#+title: Code Weekly Report 22 #+subtitle: logs goes 2 weeks back #+date: 2023-05-30 #+options: H:6 * IROH ** lead *** [0] ** data *** Mario Aquino [1] **** iroh [1] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Disable incident-summary store until mapping is in place [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7900][#7900]] #+END_QUOTE *** Guillaume Erétéo [2] **** iroh [2] - Mean tiles avg fixtures [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7791][#7791]] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - document org data deletion [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7864][#7864]] #+END_QUOTE *** Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant [4] **** ctia [4] - Fix X-Total-Hits in incident average metric [[https://github.com/advthreat/ctia/pull/1371][#1371]] - Remove unused creds [[https://github.com/advthreat/ctia/pull/1370][#1370]] - Remove old deps scanner [[https://github.com/advthreat/ctia/pull/1369][#1369]] - Average aggregations for incidents [[https://github.com/advthreat/ctia/pull/1358][#1358]] ** integrations *** [0] *** Kirill Chernyshov [4] **** iroh [4] - Generate DataStream names [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7903][#7903]] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - KafkaAdminService [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7893][#7893]] - Use ES API to create DataStream [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7889][#7889]] - Small adjustments for iroh-events datastream [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7884][#7884]] #+END_QUOTE *** [0] ** auth *** bartuka [8] **** iroh [8] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - [IROH Auth] Fix wrong role name in Invites for XDR roles [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7908][#7908]] - [IROH Auth] add ~:entitlement-summary~ to profile org return values [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7896][#7896]] - [IROH Auth] Fix ~/profile~ swagger.json bug [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7897][#7897]] - [IROH Auth] add Entitlement Summary to ~whoami~ [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7894][#7894]] - [IROH Auth] Expose entitlement methods in Profile webservice [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7881][#7881]] - [IROH Auth] Declare entitlement-svc in default-bootstrap [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7891][#7891]] - [IROH Auth] fix EntitlementSummary structure [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7886][#7886]] - [IROH Auth] Decide JWT format based on the new ~client~'s ~tokens-format~ property [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7789][#7789]] #+END_QUOTE *** [0] *** Olivier Barbeau [3] **** iroh [3] - Code coverage in GitHub Pages [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7924][#7924]] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - add provisioning platform entitlements [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7895][#7895]] - add entitlements field to the provision/platform/account endpoint [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7882][#7882]] #+END_QUOTE *** [0] ** iroh-ops *** [0] *** [0] * Other ** Other *** II [1] **** iroh [1] - Adds orbital to the list of allowed AO token scopes [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7919][#7919]] *** Devin Walters [1] **** tenzin [1] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Undo change to move java tmpdir to /local [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2990][#2990]] #+END_QUOTE *** Mia [1] **** iroh-engine [1] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Merge pull request #1390 from advthreat/update-resolvable-types #+END_QUOTE *** Adam Sayer [6] **** tenzin [6] - Nomad version upgrade to 1.5.6 [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3003][#3003]] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Upgrade vault version to 1.13.2 [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2994][#2994]] - consul 1.9.3 to 1.15.2 [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2984][#2984]] - move vjayakod to non-prod [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2979][#2979]] - fix state name [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2975][#2975]] - Sxops 437 stage vercel [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2687][#2687]] #+END_QUOTE *** krishna Ganugapenta [5] **** tenzin [5] - S3 permissions allowed for datadog-java-agent [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3008][#3008]] - Conure task dd-java-agent version update [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3001][#3001]] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Dtatdog-agent config updated to allow APM [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2985][#2985]] - Added datadog.yaml file for agent container [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2983][#2983]] - Datadog java agent added for Conure [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2970][#2970]] #+END_QUOTE *** milehrer [3] **** iroh-engine [3] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - remove ip and ipv6 from list of resolvable types - fix tests for new observable types - add new resolvable types #+END_QUOTE *** Martin Bruchanov [3] **** tenzin [3] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Fixed, user creation of vjayakod non-PROD environments [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2993][#2993]] - Added XDR hostnames and compatible check for zero size [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2987][#2987]] - Fixed syntax of conure.job [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2981][#2981]] #+END_QUOTE *** Chris Duane [1] **** iroh [1] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Removing ZeroNorth vuln scan. [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7890][#7890]] #+END_QUOTE *** [1] **** iroh [1] - Adds orbital to the list of allowed AO token scopes [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7919][#7919]] *** John Jardine [1] **** tenzin [1] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Change INT/TEST hydrant to v1.37 [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2978][#2978]] #+END_QUOTE *** Sofiia Mykytiuk [5] **** tenzin [5] - Revert "Remove datadog-ro vault policy (#2999)" [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3010][#3010]] - Remove cleaner lambda setup from PROD [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2996][#2996]] - Remove datadog-ro vault policy [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2999][#2999]] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Route53 records to verify domain in STAGE [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2980][#2980]] - Fix statuspage sync lambda [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2973][#2973]] #+END_QUOTE *** muhammad-xdr-ops [4] **** tenzin [4] - SXOPS-745 - aws ec2 keys rotated for all prod envs [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3018][#3018]] - SXOPS-703 remove public access to SNS topics [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3011][#3011]] - SXOPS-740 - int/test/stage aws ec2 default key rotation [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3007][#3007]] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - SXOPS-740 - Remove bbozhev [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2988][#2988]] #+END_QUOTE *** Dmytro Budko [1] **** tenzin [1] - SXOPS-716 [ACTION REQUIRED] Changes to AWS Billing, Cost Management, and Account access control policies [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2995][#2995]] *** Cisco Boz [1] **** tenzin [1] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - SXOPS-605: Updated jobs.sls for us-east-1 , eu-west-1, ap-northeast-1 with the overriten configurations for each env [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2974][#2974]] #+END_QUOTE *** Jerome Schneider [1] **** tenzin [1] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Migrate INT on TF 1.4 [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2549][#2549]] #+END_QUOTE *** Brooke Swanson [1] **** tenzin [1] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - Add service tags and enable profiling in int. [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2989][#2989]] #+END_QUOTE *** Yurii Ivanisenko [3] **** tenzin [2] - add WAF ipv6 lists [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2991][#2991]] - linter tool master branch [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2998][#2998]] **** tenzin-config [1] - woke tool added [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin-config/pull/894][#894]] *** Pawan Bahuguna [5] **** tenzin [5] - SXOPS-29 [PROD] Added multi_az_enabled [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3012][#3012]] - Removing duo-cloudmapper as it is not supported now [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3005][#3005]] - Updated the desired capacity to match AWS [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3000][#3000]] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - SXOPS-29 PROD VPC Peering Correction [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2986][#2986]] - SXOPS-29 NAM EU R53 [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2977][#2977]] #+END_QUOTE *** vjayakody [2] **** tenzin [2] - ssh key update [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/3002][#3002]] #+BEGIN_QUOTE _>1w_ - updating ssh key [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin/pull/2992][#2992]] #+END_QUOTE