#+TODO: TODO TO-CLEAN TO-REVIEW | DONE #+TITLE: Haskell for the working programmer #+AUTHOR: Yann Esposito #+EMAIL: yann.esposito@gmail.com #+LANGUAGE: en #+KEYWORDS: haskell #+BEGIN_QUOTE /THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS/ #+END_QUOTE * TO-CLEAN Introduction This is somehow a follow-up from Learn Haskell Fast and Hard. Which was more about being able to /play/ with Haskell than to /work/ with it. This is also an experiment. I'm not sure if it will be as positive as I hope. This book try to be a good resource to learn Haskell but to speed up the learning in the first part I'll skip the explanation about why Haskell does things the way it does. As a consequence if you don't keep in mind that there is *very good* reasons to make some things way more difficult in Haskell than in other languages you might miss the real reason. Also don't forget in the beginning you might only see what is more difficult or harder to achieve in Haskell. But for each thing harder, keep in mind that there are very difficult things in other languages that are solved extremely easily in Haskell. And I personnally believe the things Haskell make easier are essential to reach the best balance between speed, elegance, safety and pragmatism with regards to any programming language I ever used before. So this book might be a bit raw. And in fact not really "fun" unfortunately. But it should be efficient. This book is aimed to be one of the fastest way to learn how to be productive with Haskell. Know that there still will be a very long road ahead once this book will be finished to master Haskell. That should be ok. Even with those basic knowledge, you should already be more productive in Haskell than in most other programming. Modern computing has unfortunately less to do with algorithmic than to create a mashup of libs and external APIs. So while learning all the details of Haskell can seems like an impossible challenge. Learning the necessary skills to be productive shouldn't be that hard. What does this book will talk about. 1. Having a clean and stable dev environment 2. Basic Introduction to the language 3. Professional Project developement workflow 4. Make command line program 5. Use external libraries 6. Handle the filesystem 7. Handle a few DBs 8. Make a basic REST API What Haskell can do few other programming language can. Ability to put strong constraingt on part of the code. For exemple you can have confidence in 3rd party functions. You can be certain that there will be NO side effect. Or you can also ensure that part of you code can only write logs and not access the DB. We'll technique that will ensure that subpart of the code will only access the User table in your DB etc... Writting parallel and concurrent code because /very/ easy to write. While this is generally a nightmare in most programming language. ** TO-CLEAN What does "working programmer" stand for? Being able to: - create a new working program from scratch, - work with the filesystem (read/write files/directories), - work with BDD (SQLite, PostgresSQL, MongoDB, etc...), - work with network (send/receive HTTP request), - make a REST API, - use most libraries (OpenGL, ncurses, etc...) - write test for your application, - to deploy your application This is more about being an user, consumer from the Haskell community than being an active contributor. Hopefully the gap won't be hard to pass from user to contributor. So I'll write a minimal chapter about how to write your own library and publish it for other developpers. ** TO-CLEAN Prerequiste The target audience I'm writting this book for is software developpers. You should: - be familiar with some programming language, - be familiar with command line in a shell, - know how to editing text files (I try to focus on generic editors like emacs, vim, etc...), - know the basic usage of =git= If you don't know that, your journey with this book might be a bit difficult but I'll do my best to not make it impossible. ** TO-CLEAN Opinionated Keep in mind that Haskell has a very active and open ecosystem. And the language itself let you make very different choices to the fundamentals. This book is very opinionated, because I wanted to be efficient in learning fast for some specific kind of personalities. It might not be for you. One of my goal is to shortcicuit some classic learning detour. For a lot of decisions I generally make only one choice. I'll try to talk about the other choices and it will be your duty to explore other choices after you completed this book to decide which is the one that has your preference. Also note that this book was written in the past. And as I said Haskell ecosystem evolve very fast. And some choices which are an evidence today might be deprecated in a few months from now. Typically there are many different and concurrent web frameworks, db libs, etc.. ** TO-CLEAN A Word about Haskell philosophy One Haskell main characteristic is that it tends to make the right/most secure choice by default. A very simple example is that it is generally harder to write unsafe code than to write safe and pure code. Also one of the reason I think Haskell is percieved as hard to learn by many people is that you generally need to ingest a lot of concepts before being able to be productive. * TO-CLEAN Install a dev environment (about 30 minutes) Installing a dev environment should hopefully be the most boring part of this book. But this is a necessary price to pay to really get why Haskell is considered so great by people using it. *** TO-CLEAN Working environment A thing to note is the distinction between learning a language for personal interrest for some personal project and learning with the goal to achieve a "product" with some hard deadline. So for example, it can be nice to understand the language by playing inside a REPL. We won't use that much in this book as the goal is not to really gain a deeper knowledge but perhaps to be able to /use/ the language. The problem I try to solve in this book is to make you a professional /user/ of Haskell more than a /contributor/ to Haskell. While I encourage everybody to gain deeper understanding on the internals of Haskell this is not the primary goal of this book. What I mean by professional /user/ is that you should have the following features at your disposal: - DCVS - Generated documentation - Tests (Unit tests, Generative tests, Integration tests, etc...) - Benchmark - Continuous Integration - Continuous Deployment Choices: - Raw: get GHC and cabal exectuable and work with that. Too long and manual - Nix: this is really great because it's like a super make that can deal with external dependencies. Certainly the best tool in the long term. - Stack: fast to install focused on being user friendly. Has a lot of easy to use features like: - integration with docker that will make it easy to cross-compile, deploy. - integration with nix - easy to deal with many private repositories - good professional starting templates *** TO-CLEAN Stack I recommend [[https://haskellstack.org][stack]]. But there are many different method to install Haskell. Stack should be simple and straight to the point. If thing haven't changed since the book was written it could be installed with: #+BEGIN_SRC shell curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh #+END_SRC *** TO-CLEAN git You should have [[https://git-scm.com][=git=]] installed. *** TO-CLEAN Stack template Before starting to write your first line of code. Let's create a project with a sane and modern file organisation. I made a stack templates largely inspired by tasty-travis template. It will provide a bootstrap for organizing your application with tests, benchmarks and continuous integration. This template provide a file organisation for your projects. Mainly do jump into programmin you could theoretically just download the binary of the main Haskell compiler GHC to your compiler and compile each file with =ghc myfile.hs=. But let's face it. It's not suitable for real project which need more informations about it. So let's start with a sane professional organisation for your files. #+BEGIN_SRC shell stack new myproject https://git.io/vbpej #+END_SRC After that, this should generate a new `myproject` directory with the following files: #+BEGIN_SRC > tree . ├── CHANGELOG.md ├── LICENSE ├── README.md ├── Setup.hs ├── myproject.cabal ├── package.yaml ├── src │ └── Lib.hs ├── src-benchmark │ └── Main.hs ├── src-doctest │ └── Main.hs ├── src-exe │ └── Main.hs ├── src-test │ └── Main.hs ├── stack.yaml └── tutorial.md 5 directories, 13 files #+END_SRC Most of your source code should be in the =src= directory. Generally =src-exe= should be a minimal code that could handle the =main= function to start your application. We'll talk about other part later in the book but most other file should be quite straightforward. *** TO-CLEAN Editor You should check any of the supported editor here: https://github.com/rainbyte/haskell-ide-chart#the-chart-with-a-link-to-each-plug-in I personnaly use [[http://spacemacs.org][spacemacs]] with the haskell layer because it comes with battery included. If you're not used to vim keybindings I believe it is easy to switch to more classical editor keybindings easily. Even if I don't have a strong opinion on the editor you should choose. It should at least be easy to support the Haskell tooling, like intero or ghc-mod. Because it's one of the best part of Haskell. For example without any configuration I have the following features: - I see errors, warn and even code hints while I'm typing my code. - very good code completion - auto styling of my source code and be able to change the style of my entire buffer - be able to get the type of the expression under my cursor - be able to add the type of a top level declaration - be able to launch a repl easily loading the current code of the file I'm currently editing And many other nice features. Note that in the past I had some problem with ghc-mod during upgrades while intero was mostly a no problem story. It is also useful to have hoogle and hayoo, which are search engine focused on Haskell. **** TO-CLEAN Spacemacs So if you want to choose spacemacs: 1. Install a recent emacs 2. =git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d= 3. Launch emacs 4. Edit your =~/.spacemacs= file to add to the layer list: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp haskell (auto-completion :variables auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip t auto-completion-enable-short-usage t) #+END_SRC If you're not used to vim keybinding and it is too much to handle for you. I think you can change the value of =dotspacemacs-editing-style= from ='vim= to ='hybrid= or ='emacs= in the =.spacemacs= file. It should be good now. *** TO-CLEAN Conclusion First you can congratulate yourself to have installed all the prerequiste to have a great working development environment. I know it was already a lot of boring tasks to perform before being able to write any line of code. But I promise it will be worth it. By starting with this template, you won't use the classic prelude. It's quite a strong opinionated move. Because many classic function will be overwritten by safer/more generic one. So be prepared that the actual learning route is jumping other classical learning steps you can find in other learning resources. Don't worry I'll do my best to make the jump as natural as possible. * TODO Working like in any other language / Learning with examples ** TODO Stack Scripts In that part of the book, we'll use simple examples. Thus instead of going directly to a full project structure we'll focus on the language. That file can be treated as a single executable strict. For example: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell #!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack --resolver lts-11.6 script {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Protolude main = do putText "Hello World!" #+END_SRC The firsts line are simply here to set the correct execution environment. The real program starts after them. Once =stack= will be installed (see the /Install a dev environment/ section) if you put that content in a file named =hello.hs= then you can launch it with: #+BEGIN_SRC > chmod +x hello.hs > ./hello.hs #+END_SRC The first time it is launched can take a little bit of time because it will download all dependencies. The advantage of this form of distribution is that it is a quasi self-contained exectuable. That's a good one for minimal examples. But after a short introduction we'll use full projects. We'll start by example first and all notion will be introduced as they appear. If you find confident you could feel free to skip some descriptions and explanations. ** TODO Basic Language Knowledge *** TO-CLEAN Basics -- Project 1: Guessing Game **** TO-CLEAN Print and read things Now let's modify the code of =main= to print things. First comment the import line for =Lib=. Haskell comment are =--= till the end of the line or ={- .... -}= for multiline comments. Without this comment you'll get a warning that this import is unused. And by default we compile using =-Werror= flag to GHC which tell that the compilation should fail also on warnings as well as on errors. The default template tend to be a professional environment and has more restrictions in order to maximize confidence in quality. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell import Protolude -- import Lib (inc) main = putText "Hello, world!" #+END_SRC Simple and natural. Now let's ask your name. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell main = do putText "What is your name?" name <- getLine putText ("Hello " <> name <> "!") #+END_SRC We can try that in the REPL (GHCI). You shold be able to start it from your editor. For example in spacemacs I can load the current buffer (open file) in the REPL with =SPC m s b=. You could also start the repl in a terminal with =stack ghci= And then load the module with =:l src-exe/Main=. The =:l= is a shortcut for =:load=. #+BEGIN_SRC > main What is your name? Yann Hello Yann! #+END_SRC OK simple enough. But let's take a moment to understand a bit more what's going on. We started with the =do= keyword. It's a syntactical sugar that helps in combining multiple lines easily. Let's take a look at the type of each part. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell putText :: Text -> IO () #+END_SRC It means that =putText= is a function that take a =Text= as parameter and return an =IO ()=. Mainly =IO ()= simply means, it will return =()= (nothing) while doing some IO or border effect. The border effect here being, writing the text to the standard output. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell putText "What is your name?" :: IO () #+END_SRC So yes this line make an IO but returns nothing significant. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell name <- getLine #+END_SRC The function =getLine= will read from standard input and provide the line read and send the value as a =Text=. If you look at the type of =getLine= you have: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell getLine :: IO Text #+END_SRC And that means that to be able to retrieve and manipulate the Text returned by in an "IO context" you can use the =<-= notation. So in the code the type of =name= is =Text= More generally if =foo :: IO a= then when you write #+BEGIN_SRC haskell do x <- foo :: IO a #+END_SRC Then the type of =x= is =a=. Finally the last line: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell putText ("Hello " <> name <> "!") #+END_SRC =putText= take a =Text= as argument so: =("Hello " <> name <> "!") :: Text=. So =(<>)= is the infix operator equivalent to the function =mappend=. Here are equivalent way to write the same thing: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell "Hello" <> name <> "!" "Hello" `mappend` name `mappend` "!" mappend "Hello" (mappend name "!") (<>) "Hello" ((<>) name "!") #+END_SRC So in Haskell if your function contains chars it will be a prefix function. If your function contains special chars then it is considered to be an infix operator. You can use your function as infix if you put "`" around it name. And you can make your operator prefix if you put it inside parentheses. So you should have remarqued a pattern here. Which is really important. Each line of a =do= bloc has a type of =IO a=. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell main = do putText "What is your name?" :: IO () name <- getLine :: IO Text putText ("Hello " <> name <> "!") :: IO () #+END_SRC So whenever you have an error message try to think about the type of your expression. Another very important aspect to notice. The type of ="Hello " <> name <> "!"= is =Text= not =IO Text=. This is because this expression can be evaluated purely. Without any side effect. Here we see a clear distinction between a pure part of our code and the impure part. #+CAPTION: Reflexion #+NAME: img:reflexion [[file:HWP/reflexion.jpg]] #+BEGIN_QUOTE *☞ Pure vs Impure* (function vs procedure) That is one of the major difference between Haskell and other languages. Haskell provide a list of function that are considered to have border effects. Those functions are given a type of the form =IO a=. And the type system will restrict the way you can manipulate function with type =IO a=. So, first thing that might be counter intuitive. If an expression has a type of =IO a= it means that we potentially perform a side effect and we "return" something of type =a=. And we don't want to ever perform a side effect while doing any pure evaluation. This is why you can't write something like: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell -- DOESN'T COMPILE main = do name = getLine putText ("Hello " <> name <> "!") #+END_SRC Because you need to "traverse" the =IO= barrier to get back the value after the evaluation. This is why you NEED to use the =<-= notation. Now knowing if a code is potentially making any side effect is /explicit/. #+END_QUOTE ***** TO-CLEAN Strings in Haskell digression Generally working with string is something you do at the beginning of learning a programming language. It is straightforward. In Haskell you have many different choices when dealing with Strings depending on the context. But let just say that 95% of the time, you'll want to use =Text=. Here are all the possible choices: - =String=: Just a list of =Char= very inefficient representation, - =Text=: UTF-16 strings can be Lazy or Strict, - =Bytestring=: Raw stream of =Char= and also =Lazy.Bytestring=. That is already 5 different choices. In =Foundation= the strings are =UTF-8=. Mmmm so much choices. So to make it clear, in general, don't use =String= for anything serious. Use =Text= most of the time. Use =Bytestring= if you need efficient bytes arrays. **** TO-CLEAN Write a guess my age program So far so good. But the logic part of the code should be in a library in =src/= directory. Because this part is easier to test. The =src-exe/Main.hs= should be very minimalist, so now let's change its content by: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell import Protolude import Guess (guess) main :: IO () main = do guess putText "Thanks for playing!" #+END_SRC Now we need to create the file =src/Guess.hs= which should declare the function =guess=. Let's start with this content: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell module Guess ( guess ) where import Protolude guess :: IO () guess = undefined #+END_SRC We declare a =Guess= module which use Protolude. We know that the type of guess must be =IO ()=. We don't know yet what the code will be so I just used =undefined=. This way the program will be able to typecheck. So here is the program that will try to guess your age: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell guess :: IO () guess = guessBetween 0 120 guessBetween :: Integer -> Integer -> IO () guessBetween minAge maxAge = do let age = (maxAge + minAge) `div` 2 if minAge == maxAge then putText ("You are " <> show minAge) else do putText ("Are you younger than " <> show age <> "?") answer <- getLine case answer of "y" -> guessBetween minAge (age - 1) _ -> guessBetween (if age == minAge then age + 1 else age) maxAge #+END_SRC So going from there we declared the =guess= function to call the =guessBetween= function with the two paramters 0 and 120 to guess an age between 0 and 120. And the main function is a classic recursive function. We ask for each age if the user is younger than some age. the =let= keyword permit to introduce pure values in between =IO= ones. so =age = (maxAge + minAge) `div` 2= is mostly straightforward. Note that we manipulate =Integer= and so that mean =`div`= is the integer division. so =3 `div` 2 == 1=. We see that working in IO you can put print statements in the middle of your code. First remark we used a recursive function. In most imperative programming languages explicit loops are preferred to recursive functions for efficiency reasons. That shouldn't be the case in Haskell. In Haskell recursive functions are the natural way to program things. Important Remarks to note: - to test equality we use the =(==)= operator. - Haskell is lazy, so the =age= value is only computed if needed. So if you are in the case where =minAge == maxAge=, =age= value is not evaluated. - In Haskell =if .. then .. else ..= form always have an else body. There is no Implicit "no result" value in Haskell. Each expression need to return something explicitely. Even if it is the empty tuple =()=. So now here we go: #+BEGIN_SRC > stack build > stack exec -- guess-exe Are you younger than 60? y Are you younger than 29? n Are you younger than 44? y Are you younger than 36? n Are you younger than 39? n Are you younger than 41? y Are you younger than 39? n You are 40 Bye! #+END_SRC We see we can still make the program better. For example, the same question is asked twice in that example. Still, it works. *** TO-CLEAN Use External Library -- Project 1 : use random numbers Let's write another slightly more complex example. Instead of guessing the age of somebody. This will be the role of the user to guess a random number choosen by the program. First we'll need to generate random numbers. To that end we'll use a the =random= package as a new dependency. In the file =package.yml= add =random= under the dependencies. #+BEGIN_SRC yaml dependencies: - base >=4.8 && <5 - protolude - random #+END_SRC That will tell stack to download the =random= package. You can get more information either on hackage or on stackage: - https://hackage.haskell.org/package/random - https://www.stackage.org/lts-10.2/package/random-1.1 Hackage is the official place where to put Haskell public libraries. Stackage works in conjunction with =stack= and mainly it takes care of having a list of packages version working together. So that means that all packages in an LTS (Long Term Support) release can work together withoung any conflict. Now let's use that package. We'll add a new function in the =Guess.hs= file now it should looks like: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell module Guess ( guess , guessNumber ) where import Protolude import System.Random (randomRIO) ... -- | Choose a random number and ask the user to find it. guessNumber :: IO () guessNumber = do n <- randomRIO (0::Int,100) putText "I've choosen a number bettween 0 and 100" putText "Can you guess which number it was?" guessNum 0 n -- | Given a number of try the user already made and the number to find -- ask the user to find it. guessNum :: Int -> Int -> IO () guessNum nbTry nbToFound = undefined #+END_SRC So for now we just focus on how to get a random number: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell do n <- randomRIO (0::Int,100) -- do stuff with n #+END_SRC You NEED to use the =<-= notation inside a =do= bloc. If you try to use =let n = randomRIO (0::Int,100)= it will fail because the types won't match. And that's it! Now to write the =guessNum= function, we'll write a classical recursive function: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell -- | Given a number of try the user already made and the number to find -- ask the user to find it. guessNum :: Int -> Int -> IO () guessNum nbTry nbToFound = do putText "What is your guess?" answer <- getLine let guessedNumber = readMaybe (toS answer) case guessedNumber of Nothing -> putText "Please enter a number" Just n -> if n == nbToFound then putText ("You found it in " <> show (nbTry + 1) <> " tries.") else do if n < nbToFound then putText "Your answer is too low, try a higher number" else putText "Your answer is too high, try a lower number" guessNum (nbTry + 1) nbToFound #+END_SRC If you want to test it, change the =src-exe/Main.hs= file to use =guessNumber= instead of =guess=. **** TO-CLEAN What did we learn so far? So up until now, if you followed. You should be able to "reproduce" and make minimal changes. But I am certain than it still be difficult to make some changes. It is time to learn some general principles. I know it might be a bit repetitive but its important to be certain to ingest those informations. A generic function of type ~IO ()~ typically =main= should look like: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell f :: IO a f = do α <- f1 β <- f2 γ <- f3 δ <- f4 f5 #+END_SRC where each expression =fi= is of type =IO a= for some =a=. You can use any value =α=, =β=, etc‥ as a parameter. In order to be valid. The last expression must have the same type as =f=. so here =f5 :: IO a=. Now if I give you the following functions: - ~getLine :: IO Text~ that read a line from stdin. - ~putText :: Text -> IO ()~ that read a line from stdin. With that you have the ability to read stdin and print things. - ~if τ then f1 else f2~ where =τ :: Bool= and the type of f1 and f2 must be the same. Generally this is denoted by: =:type f1 ~ :type f2= and that type will be the same as the entire ~if ‥ then ‥ else ‥~ expression. - you can compare things that can be compared with ~<~, ~<=~, ~>~, ~>=~, ~==~, ~/=~ (different). - you can concatenate things that could be concatenated (like Text) with ~<>~ - you can transform things as Text with ~show~ in particular numbers. So that is a few number of component but they are all composable. And so far we only needed that to write our first programs. Haskell libs will provide you with a lot more base functions but also a lot more composition functions. *** TODO Command Line Application Another thing you might want to achieve at first is to retrieve arguments for a command line application. **** Basic The simplest way to retrieve parameters to a command line is to use the ~getArgs~ function. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell getArgs :: IO [String] #+END_SRC Here is a minimal example. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell #!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack --resolver lts-11.6 script {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} import Protolude import System.Environment (getArgs) main :: IO () main = do arguments <- getArgs case head arguments of Just filename -> die ("The first argument is: " <> toS filename) Nothing -> die "Please enter a filename" #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC > ./cmdline-basic.sh foo The first argument is: foo > ./cmdline-basic.sh Please enter a filename #+END_SRC If you have a very basic command line it could be good enough. But if you plan to have more things to configure you can consider to use a library to parse options. **** Option Parsing For that we will use the =optparse-generic= package. You simply need to add it to the =executables= dependencies. Simply update the =package.yaml= file to add that dependency. Now we should use it. *** TODO File Access ** TODO Intermediate *** TO-CLEAN Init the project ☞ As a first projet a lot of new concept will be introduced. Don't be discouraged by that. #+BEGIN_SRC > stack new guess https://git.io/vbpej > cd guess #+END_SRC Edit the file =src-exe/Main.hs= The file contains: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell import Protolude import Lib (inc) main :: IO () main = print (inc 41) #+END_SRC To compile it do a #+BEGIN_SRC > stack build > stack exec -- guess-exe 42 #+END_SRC So that program print 42 and stop. Let's go line by line about what is occuring here. - =import Protolude=: Haskell is a language, but you need to start with some useful definition for you. And Protolude is a /prelude/. That mean that it provides a list of useful definitions for you. By default you don't need to import manually the default prelude. But the more you work with Haskell the more you feel the need to write your own prelude. =Protolude= is a sane minimal and professional starting point. - =import Lib (inc)=: That line means that we import the function =inc= from another module named =Lib= The module correspond to the file =src/Lib.hs=. No need to look into it now. - =main :: IO ()=: This is the declaration of the type of the =main= function. The main function will be the function called when you launch your application. Excatly like in =C=. The type is =IO ()=. It means that =main= will make some interaction with the system and will return nothing. - =main = print . inc $ (41 :: Int)= For that line there are in fact a lot of things going on. We define the function =main=. Lets compare this notation with other programming languages: C: #+BEGIN_SRC c void main () { ... } #+END_SRC javascript: #+BEGIN_SRC javascript function main() { ... } #+END_SRC python: #+BEGIN_SRC python def main: ... #+END_SRC LISP: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (define foo () ...) #+END_SRC Clojure: #+BEGIN_SRC clojure (defn main [] ...) #+END_SRC Now take a look at the content: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell main = print (inc 41) #+END_SRC ☞ A very important syntax detail; function application is done with a simple space. So =foo bar= means you apply the function =foo= to the parameter =bar=. And by default the priority is on the left. So: =foo bar baz= is equivalent to =(foo bar) baz=. While that notation is quite simpler it can take some time to be used to it and to parse it naturally. So here we first call =inc= on =41= wich is =42=. Then we print it to the standard output. And that's it. *** TODO DB Access *** TODO REST API ** TODO Conclusion Congratulation for going this far. Now you should be able to work in Haskell at least as well as in any other programming language. Now there are different directions: - learning more libraries - learn to optimise code to make it as fast as C - learn to understand details of the compilation and Haskell - learn tips and tricks - learn more about abstractions and type classes - learn parallel and concurrent programming - learn to deploy like a pro using nix The order in which to learn all thoses things can be very different for everty need. * TODO Code Organization ** Pragmatic and easy to learn code organization The best plunge is from Jasper VanDerJeugt and this is something we can see quite often in real code. Let's call it the /Handler pattern/. ** Three layers The three layers are: - Imperative - Object Oriented - Functional * TODO Most common next steps ** TODO Enhance reproductibility with docker ** TODO Enhance reproductibility with nix ** TODO How to deploy? There are plenty of ways de deploy *** TODO Trashy and easy Compile in docker and copy the binary. *** TODO With =nix= and =nixops= ** TODO Code organisation *** TODO No organisation, everything in IO *** TODO Custom Monad ** TODO Lenses This will only be an introduction for being an user of the library. ** TODO Generics and lens-generic ** TODO Common Type Classes *** TODO Monoid *** TODO Functors *** TODO Applicative *** TODO Monads *** TODO Arrows *** TODO Foldable *** TODO Traversable ** TODO Monads Transformers ** TODO MTL ** TODO Dhall (Maybe) * TODO Appendices ** TODO The syntax Let's put that behind us ASAP. Syntax is really the thing most people focus about when learning a new programming language. With more experience, I find that its most of the time totally irrelevant. And the real interrest of a new programming language isn't about the syntax. Otherwise all programming languages would look either like LISP or Ruby. *** TODO Copy from my article Learn Haskell Fast & Hard - Basic: spaces are meaningful like in Python. - Variables are like math variables. They are immutables. - Function definition, lack of parenthesis is one of the thing that make it the most specific and hard to adapt. =f x y = x= This is why I'll try to use more parenthesis than in "real world code". - Functions are first class (can be parameters like any other variables). - Curring can also be surprising but you should understand that as the ability to reach a higher level of abstraction. *** TO-CLEAN *VERY IMPORTANT PART!* Typing Notation So that will be VERY VERY IMPORTANT to be able to work with Haskell efficiently. One of the central Haskell property is to try to help you, the developer, to write checks and constraints on your code while you write it. That way of writing code take some time to really be used to. So here we go: **** TO-CLEAN Basic Types A type is a way of "labelling" an expression by providing some constraint on it. The most basic types are the types you might certainly be used to. - =Bool=: this type has only two possible values; =True= and =False=. - =Char=: a 8 bits char - Numbers (There are many of them) - =Int=: classical integer with min and max depending on your machine properties - =Word=: unsigned integral type with the same size as =Int= - =Integer=: unbounded integer representation - =Float=: single precision floating point - =Double=: double precision floating point There is also another interresting type: Unit that is denoted =()=. =Bool= is inhabited by =True= and =False=, =()= is inhabited only by the /value/ =()=. It is a bit difficult but =()= denote at the same time a type when it is written in a context where we deal with types and as a value when the context make it clear we wait a value. When you read Haskell code some part are about types and others are about values. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell foo :: Int -- after the :: these are types foo = 42 -- this is about values #+END_SRC **** TO-CLEAN Type Composition One interresting thing to think about is that for each value we associate a type. But types themselves are categorized. And we use /kind/ for that. #+BEGIN_QUOTE A /kind/ is to a type what a type is to a value. #+END_QUOTE So all basic types are of kind =*=. #+BEGIN_SRC > stack ghci ... Prelude> :t 'a' 'a' :: Char Prelude> :k Char Char :: * #+END_SRC Now you should imagine where this is going. Like functions, types can take another types as variables. So types can compose. Basic types that help composes: - list: =[] :: * -> *= - =[Char] :: *= - =[Int] :: *= - tuples: =(,) :: * -> * -> *= - =(,) Char :: * -> *= - =(Char,Int) :: *= One very important thing to note is that that functions can only be from type of kind =*= to type of kind =*=. - function: =(->) :: TYPE q -> TYPE r -> *= **** TO-CLEAN Custom Data Type / Records So now: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell type Foo = Bool -- type synonym data Bar = BarConstr Int Char -- Bar is the type -- BarConstr is the type construction, it's a function of type: Int -> Char -> Bar -- :kind Bar :: * -- :kind BarConstr <-- ERROR, this is not a type data Baz a = BazConstr Char a -- :kind Baz :: * -> * -- :kind BazConstr <-- ERROR, a constructor is not a type #+END_SRC *** TO-CLEAN Standard library / Prelude / API One of Haskell strength is that it is about composability. So in general you can achieve your goal by playing lego. It is a lot like a UNIX shell in its spirit. Instead of having a big stand alone application that does a lot of things. You'll have a lot of small atomic functions you can use to construct a bigger one. While the absolute minimum amount of function needed to build every other one can be small. In reallity a lot of intermediate functions are already at your disposal. **** TODO Bool **** TODO Numbers **** TODO Strings **** TODO Containers ***** TODO List ***** TODO Generic, Foldable **** TODO Useful Abstraction ***** Monoid We can merge values ***** Functor ***** Applicative ***** Monad ***** Foldable We can "fold" a list of values =fold :: Monoid m => t m -> m= ***** Traversable =sequenceA :: f (t a) -> t (f a)= Example: =[Maybe a] => Maybe [a]= =traverse :: (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)= Example: ** TO-CLEAN IO If you know another popular programming language you probably aren't aware that you code "in" =IO=. What I mean by that is that you can write a print statement anywhere in your code and it will be executed when the program evaluate that line. This is generally the first method used in debugging or during development to understand what's going on. So Haskell is slightly different in this regard. In Haskell there are places where you'll be able to add the same kind of print statements. But in some other places, it will be forbidden. Example: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell pureadd x y = x + y ioAdd x y = do print x print y print (x+y) return (x+y) #+END_SRC So this is not much different than in Python for example: #+BEGIN_SRC python >>> def add (x,y): ... print x ... print y ... print (x+y) ... return x+y >>> add(3,4) 3 4 7 7 #+END_SRC But one /huge/ difference is the type inferred will be different: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell pureadd :: Num a => a -> a -> a ioAdd :: Num a => a -> a -> {-hi-}IO{-/hi-} a #+END_SRC The consequence is that you will only be allowed to use =ioAdd= in function whose type is also =IO *= for some value of =*=. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell circonference :: Int -> Int -> Int circonference height width = pureadd (2 * height) (2 * width) -- OK circonferenceIO :: Int -> Int -> Int circonferenceIO height width = ioAdd (2 * height) (2 * width) -- WON'T COMPILE #+END_SRC To fix it you could simply change the type of the calling function: #+BEGIN_SRC haskell circonferenceIO :: Int -> Int -> IO Int circonferenceIO height width = ioAdd (2 * height) (2 * width) -- OK #+END_SRC Now, I think, that's it. With that understandment, you should now be able to do usefull thing with Haskell. The why is it this way? Why adding that layer of complexity? Just follow me, the answers will come in time.