Henrik Lissner 044a1a5f2b Drop Emacs 26.x support
Emacs 27.x has been the stable version of Emacs for nearly a year, and
introduces a litany of bugfixes, performance, and quality-of-life
improvements that significantly reduce Doom's maintenance burden (like
XDG support, early-init.el, image manipulation without imagemagick, a
native JSON library, harfbuzz support, pdumper, and others).

With so many big changes on Doom's horizon, I like having one less (big)
thing to worry about.

Also reverts bb677cf7a (#5232) as it is no longer needed.
2021-07-06 02:31:52 -04:00

631 lines
24 KiB

;;; core-lib.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Helpers
(defun doom--resolve-hook-forms (hooks)
"Converts a list of modes into a list of hook symbols.
If a mode is quoted, it is left as is. If the entire HOOKS list is quoted, the
list is returned as-is."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(let ((hook-list (doom-enlist (doom-unquote hooks))))
(if (eq (car-safe hooks) 'quote)
(cl-loop for hook in hook-list
if (eq (car-safe hook) 'quote)
collect (cadr hook)
else collect (intern (format "%s-hook" (symbol-name hook)))))))
(defun doom--setq-hook-fns (hooks rest &optional singles)
(unless (or singles (= 0 (% (length rest) 2)))
(signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list #'evenp (length rest))))
(cl-loop with vars = (let ((args rest)
(while args
(push (if singles
(list (pop args))
(cons (pop args) (pop args)))
(nreverse vars))
for hook in (doom--resolve-hook-forms hooks)
for mode = (string-remove-suffix "-hook" (symbol-name hook))
(cl-loop for (var . val) in vars
(list var val hook
(intern (format "doom--setq-%s-for-%s-h"
var mode))))))
;;; Public library
(defun doom-unquote (exp)
"Return EXP unquoted."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(while (memq (car-safe exp) '(quote function))
(setq exp (cadr exp)))
(defun doom-enlist (exp)
"Return EXP wrapped in a list, or as-is if already a list."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(if (listp exp) exp (list exp)))
(defun doom-keyword-intern (str)
"Converts STR (a string) into a keyword (`keywordp')."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(cl-check-type str string)
(intern (concat ":" str)))
(defun doom-keyword-name (keyword)
"Returns the string name of KEYWORD (`keywordp') minus the leading colon."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(cl-check-type keyword keyword)
(substring (symbol-name keyword) 1))
(defmacro doom-log (format-string &rest args)
"Log to *Messages* if `doom-debug-p' is on.
Does not display text in echo area, but still logs to *Messages*. Accepts the
same arguments as `message'."
`(when doom-debug-p
(let ((inhibit-message (active-minibuffer-window)))
,(concat (propertize "DOOM " 'face 'font-lock-comment-face)
(when (bound-and-true-p doom--current-module)
(format "[%s/%s] "
(doom-keyword-name (car doom--current-module))
(cdr doom--current-module))
'face 'warning))
(defalias 'doom-partial #'apply-partially)
(defun doom-rpartial (fn &rest args)
"Return a partial application of FUN to right-hand ARGS.
ARGS is a list of the last N arguments to pass to FUN. The result is a new
function which does the same as FUN, except that the last N arguments are fixed
at the values with which this function was called."
(declare (side-effect-free t))
(lambda (&rest pre-args)
(apply fn (append pre-args args))))
(defun doom-lookup-key (keys &rest keymaps)
"Like `lookup-key', but search active keymaps if KEYMAP is omitted."
(if keymaps
(cl-some (doom-rpartial #'lookup-key keys) keymaps)
(cl-loop for keymap
in (append (cl-loop for alist in emulation-mode-map-alists
append (mapcar #'cdr
(if (symbolp alist)
(if (boundp alist) (symbol-value alist))
(list (current-local-map))
(mapcar #'cdr minor-mode-overriding-map-alist)
(mapcar #'cdr minor-mode-map-alist)
(list (current-global-map)))
if (keymapp keymap)
if (lookup-key keymap keys)
return it)))
;;; Sugars
(defun dir! ()
"Returns the directory of the emacs lisp file this macro is called from."
(when-let (path (file!))
(directory-file-name (file-name-directory path))))
(defun file! ()
"Return the emacs lisp file this macro is called from."
(cond ((bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file))
((stringp (car-safe current-load-list))
(car current-load-list))
((error "Cannot get this file-path"))))
(defmacro letenv! (envvars &rest body)
"Lexically bind ENVVARS in BODY, like `let' but for `process-environment'."
(declare (indent 1))
`(let ((process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)))
(dolist (var (list ,@(cl-loop for (var val) in envvars
collect `(cons ,var ,val))))
(setenv (car var) (cdr var)))
(defmacro letf! (bindings &rest body)
"Temporarily rebind function and macros in BODY.
Intended as a simpler version of `cl-letf' and `cl-macrolet'.
BINDINGS is either a) a list of, or a single, `defun' or `defmacro'-ish form, or
b) a list of (PLACE VALUE) bindings as `cl-letf*' would accept.
TYPE is either `defun' or `defmacro'. NAME is the name of the function. If an
original definition for NAME exists, it can be accessed as a lexical variable by
the same name, for use with `funcall' or `apply'. ARGLIST and BODY are as in
\(fn ((TYPE NAME ARGLIST &rest BODY) ...) BODY...)"
(declare (indent defun))
(setq body (macroexp-progn body))
(when (memq (car bindings) '(defun defmacro))
(setq bindings (list bindings)))
(dolist (binding (reverse bindings) (macroexpand body))
(let ((type (car binding))
(rest (cdr binding)))
body (pcase type
(`defmacro `(cl-macrolet ((,@rest)) ,body))
(`defun `(cl-letf* ((,(car rest) (symbol-function #',(car rest)))
((symbol-function #',(car rest))
(lambda ,(cadr rest) ,@(cddr rest))))
(ignore ,(car rest))
(when (eq (car-safe type) 'function)
(setq type (list 'symbol-function type)))
(list 'cl-letf (list (cons type rest)) body)))))))
(defmacro quiet! (&rest forms)
"Run FORMS without generating any output.
This silences calls to `message', `load', `write-region' and anything that
writes to `standard-output'. In interactive sessions this won't suppress writing
to *Messages*, only inhibit output in the echo area."
`(if doom-debug-p
(progn ,@forms)
,(if doom-interactive-p
`(let ((inhibit-message t)
(save-silently t))
(prog1 ,@forms (message "")))
`(letf! ((standard-output (lambda (&rest _)))
(defun message (&rest _))
(defun load (file &optional noerror nomessage nosuffix must-suffix)
(funcall load file noerror t nosuffix must-suffix))
(defun write-region (start end filename &optional append visit lockname mustbenew)
(unless visit (setq visit 'no-message))
(funcall write-region start end filename append visit lockname mustbenew)))
(defmacro eval-if! (cond then &rest body)
"Expands to THEN if COND is non-nil, to BODY otherwise.
COND is checked at compile/expansion time, allowing BODY to be omitted entirely
when the elisp is byte-compiled. Use this for forms that contain expensive
macros that could safely be removed at compile time."
(declare (indent 2))
(if (eval cond)
(macroexp-progn body)))
(defmacro eval-when! (cond &rest body)
"Expands to BODY if CONDITION is non-nil at compile/expansion time.
See `eval-if!' for details on this macro's purpose."
(declare (indent 1))
(when (eval cond)
(macroexp-progn body)))
;;; Closure factories
(defmacro fn! (arglist &rest body)
"Returns (cl-function (lambda ARGLIST BODY...))
The closure is wrapped in `cl-function', meaning ARGLIST will accept anything
`cl-defun' will. "
(declare (indent defun) (doc-string 1) (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
`(cl-function (lambda ,arglist ,@body)))
(defmacro cmd! (&rest body)
"Returns (lambda () (interactive) ,@body)
A factory for quickly producing interaction commands, particularly for keybinds
or aliases."
(declare (doc-string 1) (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
`(lambda (&rest _) (interactive) ,@body))
(defmacro cmd!! (command &optional prefix-arg &rest args)
"Returns a closure that interactively calls COMMAND with ARGS and PREFIX-ARG.
Like `cmd!', but allows you to change `current-prefix-arg' or pass arguments to
COMMAND. This macro is meant to be used as a target for keybinds (e.g. with
`define-key' or `map!')."
(declare (doc-string 1) (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
`(lambda (arg &rest _) (interactive "P")
(let ((current-prefix-arg (or ,prefix-arg arg)))
(,(if args
,command ,@args))))
(defmacro cmds! (&rest branches)
"Returns a dispatcher that runs the a command in BRANCHES.
Meant to be used as a target for keybinds (e.g. with `define-key' or `map!').
BRANCHES is a flat list of CONDITION COMMAND pairs. CONDITION is a lisp form
that is evaluated when (and each time) the dispatcher is invoked. If it returns
non-nil, COMMAND is invoked, otherwise it falls through to the next pair.
The last element of BRANCHES can be a COMMANd with no CONDITION. This acts as
the fallback if all other conditions fail.
Otherwise, Emacs will fall through the keybind and search the next keymap for a
keybind (as if this keybind never existed).
See `general-key-dispatch' for what other arguments it accepts in BRANCHES."
(declare (doc-string 1))
(let ((docstring (if (stringp (car branches)) (pop branches) ""))
(when (cl-oddp (length branches))
(setq fallback (car (last branches))
branches (butlast branches)))
(let ((defs (cl-loop for (key value) on branches by 'cddr
unless (keywordp key)
collect (list key value))))
,(or docstring "") nil
:filter (lambda (&optional _)
(let (it)
(cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (pred-def)
`((setq it ,(car pred-def))
,(cadr pred-def)))
(t ,fallback))))))))
(defalias 'kbd! 'general-simulate-key)
;; For backwards compatibility
(defalias 'λ! 'cmd!)
(defalias 'λ!! 'cmd!!)
;; DEPRECATED These have been superseded by `cmd!' and `cmd!!'
(define-obsolete-function-alias 'lambda! 'cmd! "3.0.0")
(define-obsolete-function-alias 'lambda!! 'cmd!! "3.0.0")
;;; Mutation
(defmacro appendq! (sym &rest lists)
"Append LISTS to SYM in place."
`(setq ,sym (append ,sym ,@lists)))
(defmacro setq! (&rest settings)
"A stripped-down `customize-set-variable' with the syntax of `setq'.
This can be used as a drop-in replacement for `setq'. Particularly when you know
a variable has a custom setter (a :set property in its `defcustom' declaration).
This triggers setters. `setq' does not."
(cl-loop for (var val) on settings by 'cddr
collect `(funcall (or (get ',var 'custom-set) #'set)
',var ,val))))
(defmacro delq! (elt list &optional fetcher)
"`delq' ELT from LIST in-place.
If FETCHER is a function, ELT is used as the key in LIST (an alist)."
`(setq ,list
(delq ,(if fetcher
`(funcall ,fetcher ,elt ,list)
(defmacro pushnew! (place &rest values)
"Push VALUES sequentially into PLACE, if they aren't already present.
This is a variadic `cl-pushnew'."
(let ((var (make-symbol "result")))
`(dolist (,var (list ,@values) (with-no-warnings ,place))
(cl-pushnew ,var ,place :test #'equal))))
(defmacro prependq! (sym &rest lists)
"Prepend LISTS to SYM in place."
`(setq ,sym (append ,@lists ,sym)))
;;; Loading
(defmacro add-load-path! (&rest dirs)
"Add DIRS to `load-path', relative to the current file.
The current file is the file from which `add-to-load-path!' is used."
`(let ((default-directory ,(dir!))
(dolist (dir (list ,@dirs))
(cl-pushnew (expand-file-name dir) load-path :test #'string=))))
(defmacro after! (package &rest body)
"Evaluate BODY after PACKAGE have loaded.
PACKAGE is a symbol or list of them. These are package names, not modes,
functions or variables. It can be:
- An unquoted package symbol (the name of a package)
(after! helm BODY...)
- An unquoted list of package symbols (i.e. BODY is evaluated once both magit
and git-gutter have loaded)
(after! (magit git-gutter) BODY...)
- An unquoted, nested list of compound package lists, using any combination of
:or/:any and :and/:all
(after! (:or package-a package-b ...) BODY...)
(after! (:and package-a package-b ...) BODY...)
(after! (:and package-a (:or package-b package-c) ...) BODY...)
Without :or/:any/:and/:all, :and/:all are implied.
This is a wrapper around `eval-after-load' that:
1. Suppresses warnings for disabled packages at compile-time
2. No-ops for package that are disabled by the user (via `package!')
3. Supports compound package statements (see below)
4. Prevents eager expansion pulling in autoloaded macros all at once"
(declare (indent defun) (debug t))
(if (symbolp package)
(unless (memq package (bound-and-true-p doom-disabled-packages))
(list (if (or (not (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file))
(require package nil 'noerror))
;; We intentionally avoid `with-eval-after-load' to prevent eager
;; macro expansion from pulling (or failing to pull) in autoloaded
;; macros/packages.
`(eval-after-load ',package ',(macroexp-progn body))))
(let ((p (car package)))
(cond ((not (keywordp p))
`(after! (:and ,@package) ,@body))
((memq p '(:or :any))
(cl-loop for next in (cdr package)
collect `(after! ,next ,@body))))
((memq p '(:and :all))
(dolist (next (cdr package))
(setq body `((after! ,next ,@body))))
(car body))))))
(defun doom--handle-load-error (e target path)
(let* ((source (file-name-sans-extension target))
(err (cond ((not (featurep 'core))
(cons 'error (file-name-directory path)))
((file-in-directory-p source doom-core-dir)
(cons 'doom-error doom-core-dir))
((file-in-directory-p source doom-private-dir)
(cons 'doom-private-error doom-private-dir))
((cons 'doom-module-error doom-emacs-dir)))))
(signal (car err)
(list (file-relative-name
(concat source ".el")
(cdr err))
(defmacro load! (filename &optional path noerror)
"Load a file relative to the current executing file (`load-file-name').
FILENAME is either a file path string or a form that should evaluate to such a
string at run time. PATH is where to look for the file (a string representing a
directory path). If omitted, the lookup is relative to either `load-file-name',
`byte-compile-current-file' or `buffer-file-name' (checked in that order).
If NOERROR is non-nil, don't throw an error if the file doesn't exist."
(let* ((path (or path
(error "Could not detect path to look for '%s' in"
(file (if path
`(expand-file-name ,filename ,path)
`(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let (file-name-handler-alist)
(load ,file ,noerror 'nomessage))
(doom-error (signal (car e) (cdr e)))
(error (doom--handle-load-error e ,file ,path)))))
(defmacro defer-until! (condition &rest body)
"Run BODY when CONDITION is true (checks on `after-load-functions'). Meant to
serve as a predicated alternative to `after!'."
(declare (indent defun) (debug t))
`(if ,condition
(progn ,@body)
,(let ((fn (intern (format "doom--delay-form-%s-h" (sxhash (cons condition body))))))
(fset ',fn (lambda (&rest args)
(when ,(or condition t)
(remove-hook 'after-load-functions #',fn)
(unintern ',fn nil)
(ignore args)
(put ',fn 'permanent-local-hook t)
(add-hook 'after-load-functions #',fn)))))
(defmacro defer-feature! (feature &rest fns)
"Pretend FEATURE hasn't been loaded yet, until FEATURE-hook or FN runs.
Some packages (like `elisp-mode' and `lisp-mode') are loaded immediately at
startup, which will prematurely trigger `after!' (and `with-eval-after-load')
blocks. To get around this we make Emacs believe FEATURE hasn't been loaded yet,
then wait until FEATURE-hook (or MODE-hook, if FN is provided) is triggered to
reverse this and trigger `after!' blocks at a more reasonable time."
(let ((advice-fn (intern (format "doom--defer-feature-%s-a" feature))))
(delq! ',feature features)
(defadvice! ,advice-fn (&rest _)
:before ',fns
;; Some plugins (like yasnippet) will invoke a fn early to parse
;; code, which would prematurely trigger this. In those cases, well
;; behaved plugins will use `delay-mode-hooks', which we can check for:
(unless delay-mode-hooks
;; ...Otherwise, announce to the world this package has been loaded,
;; so `after!' handlers can react.
(provide ',feature)
(dolist (fn ',fns)
(advice-remove fn #',advice-fn)))))))
;;; Hooks
(defvar doom--transient-counter 0)
(defmacro add-transient-hook! (hook-or-function &rest forms)
"Attaches a self-removing function to HOOK-OR-FUNCTION.
FORMS are evaluated once, when that function/hook is first invoked, then never
HOOK-OR-FUNCTION can be a quoted hook or a sharp-quoted function (which will be
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((append (if (eq (car forms) :after) (pop forms)))
;; Avoid `make-symbol' and `gensym' here because an interned symbol is
;; easier to debug in backtraces (and is visible to `describe-function')
(fn (intern (format "doom--transient-%d-h" (cl-incf doom--transient-counter)))))
`(let ((sym ,hook-or-function))
(defun ,fn (&rest _)
,(format "Transient hook for %S" (doom-unquote hook-or-function))
(let ((sym ,hook-or-function))
(cond ((functionp sym) (advice-remove sym #',fn))
((symbolp sym) (remove-hook sym #',fn))))
(unintern ',fn nil))
(cond ((functionp sym)
(advice-add ,hook-or-function ,(if append :after :before) #',fn))
((symbolp sym)
(put ',fn 'permanent-local-hook t)
(add-hook sym #',fn ,append))))))
(defmacro add-hook! (hooks &rest rest)
"A convenience macro for adding N functions to M hooks.
This macro accepts, in order:
1. The mode(s) or hook(s) to add to. This is either an unquoted mode, an
unquoted list of modes, a quoted hook variable or a quoted list of hook
2. Optional properties :local, :append, and/or :depth [N], which will make the
hook buffer-local or append to the list of hooks (respectively),
3. The function(s) to be added: this can be one function, a quoted list
thereof, a list of `defun's, or body forms (implicitly wrapped in a
\(fn HOOKS [:append :local] FUNCTIONS)"
(declare (indent (lambda (indent-point state)
(goto-char indent-point)
(when (looking-at-p "\\s-*(")
(lisp-indent-defform state indent-point))))
(debug t))
(let* ((hook-forms (doom--resolve-hook-forms hooks))
(func-forms ())
(defn-forms ())
(while (keywordp (car rest))
(pcase (pop rest)
(:append (setq append-p t))
(:depth (setq depth (pop rest)))
(:local (setq local-p t))
(:remove (setq remove-p t))))
(let ((first (car-safe (car rest))))
(cond ((null first)
(setq func-forms rest))
((eq first 'defun)
(setq func-forms (mapcar #'cadr rest)
defn-forms rest))
((memq first '(quote function))
(setq func-forms
(if (cdr rest)
(mapcar #'doom-unquote rest)
(doom-enlist (doom-unquote (car rest))))))
((setq func-forms (list `(lambda (&rest _) ,@rest)))))
(dolist (hook hook-forms)
(dolist (func func-forms)
(push (if remove-p
`(remove-hook ',hook #',func ,local-p)
`(add-hook ',hook #',func ,(or depth append-p) ,local-p))
(append defn-forms
(if append-p
(nreverse forms)
(defmacro remove-hook! (hooks &rest rest)
"A convenience macro for removing N functions from M hooks.
Takes the same arguments as `add-hook!'.
If N and M = 1, there's no benefit to using this macro over `remove-hook'.
\(fn HOOKS [:append :local] FUNCTIONS)"
(declare (indent defun) (debug t))
`(add-hook! ,hooks :remove ,@rest))
(defmacro setq-hook! (hooks &rest var-vals)
"Sets buffer-local variables on HOOKS.
\(fn HOOKS &rest [SYM VAL]...)"
(declare (indent 1))
(cl-loop for (var val hook fn) in (doom--setq-hook-fns hooks var-vals)
collect `(defun ,fn (&rest _)
,(format "%s = %s" var (pp-to-string val))
(setq-local ,var ,val))
collect `(remove-hook ',hook #',fn) ; ensure set order
collect `(add-hook ',hook #',fn))))
(defmacro unsetq-hook! (hooks &rest vars)
"Unbind setq hooks on HOOKS for VARS.
\(fn HOOKS &rest [SYM VAL]...)"
(declare (indent 1))
(cl-loop for (_var _val hook fn)
in (doom--setq-hook-fns hooks vars 'singles)
collect `(remove-hook ',hook #',fn))))
;;; Definers
(defmacro defadvice! (symbol arglist &optional docstring &rest body)
"Define an advice called SYMBOL and add it to PLACES.
ARGLIST is as in `defun'. WHERE is a keyword as passed to `advice-add', and
PLACE is the function to which to add the advice, like in `advice-add'.
DOCSTRING and BODY are as in `defun'.
(declare (doc-string 3) (indent defun))
(unless (stringp docstring)
(push docstring body)
(setq docstring nil))
(let (where-alist)
(while (keywordp (car body))
(push `(cons ,(pop body) (doom-enlist ,(pop body)))
(defun ,symbol ,arglist ,docstring ,@body)
(dolist (targets (list ,@(nreverse where-alist)))
(dolist (target (cdr targets))
(advice-add target (car targets) #',symbol))))))
(defmacro undefadvice! (symbol _arglist &optional docstring &rest body)
"Undefine an advice called SYMBOL.
This has the same signature as `defadvice!' an exists as an easy undefiner when
testing advice (when combined with `rotate-text').
(declare (doc-string 3) (indent defun))
(let (where-alist)
(unless (stringp docstring)
(push docstring body))
(while (keywordp (car body))
(push `(cons ,(pop body) (doom-enlist ,(pop body)))
`(dolist (targets (list ,@(nreverse where-alist)))
(dolist (target (cdr targets))
(advice-remove target #',symbol)))))
;;; Backports
;; None at the moment!
(provide 'core-lib)
;;; core-lib.el ends here