Olivier FY23Q3 Report

back to one month older


Quarterly Development Discussion

Performance reflections and feedback

Team member result perceptions

What have you done?

How do you feel about it?

Is there room for improvement?

Lead perception on Performance & Feedback

  1. Show the quarter report
  2. Add non code accomplishments
  3. How I (the lead) feel about it
  4. Room for improvement?

Short-term goal setting and development priorities

Next quarter:

  1. P1. Help RBAC testing/debugging
  2. P2. Contribute on provisioning PIAM
  3. P3. Continue to work on IROH configurations
  4. P4. optionally contribute for provisioning Free Tier/0-Trust
  5. P4. Entitlements follow up (beyond PIAM work)

Long-term career and development priorities

How do you see yourself next year? In three years? Would you like to change anything, or are you happy as you are right now?

Do you want to be promoted to G11, take more responsibilities? Or are you happy just working as we do now, and have a discussion about progression later?

Agreed upon outcomes

Olivier Code [23]

iroh [22 (12 / 10)]

between 3 and 4 months ago

tenzin-config [1 (1 / 0)]