2021-10-10 18:36:46 +02:00

256 lines
9.5 KiB

;;; core/core-cli.el --- -*- lexical-binding: t; no-byte-compile: t; -*-
(defvar doom-auto-accept (getenv "YES")
"If non-nil, Doom will auto-accept any confirmation prompts during batch
commands like `doom-cli-packages-install', `doom-cli-packages-update' and
(defvar doom-auto-discard (getenv "FORCE")
"If non-nil, discard all local changes while updating.")
(defvar doom-cli-file "cli"
"The basename of CLI config files for modules.
These are loaded when a Doom's CLI starts up. There users and modules can define
additional CLI commands, or reconfigure existing ones to better suit their
(defvar doom-cli-log-file (concat doom-local-dir "doom.log")
"Where to write the extended output to.")
(defvar doom-cli-log-error-file (concat doom-local-dir "doom.error.log")
"Where to write the last backtrace to.")
(defvar doom--cli-log-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *doom log*"))
(defvar doom--cli-commands (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar doom--cli-groups (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar doom--cli-group nil)
(define-error 'doom-cli-error "There was an unexpected error" 'doom-error)
(define-error 'doom-cli-command-not-found-error "Could not find that command" 'doom-cli-error)
(define-error 'doom-cli-wrong-number-of-arguments-error "Wrong number of CLI arguments" 'doom-cli-error)
(define-error 'doom-cli-unrecognized-option-error "Not a recognized option" 'doom-cli-error)
(define-error 'doom-cli-deprecated-error "Command is deprecated" 'doom-cli-error)
;;; Bootstrap
(require 'seq)
(load! "autoload/process")
(load! "autoload/system")
(load! "autoload/plist")
(load! "autoload/files")
(load! "autoload/output")
(load! "cli/lib/debugger")
(load! "cli/lib/lib")
(load! "cli/lib/straight-hacks")
;; Use our own home-grown debugger so we can capture and store backtraces, make
;; them more presentable, and make it easier for users to produce better bug
;; reports!
(setq debugger #'doom-cli--debugger
debug-on-error t
debug-ignored-errors '(user-error))
;; Create all our core directories to quell file errors.
(mapc (doom-rpartial #'make-directory 'parents)
(list doom-local-dir
;; Ensure straight and core packages are ready to go for CLI commands.
(require 'core-modules)
(require 'core-packages)
;; Default to using all cores, rather than half of them, since we compile things
;; ahead-of-time in a non-interactive session.
(defadvice! doom--comp-use-all-cores-a (&rest _)
:before #'comp-effective-async-max-jobs
(setq comp-num-cpus (doom-system-cpus)))
;;; Entry point
(defcli! :doom
((help-p ["-h" "--help"] "Same as help command")
(auto-accept-p ["-y" "--yes"] "Auto-accept all confirmation prompts")
(debug-p ["-d" "--debug"] "Enables on verbose output")
(loadfile ["-l" "--load" file] "Load an elisp FILE before executing any commands")
(doomdir ["--doomdir" dir] "Use the private module at DIR (e.g. ~/.doom.d)")
(localdir ["--localdir" dir] "Use DIR as your local storage directory")
(nocolor ["-C" "--nocolor"] "Disable colored output")
&optional command
&rest args)
"A command line interface for managing Doom Emacs.
Includes package management, diagnostics, unit tests, and byte-compilation.
This tool also makes it trivial to launch Emacs out of a different folder or
with a different private module.
Environment variables:
EMACSDIR Where to find the Doom Emacs repo (normally ~/.emacs.d)
DOOMDIR Where to find your private Doom config (normally ~/.doom.d)
DOOMLOCALDIR Where to store local files (normally ~/.emacs.d/.local)"
(condition-case e
(with-output-to! doom--cli-log-buffer
(when nocolor
(setq doom-output-backend nil))
(catch 'exit
(when (and (not (getenv "__DOOMRESTART"))
(or doomdir
(when doomdir
(setenv "DOOMDIR" (file-name-as-directory doomdir))
(print! (info "DOOMDIR=%s") doomdir))
(when localdir
(setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" (file-name-as-directory localdir))
(print! (info "DOOMLOCALDIR=%s") localdir))
(when debug-p
(setenv "DEBUG" "1")
(print! (info "DEBUG=1")))
(when auto-accept-p
(setenv "YES" auto-accept-p)
(print! (info "Confirmations auto-accept enabled")))
(throw 'exit "__DOOMRESTART=1 $@"))
(when loadfile
(load (doom-path loadfile) nil t t))
(when help-p
(when command
(push command args))
(setq command "help"))
t (if (null command)
(doom-cli-execute "help")
(let ((start-time (current-time)))
(run-hooks 'doom-cli-pre-hook)
(unless (getenv "__DOOMRESTART")
(print! (start "Executing 'doom %s' with Emacs %s at %s")
(cons (or (ignore-errors
(doom-cli-name (doom-cli-get command)))
" ")
(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
(when-let (result (apply #'doom-cli-execute command args))
(run-hooks 'doom-cli-post-hook)
(print! (success "Finished in %s")
(let* ((duration (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) before-init-time)))
(hours (/ (truncate duration) 60 60))
(minutes (- (/ (truncate duration) 60) (* hours 60)))
(seconds (- duration (* hours 60 60) (* minutes 60))))
nil (list (unless (zerop hours) (format "%dh" hours))
(unless (zerop minutes) (format "%dm" minutes))
(format (if (> duration 60) "%ds" "%.4fs")
;; TODO Not implemented yet
(print! (error "Command 'doom %s' not recognized") (string-join (cdr e) " "))
(print! "\nDid you mean one of these commands?")
(apply #'doom-cli-execute "help" "--similar" (string-join (cdr e) " "))
;; TODO Not implemented yet
(cl-destructuring-bind (route opt arg n d) (cdr e)
(print! (error "doom %s: %S requires %d arguments, but %d given\n")
(mapconcat #'symbol-name route " ") arg n d)
(apply #'doom-cli-execute "help" (mapcar #'symbol-name route))))
;; TODO Not implemented yet
(let ((option (cadr e)))
(print! (error "Unrecognized option: %S") option)
(when (string-match "^--[^=]+=\\(.+\\)$" option)
(print! "The %S syntax isn't supported. Use '%s %s' instead."
option (car (split-string option "="))
(match-string 1 option))))
;; TODO Not implemented yet
(cl-destructuring-bind (route . commands) (cdr e)
(print! (warn "The 'doom %s' command was removed and replaced with:\n")
(mapconcat #'symbol-name route " "))
(dolist (command commands)
(print! (info "%s") command))))
(print! (warn "%s") (cadr e))
;;; CLI Commands
(load! "cli/help")
(load! "cli/install")
(load! "cli/sync")
(load! "cli/env")
(load! "cli/upgrade")
(load! "cli/packages")
(load! "cli/autoloads")
(load! "cli/ci")
(defcligroup! "Diagnostics"
"For troubleshooting and diagnostics"
(load! "cli/doctor")
(load! "cli/debug")
;; Our tests are broken at the moment. Working on fixing them, but for now we
;; disable them:
;; (load! "cli/test")
(defcligroup! "Compilation"
"For compiling Doom and your config"
(load! "cli/byte-compile"))
(defcligroup! "Utilities"
"Conveniences for interacting with Doom externally"
(defcli! run (&rest args)
"Run Doom Emacs from bin/doom's parent directory.
All arguments are passed on to Emacs.
doom run
doom run -nw init.el
WARNING: this command exists for convenience and testing. Doom will suffer
additional overhead by being started this way. For the best performance, it is
best to run Doom out of ~/.emacs.d and ~/.doom.d."
(throw 'exit (cons invocation-name args))))
;;; Bootstrap
(doom-log "Initializing Doom CLI")
(load! doom-module-init-file doom-private-dir t)
(maphash (doom-module-loader doom-cli-file) doom-modules)
(load! doom-cli-file doom-private-dir t)
;; Don't generate superfluous files when writing temp buffers
(setq make-backup-files nil)
;; Stop user configuration from interfering with package management
(setq enable-dir-local-variables nil)
;; Reduce ambiguity, embrace specificity. It's more predictable.
(setq-default case-fold-search nil)
;; Don't clog the user's trash with anything we clean up in this session.
(setq delete-by-moving-to-trash nil)
(provide 'core-cli)
;;; core-cli.el ends here