Henrik Lissner 9c75a69696
tweak(markdown): disable wiki links & math highlights by default
These two features are relatively expensive and shouldn't be enabled as
a global default.
2024-05-21 17:16:51 +02:00

144 lines
7.1 KiB

;;; lang/markdown/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +markdown-compile-functions
"A list of commands to try when attempting to build a markdown file with
`markdown-open' or `markdown-preview', stopping at the first one to return non-nil.
Each function takes three argument. The beginning position of the region to
capture, the end position, and the output buffer.")
;;; Packages
(use-package! markdown-mode
:mode ("/README\\(?:\\.md\\)?\\'" . gfm-mode)
(setq markdown-italic-underscore t
markdown-asymmetric-header t
markdown-gfm-additional-languages '("sh")
markdown-make-gfm-checkboxes-buttons t
markdown-fontify-whole-heading-line t
;; `+markdown-compile' offers support for many transpilers (see
;; `+markdown-compile-functions'), which it tries until one succeeds.
markdown-command #'+markdown-compile
;; This is set to `nil' by default, which causes a wrong-type-arg error
;; when you use `markdown-open'. These are more sensible defaults.
(cond ((featurep :system 'macos) "open")
((featurep :system 'linux) "xdg-open"))
;; A sensible and simple default preamble for markdown exports that
;; takes after the github asthetic (plus highlightjs syntax coloring).
markdown-content-type "application/xhtml+xml"
(concat "<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no'>"
"<style> body { box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 740px; width: 100%; margin: 40px auto; padding: 0 10px; } </style>"
"<script id='MathJax-script' async src=''></script>"
"<script src=''></script>"
"<script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { document.body.classList.add('markdown-body'); document.querySelectorAll('pre[lang] > code').forEach((code) => { code.classList.add(code.parentElement.lang); }); document.querySelectorAll('pre > code').forEach((code) => { hljs.highlightBlock(code); }); });</script>"))
;; A shorter alias for org src blocks than "markdown"
(after! org-src
(add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("md" . markdown)))
(set-flyspell-predicate! '(markdown-mode gfm-mode)
(set-lookup-handlers! '(markdown-mode gfm-mode)
;; `markdown-follow-thing-at-point' may open an external program or a
;; buffer. No good way to tell, so pretend it's async.
:file '(markdown-follow-thing-at-point :async t))
(sp-local-pair '(markdown-mode gfm-mode) "`" "`"
:unless '(:add sp-point-before-word-p sp-point-before-same-p))
;; Highly rust blocks correctly
(when (modulep! :lang rust)
(add-to-list 'markdown-code-lang-modes '("rust" . rustic-mode)))
;; Don't trigger autofill in code blocks (see `auto-fill-mode')
(setq-hook! 'markdown-mode-hook
fill-nobreak-predicate (cons #'markdown-code-block-at-point-p
;; HACK Prevent mis-fontification of YAML metadata blocks in `markdown-mode'
;; which occurs when the first line contains a colon in it. See
;; jrblevin/markdown-mode#328.
(defadvice! +markdown-disable-front-matter-fontification-a (&rest _)
:override #'markdown-match-generic-metadata
(ignore (goto-char (point-max))))
(map! :map markdown-mode-map
"'" #'markdown-edit-code-block
"o" #'markdown-open
"p" #'markdown-preview
"e" #'markdown-export
(:when (modulep! +grip)
"p" #'grip-mode)
(:prefix ("i" . "insert")
:desc "Table Of Content" "T" #'markdown-toc-generate-toc
:desc "Image" "i" #'markdown-insert-image
:desc "Link" "l" #'markdown-insert-link
:desc "<hr>" "-" #'markdown-insert-hr
:desc "Heading 1" "1" #'markdown-insert-header-atx-1
:desc "Heading 2" "2" #'markdown-insert-header-atx-2
:desc "Heading 3" "3" #'markdown-insert-header-atx-3
:desc "Heading 4" "4" #'markdown-insert-header-atx-4
:desc "Heading 5" "5" #'markdown-insert-header-atx-5
:desc "Heading 6" "6" #'markdown-insert-header-atx-6
:desc "Code block" "C" #'markdown-insert-gfm-code-block
:desc "Pre region" "P" #'markdown-pre-region
:desc "Blockquote region" "Q" #'markdown-blockquote-region
:desc "Checkbox" "[" #'markdown-insert-gfm-checkbox
:desc "Bold" "b" #'markdown-insert-bold
:desc "Inline code" "c" #'markdown-insert-code
:desc "Italic" "e" #'markdown-insert-italic
:desc "Footnote" "f" #'markdown-insert-footnote
:desc "Header dwim" "h" #'markdown-insert-header-dwim
:desc "Italic" "i" #'markdown-insert-italic
:desc "Kbd" "k" #'markdown-insert-kbd
:desc "Pre" "p" #'markdown-insert-pre
:desc "New blockquote" "q" #'markdown-insert-blockquote
:desc "Strike through" "s" #'markdown-insert-strike-through
:desc "Table" "t" #'markdown-insert-table
:desc "Wiki link" "w" #'markdown-insert-wiki-link)
(:prefix ("t" . "toggle")
:desc "Inline LaTeX" "e" #'markdown-toggle-math
:desc "Code highlights" "f" #'markdown-toggle-fontify-code-blocks-natively
:desc "Inline images" "i" #'markdown-toggle-inline-images
:desc "URL hiding" "l" #'markdown-toggle-url-hiding
:desc "Markup hiding" "m" #'markdown-toggle-markup-hiding
:desc "Wiki links" "w" #'markdown-toggle-wiki-links
:desc "GFM checkbox" "x" #'markdown-toggle-gfm-checkbox)))
(use-package! evil-markdown
:when (modulep! :editor evil +everywhere)
:hook (markdown-mode . evil-markdown-mode)
(add-hook 'evil-markdown-mode-hook #'evil-normalize-keymaps)
(map! :map evil-markdown-mode-map
:n "TAB" #'markdown-cycle
:n [backtab] #'markdown-shifttab
:i "M-*" #'markdown-insert-list-item
:i "M-b" #'markdown-insert-bold
:i "M-i" #'markdown-insert-italic
:i "M-`" #'+markdown/insert-del
:i "M--" #'markdown-insert-hr
:n "M-r" #'browse-url-of-file
:m "]h" #'markdown-next-visible-heading
:m "[h" #'markdown-previous-visible-heading
:m "[p" #'markdown-promote
:m "]p" #'markdown-demote
:m "[l" #'markdown-previous-link
:m "]l" #'markdown-next-link))