#+Title:Cisco Notes #+Author: Yann Esposito #+ARCHIVE: standup.archive.org:: #+LANGUAGE: en #+TODO: TODO(t) IN-PROGRESS(p) IN-REVIEW(r) HOLD(h@/!) WAITING(w@/!) | DONE(d) CANCELED(c@/!) #+TAGS: iroh ctia ctim #+TAGS: doc meeting * Matthieu Sprunck ** DONE Fix reverted PR #2853 (IROH-INT: module loading with Trapperkeeper) CLOSED: [2019-08-27 Tue 08:40] ** IN-PROGRESS Bump ring-swagger-ui to v3 #2894 ** DONE Support for SWE * Yann Esposito ** Monday *** DONE refresh-jti in access/session tokens to be able to revoke them *** DONE Voltron Bug org-id mismatch in PROD: https://jira-eng-rtp3.cisco.com/jira/browse/VOL-2051 *** IN-REVIEW make scope an optional parameter for OAuth2 /authorize endpoint https://github.com/threatgrid/iroh/pull/2912 ** Tuesday *** DONE make scope an optional parameter for OAuth2 /authorize endpoint https://github.com/threatgrid/iroh/pull/2912 *** IN-PROGRESS Review Swagger UI 3 https://github.com/threatgrid/iroh/pull/2911 **** DONE CSS Enhancements *** IN-PROGRESS Plan for using refresh-token also for CTR-UI https://github.com/threatgrid/iroh/issues/2913