* 2022 ** 2022-W05 *** 2022-02-03 Thursday **** IN-PROGRESS activate logout issue :work: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-03 Thu 17:17]--[2022-02-03 Thu 19:02] => 1:45 :END: [2022-02-03 Thu 17:17] - ref :: [[id:7fa185e4-9866-4ce8-ab60-d62d8c80b041][Mode d'évaluation au paradis]] For https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/issues/6250 The fix (https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/6194) has been reverted (https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/6246) because SecureX and CTR work differently. GLaDOS and CTR must find a common solution, for now, we are blocked. I think the technical solution to return a 401 when the org change from unactivated to activated was proposed by @alucigna but I couldn't find the link to the discussion. cc: @alucigna @DarMontou @sabrinamokerji *** 2022-02-04 Friday **** MEETING Weekly Kirill Presentation :work:meeting: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-04 Fri 17:04]--[2022-02-04 Fri 20:24] => 3:20 :END: [2022-02-04 Fri 17:04] - ref :: ***** Notes **** MEETING Simplify Registration :work:meeting: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-04 Fri 16:37]--[2022-02-04 Fri 17:04] => 0:27 :END: [2022-02-04 Fri 16:37] - ref :: https://cisco-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/p/prdass/EXwUr_HCwOVNte7KFcFzUeABxvTZiL8vZTgd8-5WInt4hA?e=4%3an55ogS&at=9 Add your status in https://cisco-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/p/prdass/EXwUr_HCwOVNte7KFcFzUeABxvTZiL8vZTgd8-5WInt4hA?e=4%3an55ogS&at=9 ***** Agenda (to discuss about) ***** Notes ***** Actions ** 2022-W06 *** 2022-02-07 Monday **** REVIEW Github tour :work:review: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-07 Mon 10:54]--[2022-02-08 Tue 09:49] => 22:55 :END: [2022-02-07 Mon 10:54] - ref :: [[file:~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/tracker.org::*Webex tour][Webex tour]] **** CHAT Webex tour :work:chat: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-07 Mon 10:33]--[2022-02-07 Mon 10:54] => 0:21 :END: [2022-02-07 Mon 10:53] - ref :: [[file:~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/tracker.org::*Check Customer bug with tiles.][Check Customer bug with tiles.]] **** IN-PROGRESS Check Customer bug with tiles. :work: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-07 Mon 09:52]--[2022-02-07 Mon 10:33] => 0:41 :END: [2022-02-07 Mon 10:52] - ref :: https://github.com/advthreat/response/issues/1076 Confirmed this is UI for now. *** 2022-02-08 Tuesday **** CHAT random rambling :work:chat: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-08 Tue 10:47]--[2022-02-08 Tue 17:32] => 6:45 :END: [2022-02-08 Tue 10:47] - ref :: [[file:~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/tracker.org::*Email tour][Email tour]] **** EMAIL Email tour :work:email: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-08 Tue 10:13]--[2022-02-08 Tue 10:47] => 0:34 :END: [2022-02-08 Tue 10:13] - ref :: [[file:~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/tracker.org::*Replace SSE IDB with SXSO][Replace SSE IDB with SXSO]] **** CHAT Webex tour :work:chat: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-08 Tue 09:49]--[2022-02-08 Tue 10:13] => 0:24 :END: [2022-02-08 Tue 09:49] ***** IROH Remark about deps in IROH for Ag (pb with the formatting-stack and clojurescript) ***** IROH-Social ***** OPs General ***** DI Integration ***** Replace SSE IDB with SXSO Jason Chamber links: - A-Ha link (Epic) https://ciscosecurity.aha.io/epics/SECUREX-E-471 - A-Ha link (Feature) https://ciscosecurity.aha.io/features/SECUREX-557 - Jira link https://jira-eng-rtp3.cisco.com/jira/projects/SSO/issues/SSO-458?filter=myopenissues Demand A-HA access ***** SecureX + ThreatGrid Follow 1-click deactivation discussion. *** 2022-02-09 Wednesday **** MEETING API Design Meeting :work:meeting: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-09 Wed 17:30]--[2022-02-09 Wed 18:16] => 0:46 :END: [2022-02-09 Wed 17:30] - ref :: ***** Agenda (to discuss about) ***** Notes ***** Actions **** MEETING Sync on the IROH Team capacity :work:meeting: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-09 Wed 15:26]--[2022-02-09 Wed 17:30] => 2:04 :END: [2022-02-09 Wed 15:26] - participants :: Prerna ***** notes *** 2022-02-10 Thursday **** MEETING Weekly Team Meeting :work:meeting: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-10 Thu 17:00] :END: [2022-02-10 Thu 17:00] Waiting Discussion about updating doc in the response repository. ***** Yann - customer session to fix a bug - IDB decommission must take the time, probably ask Matt some help. - Registration Simplification - (background) fix the issue related to refresh token state in the DB, most of the work is now done for the new services, just need to populate the data during OAuth2 Code flow.