#+title: Olivier FY23Q3 Report #+subtitle: back to one month older #+date: 2023-05-03 #+options: H:6 ^:nil *** Olivier [23] **** iroh [22 (12 / 10)] - fix http status code [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7838][#7838]] - Rework of the script ~check-changelog-update-time~ [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7658][#7658]] - RBAC: additional XDR tests [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7634][#7634]] - GitHub Actions: do test coverage only once [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7607][#7607]] - Increase Java Heap size for code coverage - Github Actions workflow [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7585][#7585]] - add workdir for the check [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7573][#7573]] - disable test [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7566][#7566]] - Fail build if html not updated [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7559][#7559]] - RBAC: enable the new XDR role 'Security Analyst Tier 2' [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7545][#7545]] - Issue 7538 refactor of role retrieval [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7540][#7540]] - automated 'revert role' operation with test [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7537][#7537]] - RBAC: Retrocompatibility of the Provisioning API [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7507][#7507]] _between 3 and 4 months ago_ - Refactor around ~ifn-pred~ [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7491][#7491]] - set job timeouts to 90 minutes [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7506][#7506]] - set job timeouts to 60 minutes [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7504][#7504]] - Test coverage v2 [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7498][#7498]] - wait for hook to be finished before testing [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7497][#7497]] - Add test coverage report to the Iroh GitHub Actions workflow [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7453][#7453]] - RBAC for Org Access Request [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7465][#7465]] - Issue 7333 rbac invitation service [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7454][#7454]] - RBAC: new XDR tests for login and oauth-clients [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7418][#7418]] - Issue 7413 move steps out of setup job [[https://github.com/advthreat/iroh/pull/7414][#7414]] **** tenzin-config [1 (1 / 0)] - sets the ~:xdr-roles~ feature flag in INT and TEST [[https://github.com/advthreat/tenzin-config/pull/840][#840]]