Wanderson FY23Q3 QDD Report

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Quarterly Development Discussion Template

Performance reflections and feedback

Team member result perceptions

What have you done?

How do you feel about it?

I think it was ok. I don't know.

I am comparing myself before being a father having 100% time reading code. Now 20% time to read what I want and need to do. True for almost everything that I've been doing. Put all of energy in everything.

Is there room for improvement?

From you?
From me?
From the rest of the team?

Good structure, the work, the visibility. no unexecpted work to be done urgently. Great. We just keep doing what we are doing.

From Cisco

Lead perception on Performance & Feedback

  1. Show the quarter report
  2. Add non code accomplishments
  3. How I (the lead) feel about it
  4. Room for improvement?


Difficult not to introduce new bugs. Difficult to find focus time.

Meetings / process

Monthly team meeting, weekly team meeting. Now you are involved with many people. Small meeting before the weekly. Re-add weekly meeting. 1h talking about other projects.

Short-term goal setting and development priorities

Next quarter:

  1. P1. Help RBAC testing/debugging
  2. P2. Contribute on provisioning PIAM
  3. P3. Finish work on short tokens
  4. P4. optionally contribute for provisioning Free Tier/0-Trust
  5. P4. Entitlements follow up (beyond PIAM work)


Long-term career and development priorities

How do you see yourself next year? In three years? Would you like to change anything, or are you happy as you are right now?

Do you want to be promoted to G11, take more responsibilities? Or are you happy just working as we do now, and have a discussion about progression later?


I would like long term to understand the relationship for our team and others. Understand the environment. Interacting with other Cisco teams. Looking at a broader picture.

Meeting talk about high level technical. How much progress, etc… A little bit more clear about what we are chasing for everybody. They wanted to introduce kafka, but this was already enough info to help people start learning kafka. Nice technical structure to create new products. Difficult to see this other part, especially for hidden webex rooms.


Agreed upon outcomes

Wanderson Code [15]

iroh [13 (9 / 4)]

between 3 and 4 months ago

tenzin [1 (0 / 1)]

between 3 and 4 months ago

tenzin-config [1 (1 / 0)]