#+TITLE: Service Oriented Programming #+Author: Yann Esposito #+Date: [2021-06-06] - tags :: [[file:2020-06-03--19-49-30Z--programming.org][programming]] [[file:2021-03-20--17-27-46Z--architecture.org][architecture]] - source :: This is a presentation of a design pattern to architecture a big code source. As most programming architecture, the goal is to optimize modularity. First, this focus on functions. There will be no global variable. There are two kind of functions in programming, pure and impure functions. From a high level perspective: - =lib/= contain pure functions - =services/= contain all services The services directory will contain "sub-project"/"modules". Every service should have the following structure: - =src/= + =service= the service declaration + =core= the implementation of the function in the service, should contain pure functions + =schemas/types= the metas structures (data format mostly) + =routes= if you service is a web service, routes declarations - =test/= + =service_test= the service test + =core_test= the tests for pure functions A service should be considered as a function returning a record of functions. #+begin_src foo-service-methods foo-do-a foo-do-b foo-do-c def foo-service create-service( config-service, bar-service, baz-service) #+end_src The component will form an acyclic graph of dependencies. Principles: A service contain an internal state. Every method of the service can access this internal state. No OOP is needed, only functions. Ability to test isolated. You can write: #+begin_src with-services-and-conf services conf test-the-services #+end_src