# Created 2021-10-28 Thu 15:13 #+title: #+author: Yann Esposito * SSE CCO_id :work:discussion: [2021-10-28 Thu 14:52] - ref :: https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/discussions/5754 So after giving more thoughts on the subject. Here are some scenarios: 1. A person login via Okta with the email ~user-1@domain.com~ 2. This person want to connect his account, then he must login via Okta again but using another Okta account ~user-1@smart-account.com~ for example. In this scenario there are two issues: The first is that we do not control the Okta session. The Okta session will keep being the one for ~user-1@smart-account.com~. When the user will launch another product he will not use his usual ~user-1@domain.com~ Okta session. The second, is that we should have a mechanism to understand that on the second login, we don't want to login the user, but to merge two different IdP accounts. Mainly we will need to develop a new workflow, so a user could merge multiple IdP accounts to his current SecureX account. The implications are: - SecureX users should support multiple email addresses. (also note that user login via TG have a non verified email addresses and are treated separately on different login flows.) - We need to support more metas data in the IdP Mappings in general, (typically the CCO_id). Now, what if a user login multiple times, and has two different IdP Mapping with a different CCO_id. - We will need to provide a new route, that will present a new HTML page similar to the login page but with subtle modifications. We might, for example, negotiate another login buttons that will behave differently (typically a login button forcing the user to use CCO). In the end, it means we should deliver a "Merge a new Login" flow to SecureX Accounts. And it doesn't seem to be trivial.