp "[ \t\n\r]+") "\\)\\'") string)
(replace-match "" t t string)
;;; Basic diagnostics
(msg! (bold "Doom Doctor"))
(msg! "Emacs v%s" emacs-version)
(msg! "Doom v%s (%s)"
(or (let ((core-file (expand-file-name "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory)))
(and (file-exists-p core-file)
(insert-file-contents-literally core-file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (re-search-forward "doom-version" nil t)
(if (and (executable-find "git")
(file-directory-p (expand-file-name ".git" user-emacs-directory)))
(sh "git log -1 --format=\"%D %h %ci\"")
(msg! "shell: %s%s"
(getenv "SHELL")
(if (equal (getenv "SHELL") (sh "echo $SHELL"))
(red " (mismatch)")))
(when (boundp 'system-configuration-features)
(msg! "Compiled with:\n%s" (indent 2 system-configuration-features)))
(msg! "uname -msrv:\n%s\n" (indent 2 (sh "uname -msrv")))
;;; Check if Emacs is set up correctly
(section! "Checking Emacs")
(let ((indent 2))
(section! "Checking your Emacs version is 25.3 or newer...")
(when (version< emacs-version "25.3")
(error! "Important: Emacs %s detected [%s]" emacs-version (executable-find "emacs"))
"DOOM only supports >= 25.3. Perhaps your PATH wasn't set up properly."
(when (eq system-type 'darwin)
(concat "\nMacOS users should use homebrew ( to install Emacs\n"
" brew install emacs --with-modules --with-imagemagick --with-cocoa"))))
(section! "Checking if your version of Emacs has changed recently...")
(let ((version-file (expand-file-name ".local/emacs-version.el" user-emacs-directory))
(when (and (load version-file 'noerror 'nomessage 'nosuffix)
(not (equal emacs-version doom--last-emacs-version)))
(warn! "Your version of Emacs has changed from %S to %S. Recompile your packages!"
(explain! "Byte-code compiled in one version of Emacs may not work in another version."
"It is recommended that you reinstall your plugins or recompile them with"
"`bin/doom compile :plugins'.")))
(section! "Checking for Emacs config conflicts...")
(when (file-exists-p "~/.emacs")
(warn! "Detected an ~/.emacs file, which may prevent Doom from loading")
(explain! "If Emacs finds an ~/.emacs file, it will ignore ~/.emacs.d, where Doom is "
"typically installed. If you're seeing a vanilla Emacs splash screen, this "
"may explain why. If you use Chemacs, you may ignore this warning."))
(section! "Checking for private config conflicts...")
(let ((xdg-dir (concat (or (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
(doom-dir (or (getenv "DOOMDIR")
(when (and (not (file-equal-p xdg-dir doom-dir))
(file-directory-p xdg-dir)
(file-directory-p doom-dir))
(warn! "Detected two private configs, in %s and %s"
(abbreviate-file-name xdg-dir)
(explain! "The second directory will be ignored, as it has lower precedence.")))
(section! "Checking for stale elc files...")
(elc-check-dir user-emacs-directory))
;;; Check if system environment is set up correctly
(section! "Checking your system...")
(let ((indent 2))
;; on windows?
(when (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos cygwin))
(warn! "Warning: Windows detected")
(explain! "DOOM was designed for MacOS and Linux. Expect a bumpy ride!"))
;; gnutls-cli & openssl
(section! "Checking gnutls/openssl...")
(cond ((executable-find "gnutls-cli"))
((executable-find "openssl")
(let* ((output (sh "openssl ciphers -v"))
(let (protos)
(mapcar (lambda (row)
(add-to-list 'protos (cadr (split-string row " " t))))
(split-string (sh "openssl ciphers -v") "\n"))
(delq nil protos))))
(unless (or (member "TLSv1.1" protocols)
(member "TLSv1.2" protocols))
(let ((version (cadr (split-string (sh "openssl version") " " t))))
(warn! "Warning: couldn't find gnutls-cli, and OpenSSL is out-of-date (v%s)" version)
"This may not affect your Emacs experience, but there are security "
"vulnerabilities in the SSL2/3 & TLS1.0 protocols. You should use "
"TLS 1.1+, which wasn't introduced until OpenSSL v1.0.1.\n\n"
"Please consider updating (or install gnutls-cli, which is preferred).")))))
(error! "Important: couldn't find either gnutls-cli nor openssl")
"You may not be able to install/update packages because Emacs won't be able to "
"verify HTTPS ELPA sources. Install gnutls-cli or openssl v1.0.0+. If for some "
"reason you can't, you can bypass this verification with the INSECURE flag:\n\n"
" INSECURE=1 make install\n\n"
"Or change `package-archives' to use non-https sources.\n\n"
"But remember that you're leaving your security in the hands of your "
"network, provider, government, neckbearded mother-in-laws, geeky roommates, "
"or just about anyone who knows more about computers than you do!")))
;; are certificates validated properly?
(section! "Testing your root certificates...")
(cond ((not (ignore-errors (gnutls-available-p)))
(warn! "Warning: Emacs wasn't installed with gnutls support")
"This may cause 'pecular error' errors with the Doom doctor, and is likely to "
"interfere with package management. Your mileage may vary."
(when (eq system-type 'darwin)
(concat "\nMacOS users are advised to install Emacs via homebrew with one of the following:\n"
" brew install emacs --with-gnutls"
" or"
" brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus"
" brew install emacs-plus"))))
((not (fboundp 'url-retrieve-synchronously))
(error! "Can't find url-retrieve-synchronously function. Are you sure you're on Emacs 24+?"))
((or (executable-find "gnutls-cli")
(executable-find "openssl"))
(let ((tls-checktrust t)
(gnutls-verify-error t))
(dolist (url '("" ""))
(pcase (condition-case-unless-debug e
(unless (let ((inhibit-message t)) (url-retrieve-synchronously url))
('timed-out 'timeout)
('error e))
(`nil nil)
(`empty (error! "Couldn't reach %s" url))
(`timeout (error! "Timed out trying to contact %s" ex))
(error! "Failed to validate %s" url)
(explain! (pp-to-string it)))))
(dolist (url '(""
(pcase (condition-case-unless-debug e
(if (let ((inhibit-message t)) (url-retrieve-synchronously url))
('timed-out 'timeout)
(`nil nil)
(`empty (error! "Couldn't reach %s" url))
(`timeout (error! "Timed out trying to contact %s" ex))
(error! "Validated %s (this shouldn't happen!)" url)))))))
;; which variant of tar is on your system? bsd or gnu tar?
(section! "Checking for GNU/BSD tar...")
(let ((tar-bin (or (executable-find "gtar")
(executable-find "tar"))))
(if tar-bin
(unless (string-match-p "(GNU tar)" (sh "%s --version" tar-bin))
(warn! "Warning: BSD tar detected")
"QUELPA (through package-build) uses the system tar to build plugins, but it "
"expects GNU tar. BSD tar *could* cause errors during package installation or "
"updating from non-ELPA sources."
(when (eq system-type 'darwin)
(concat "\nMacOS users can install gnu-tar via homebrew:\n"
" brew install gnu-tar"))))
(error! "Important: Couldn't find tar")
"This is required by package.el and QUELPA to build packages and will "
"prevent you from installing & updating packages."))))
;;; Check if Doom Emacs is set up correctly
(condition-case-unless-debug ex
(let ((after-init-time (current-time))
(doom-message-backend 'ansi)
(section! "Checking DOOM Emacs...")
(load (concat user-emacs-directory "core/core.el") nil t)
(unless (file-directory-p doom-private-dir)
(error "No DOOMDIR was found, did you run `doom quickstart` yet?"))
(let ((indent 2))
;; Make sure everything is loaded
(require 'core-cli)
(require 'core-keybinds)
(require 'core-ui)
(require 'core-projects)
(require 'core-editor)
(require 'core-packages)
;; ...and initialized
(success! "Initialized Doom Emacs %s" doom-version)
(if (hash-table-p doom-modules)
(success! "Initialized %d modules" (hash-table-count doom-modules))
(warn! "Failed to load any modules. Do you have an private init.el?"))
(success! "Initialized %d packages" (length doom-packages))
(section! "Checking Doom core for irregularities...")
(let ((indent (+ indent 2)))
(load (expand-file-name "doctor.el" doom-core-dir) nil 'nomessage))
(section! "Checking for stale elc files in your DOOMDIR...")
(when (file-directory-p doom-private-dir)
(let ((indent (+ indent 2)))
(elc-check-dir doom-private-dir)))
(when doom-modules
(section! "Checking your enabled modules...")
(let ((indent (+ indent 2)))
(advice-add #'require :around #'doom-shut-up-a)
(lambda (key plist)
(let ((prefix (format! (bold "(%s %s) " (car key) (cdr key)))))
(condition-case-unless-debug ex
(let ((doctor-file (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "doctor.el"))
(packages-file (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")))
(cl-loop for name in (let (doom-packages
(load packages-file 'noerror 'nomessage)
(mapcar #'car doom-packages))
for name = (doom-package-true-name name)
unless (or (doom-package-prop name :disable)
(eval (doom-package-prop name :ignore))
(package-built-in-p name)
(package-installed-p name))
do (error! "%s is not installed" name))
(load doctor-file 'noerror 'nomessage))
(file-missing (error! "%s" (error-message-string ex)))
(error (error! "Syntax error: %s" ex)))))
(warn! "Attempt to load DOOM failed\n %s\n"
(or (cdr-safe ex) (car ex)))
(setq doom-modules nil)))
;;; Final report
(message "")
(dolist (msg (list (list doom-errors "error" 'red)
(list doom-warnings "warning" 'yellow)))
(when (> (car msg) 0)
(msg! (color (nth 2 msg)
(if (= (car msg) 1)
"There is %d %s!"
"There are %d %ss!")
(car msg) (nth 1 msg)))))
(when (and (zerop doom-errors)
(zerop doom-warnings))
(success! "Everything seems fine, happy Emacs'ing!"))