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;;; doom-projects.el --- defaults for project management in Doom -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
2017-02-08 07:02:51 +00:00
(defvar doom-projectile-cache-limit 10000
"If any project cache surpasses this many files it is purged when quitting
(defvar doom-projectile-cache-blacklist '("~" "/tmp" "/")
"Directories that should never be cached.")
(defvar doom-projectile-cache-purge-non-projects nil
"If non-nil, non-projects are purged from the cache on `kill-emacs-hook'.")
(defvar doom-projectile-fd-binary
(cl-find-if #'executable-find (list "fdfind" "fd"))
"The filename of the `fd' executable. On some distros it's 'fdfind' (ubuntu,
debian, and derivatives). On most it's 'fd'.")
(defvar doom-projects--fd-version nil)
;;; Packages
(after! project
(setq project-list-file (file-name-concat doom-data-dir "projects")))
;; DEPRECATED: Will be replaced with project.el
(use-package! projectile
:commands (projectile-project-root
(setq projectile-cache-file (concat doom-cache-dir "projectile.cache")
2020-07-23 05:04:04 +00:00
;; Auto-discovery is slow to do by default. Better to update the list
;; when you need to (`projectile-discover-projects-in-search-path').
projectile-auto-discover nil
projectile-enable-caching (not noninteractive)
projectile-globally-ignored-files '(".DS_Store" "TAGS")
projectile-globally-ignored-file-suffixes '(".elc" ".pyc" ".o")
projectile-kill-buffers-filter 'kill-only-files
projectile-known-projects-file (concat doom-cache-dir "projectile.projects")
projectile-ignored-projects '("~/")
projectile-ignored-project-function #'doom-project-ignored-p)
(global-set-key [remap evil-jump-to-tag] #'projectile-find-tag)
(global-set-key [remap find-tag] #'projectile-find-tag)
;; HACK: Projectile cleans up the known projects list at startup. If this list
;; contains tramp paths, the `file-remote-p' calls will pull in tramp via
;; its `file-name-handler-alist' entry, which is expensive. Since Doom
;; already cleans up the project list on kill-emacs-hook, it's simplest to
;; inhibit this cleanup process at startup (see bbatsov/projectile#1649).
(letf! ((#'projectile--cleanup-known-projects #'ignore))
(projectile-mode +1))
;; HACK: Auto-discovery and cleanup on `projectile-mode' is slow and
;; premature. Let's try to defer it until it's needed.
(add-transient-hook! 'projectile-relevant-known-projects
(when projectile-auto-discover
2019-12-19 19:49:17 +00:00
;; Projectile runs four functions to determine the root (in this order):
;; + `projectile-root-local' -> checks the `projectile-project-root' variable
;; for an explicit path.
;; + `projectile-root-bottom-up' -> searches from / to your current directory
;; for the paths listed in `projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up'. This
;; includes .git and .project
;; + `projectile-root-top-down' -> searches from the current directory down to
2020-04-11 18:51:15 +00:00
;; / the paths listed in `projectile-root-files', like package.json,
;;, or Cargo.toml
;; + `projectile-root-top-down-recurring' -> searches from the current
;; directory down to / for a directory that has one of
;; `projectile-project-root-files-top-down-recurring' but doesn't have a
;; parent directory with the same file.
2019-12-19 19:49:17 +00:00
;; In the interest of performance, we reduce the number of project root marker
;; files/directories projectile searches for when resolving the project root.
(setq projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up
(append '(".projectile" ; projectile's root marker
".project" ; doom project marker
".git") ; Git VCS root dir
(when (executable-find "hg")
'(".hg")) ; Mercurial VCS root dir
(when (executable-find "bzr")
'(".bzr"))) ; Bazaar VCS root dir
;; This will be filled by other modules. We build this list manually so
;; projectile doesn't perform so many file checks every time it resolves
;; a project's root -- particularly when a file has no project.
projectile-project-root-files '()
projectile-project-root-files-top-down-recurring '("Makefile"))
(push (abbreviate-file-name doom-local-dir) projectile-globally-ignored-directories)
;; Per-project compilation buffers
(setq compilation-buffer-name-function #'projectile-compilation-buffer-name
compilation-save-buffers-predicate #'projectile-current-project-buffer-p)
;; Support the more generic .project files as an alternative to .projectile
(defadvice! doom--projectile-dirconfig-file-a ()
:override #'projectile-dirconfig-file
(cond ((file-exists-p! (or ".projectile" ".project") (projectile-project-root)))
((expand-file-name ".project" (projectile-project-root)))))
;; Disable commands that won't work, as is, and that Doom already provides a
;; better alternative for.
(put 'projectile-ag 'disabled "Use +default/search-project instead")
(put 'projectile-ripgrep 'disabled "Use +default/search-project instead")
(put 'projectile-grep 'disabled "Use +default/search-project instead")
:boom: revise advice naming convention (1/2) This is first of three big naming convention updates that have been a long time coming. With 2.1 on the horizon, all the breaking updates will batched together in preparation for the long haul. In this commit, we do away with the asterix to communicate that a function is an advice function, and we replace it with the '-a' suffix. e.g. doom*shut-up -> doom-shut-up-a doom*recenter -> doom-recenter-a +evil*static-reindent -> +evil--static-reindent-a The rationale behind this change is: 1. Elisp's own formatting/indenting tools would occasionally struggle with | and * (particularly pp and cl-prettyprint). They have no problem with / and :, fortunately. 2. External syntax highlighters (like pygmentize, discord markdown or github markdown) struggle with it, sometimes refusing to highlight code beyond these symbols. 3. * and | are less expressive than - and -- in communicating the intended visibility, versatility and stability of a function. 4. It complicated the regexps we must use to search for them. 5. They were arbitrary and over-complicated to begin with, decided on haphazardly way back when Doom was simply "my private config". Anyhow, like how predicate functions have the -p suffix, we'll adopt the -a suffix for advice functions, -h for hook functions and -fn for variable functions. Other noteable changes: - Replaces advice-{add,remove}! macro with new def-advice! macro. The old pair weren't as useful. The new def-advice! saves on a lot of space. - Removed "stage" assertions to make sure you were using the right macros in the right place. Turned out to not be necessary, we'll employ better checks later.
2019-07-18 13:42:52 +00:00
;; Treat current directory in dired as a "file in a project" and track it
(add-hook 'dired-before-readin-hook #'projectile-track-known-projects-find-file-hook)
;; Accidentally indexing big directories like $HOME or / will massively bloat
;; projectile's cache (into the hundreds of MBs). This purges those entries
;; when exiting Emacs to prevent slowdowns/freezing when cache files are
;; loaded or written to.
(add-hook! 'kill-emacs-hook
(defun doom-cleanup-project-cache-h ()
"Purge projectile cache entries that:
a) have too many files (see `doom-projectile-cache-limit'),
2019-04-09 03:02:50 +00:00
b) represent blacklisted directories that are too big, change too often or are
private. (see `doom-projectile-cache-blacklist'),
c) are not valid projectile projects."
(when (and (bound-and-true-p projectile-projects-cache)
(setq projectile-known-projects
(cl-remove-if #'projectile-ignored-project-p
(cl-loop with blacklist = (mapcar #'file-truename doom-projectile-cache-blacklist)
for proot in (hash-table-keys projectile-projects-cache)
if (or (not (stringp proot))
(string-empty-p proot)
(>= (length (gethash proot projectile-projects-cache))
(member (substring proot 0 -1) blacklist)
(and doom-projectile-cache-purge-non-projects
(not (doom-project-p proot)))
(projectile-ignored-project-p proot))
do (doom-log "Removed %S from projectile cache" proot)
and do (remhash proot projectile-projects-cache)
and do (remhash proot projectile-projects-cache-time)
and do (remhash proot projectile-project-type-cache))
2021-01-21 06:10:14 +00:00
;; Some MSYS utilities auto expanded the `/' path separator, so we need to prevent it.
(when doom--system-windows-p
2021-01-21 06:10:14 +00:00
(setenv "MSYS_NO_PATHCONV" "1") ; Fix path in Git Bash
(setenv "MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL" "--path-separator")) ; Fix path in MSYS2
;; HACK Don't rely on VCS-specific commands to generate our file lists. That's
;; 7 commands to maintain, versus the more generic, reliable and
;; performant `fd' or `ripgrep'.
(defadvice! doom--only-use-generic-command-a (fn vcs)
"Only use `projectile-generic-command' for indexing project files.
And if it's a function, evaluate it."
:around #'projectile-get-ext-command
(if (and (functionp projectile-generic-command)
(not (file-remote-p default-directory)))
(funcall projectile-generic-command vcs)
(let ((projectile-git-submodule-command
(get 'projectile-git-submodule-command 'initial-value)))
(funcall fn vcs))))
;; `projectile-generic-command' doesn't typically support a function, but my
;; `doom--only-use-generic-command-a' advice allows this. I do it this way so
;; that projectile can adapt to remote systems (over TRAMP), rather then look
;; for fd/ripgrep on the remote system simply because it exists on the host.
;; It's faster too.
(put 'projectile-git-submodule-command 'initial-value projectile-git-submodule-command)
(setq projectile-git-submodule-command nil
projectile-indexing-method 'hybrid
(lambda (_)
;; If fd exists, use it for git and generic projects. fd is a rust
;; program that is significantly faster than git ls-files or find, and
;; it respects .gitignore. This is recommended in the projectile docs.
((bin (if (ignore-errors (file-remote-p default-directory nil t))
(cl-find-if (doom-rpartial #'executable-find t)
(list "fdfind" "fd"))
;; REVIEW Temporary fix for #6618. Improve me later.
(version (with-memoization doom-projects--fd-version
(cadr (split-string (cdr (doom-call-process bin "--version"))
" " t))))
((ignore-errors (version-to-list version))))
(concat (format "%s . -0 -H --color=never --type file --type symlink --follow --exclude .git %s"
bin (if (version< version "8.3.0")
"" "--strip-cwd-prefix"))
(if doom--system-windows-p " --path-separator=/"))))
;; Otherwise, resort to ripgrep, which is also faster than find
((executable-find "rg" t)
(concat "rg -0 --files --follow --color=never --hidden -g!.git"
(if doom--system-windows-p " --path-separator=/")))
("find . -type f -print0"))))
:boom: revise advice naming convention (1/2) This is first of three big naming convention updates that have been a long time coming. With 2.1 on the horizon, all the breaking updates will batched together in preparation for the long haul. In this commit, we do away with the asterix to communicate that a function is an advice function, and we replace it with the '-a' suffix. e.g. doom*shut-up -> doom-shut-up-a doom*recenter -> doom-recenter-a +evil*static-reindent -> +evil--static-reindent-a The rationale behind this change is: 1. Elisp's own formatting/indenting tools would occasionally struggle with | and * (particularly pp and cl-prettyprint). They have no problem with / and :, fortunately. 2. External syntax highlighters (like pygmentize, discord markdown or github markdown) struggle with it, sometimes refusing to highlight code beyond these symbols. 3. * and | are less expressive than - and -- in communicating the intended visibility, versatility and stability of a function. 4. It complicated the regexps we must use to search for them. 5. They were arbitrary and over-complicated to begin with, decided on haphazardly way back when Doom was simply "my private config". Anyhow, like how predicate functions have the -p suffix, we'll adopt the -a suffix for advice functions, -h for hook functions and -fn for variable functions. Other noteable changes: - Replaces advice-{add,remove}! macro with new def-advice! macro. The old pair weren't as useful. The new def-advice! saves on a lot of space. - Removed "stage" assertions to make sure you were using the right macros in the right place. Turned out to not be necessary, we'll employ better checks later.
2019-07-18 13:42:52 +00:00
(defadvice! doom--projectile-default-generic-command-a (fn &rest args)
:boom: revise advice naming convention (1/2) This is first of three big naming convention updates that have been a long time coming. With 2.1 on the horizon, all the breaking updates will batched together in preparation for the long haul. In this commit, we do away with the asterix to communicate that a function is an advice function, and we replace it with the '-a' suffix. e.g. doom*shut-up -> doom-shut-up-a doom*recenter -> doom-recenter-a +evil*static-reindent -> +evil--static-reindent-a The rationale behind this change is: 1. Elisp's own formatting/indenting tools would occasionally struggle with | and * (particularly pp and cl-prettyprint). They have no problem with / and :, fortunately. 2. External syntax highlighters (like pygmentize, discord markdown or github markdown) struggle with it, sometimes refusing to highlight code beyond these symbols. 3. * and | are less expressive than - and -- in communicating the intended visibility, versatility and stability of a function. 4. It complicated the regexps we must use to search for them. 5. They were arbitrary and over-complicated to begin with, decided on haphazardly way back when Doom was simply "my private config". Anyhow, like how predicate functions have the -p suffix, we'll adopt the -a suffix for advice functions, -h for hook functions and -fn for variable functions. Other noteable changes: - Replaces advice-{add,remove}! macro with new def-advice! macro. The old pair weren't as useful. The new def-advice! saves on a lot of space. - Removed "stage" assertions to make sure you were using the right macros in the right place. Turned out to not be necessary, we'll employ better checks later.
2019-07-18 13:42:52 +00:00
"If projectile can't tell what kind of project you're in, it issues an error
when using many of projectile's command, e.g. `projectile-compile-command',
`projectile-run-project', `projectile-test-project', and
`projectile-configure-project', for instance.
This suppresses the error so these commands will still run, but prompt you for
the command instead."
:around #'projectile-default-generic-command
(ignore-errors (apply fn args))))
:boom: revise advice naming convention (1/2) This is first of three big naming convention updates that have been a long time coming. With 2.1 on the horizon, all the breaking updates will batched together in preparation for the long haul. In this commit, we do away with the asterix to communicate that a function is an advice function, and we replace it with the '-a' suffix. e.g. doom*shut-up -> doom-shut-up-a doom*recenter -> doom-recenter-a +evil*static-reindent -> +evil--static-reindent-a The rationale behind this change is: 1. Elisp's own formatting/indenting tools would occasionally struggle with | and * (particularly pp and cl-prettyprint). They have no problem with / and :, fortunately. 2. External syntax highlighters (like pygmentize, discord markdown or github markdown) struggle with it, sometimes refusing to highlight code beyond these symbols. 3. * and | are less expressive than - and -- in communicating the intended visibility, versatility and stability of a function. 4. It complicated the regexps we must use to search for them. 5. They were arbitrary and over-complicated to begin with, decided on haphazardly way back when Doom was simply "my private config". Anyhow, like how predicate functions have the -p suffix, we'll adopt the -a suffix for advice functions, -h for hook functions and -fn for variable functions. Other noteable changes: - Replaces advice-{add,remove}! macro with new def-advice! macro. The old pair weren't as useful. The new def-advice! saves on a lot of space. - Removed "stage" assertions to make sure you were using the right macros in the right place. Turned out to not be necessary, we'll employ better checks later.
2019-07-18 13:42:52 +00:00
2017-02-01 00:50:11 +00:00
;;; Project-based minor modes
(defvar doom-project-hook nil
"Hook run when a project is enabled. The name of the project's mode and its
state are passed in.")
(cl-defmacro def-project-mode! (name &key
"Define a project minor mode named NAME and where/how it is activated.
Project modes allow you to configure 'sub-modes' for major-modes that are
specific to a folder, project structure, framework or whatever arbitrary context
you define. These project modes can have their own settings, keymaps, hooks,
snippets, etc.
This creates NAME-hook and NAME-map as well.
PLIST may contain any of these properties, which are all checked to see if NAME
should be activated. If they are *all* true, NAME is activated.
:modes MODES -- if buffers are derived from MODES (one or a list of symbols).
:files FILES -- if project contains FILES; takes a string or a form comprised
of nested (and ...) and/or (or ...) forms. Each path is relative to the
2017-03-16 02:42:05 +00:00
project root, however, if prefixed with a '.' or '..', it is relative to the
current buffer.
:match REGEXP -- if file name matches REGEXP
:when PREDICATE -- if PREDICATE returns true (can be a form or the symbol of a
:add-hooks HOOKS -- HOOKS is a list of hooks to add this mode's hook.
:on-load FORM -- FORM to run the first time this project mode is enabled.
:on-enter FORM -- FORM is run each time the mode is activated.
:on-exit FORM -- FORM is run each time the mode is disabled.
Relevant: `doom-project-hook'."
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((init-var (intern (format "%s-init" name))))
(when on-load
`((defvar ,init-var nil)))
`((define-minor-mode ,name
"A project minor mode generated by `def-project-mode!'."
:init-value nil
:lighter ""
:keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
(if (not ,name)
(run-hook-with-args 'doom-project-hook ',name ,name)
,(when on-load
`(unless ,init-var
(setq ,init-var t)))
(dolist (hook ,add-hooks)
(add-hook ',(intern (format "%s-hook" name)) hook)))
(cond ((or files modes when)
(cl-check-type files (or null list string))
(let ((fn
`(lambda ()
(and (not (bound-and-true-p ,name))
(and buffer-file-name (not (file-remote-p buffer-file-name nil t)))
,(or (null match)
`(if buffer-file-name (string-match-p ,match buffer-file-name)))
,(or (null files)
;; Wrap this in `eval' to prevent eager expansion
;; of `project-file-exists-p!' from pulling in
;; autoloaded files prematurely.
,(if (stringp (car files)) (cons 'and files) files))))
,(or when t)
(,name 1)))))
(if modes
`((dolist (mode ,modes)
(let ((hook-name
(intern (format "doom--enable-%s%s-h" ',name
(if (eq mode t) "" (format "-in-%s" mode))))))
(fset hook-name #',fn)
(if (eq mode t)
(add-to-list 'auto-minor-mode-magic-alist (cons hook-name #',name))
(add-hook (intern (format "%s-hook" mode)) hook-name)))))
`((add-hook 'change-major-mode-after-body-hook #',fn)))))
`((add-to-list 'auto-minor-mode-alist (cons ,match #',name)))))))))
2017-02-01 00:50:11 +00:00
(provide 'doom-projects)
;;; doom-projects.el ends here