:PROPERTIES: :ID: 83380ee8-f90a-41e0-955f-473b81a043d0 :END: #+title: Cisco Staging Environment Presentation #+Author: Yann Esposito #+Date: [2023-10-18] - tags :: [[id:ce893df9-32a4-44e0-9eb5-b9817141ee6a][cisco]] - related :: [[id:c33df84f-9b64-47a8-b716-fcadc0ec4f8c][Cisco Staging Environment Doc]] * Short History 1. Environment deployment was always a 3rd class citizen. 2. Node administration was always a 2nd class citizen, we had to build that ourselves in the middle of feature work. 3. 1st class citizen: "Integration" (make a Platform) 1. Login + Use external IdP for user management (first without internal user DB) - supported SAML (deprecated now) - support OpenID Connect (as client) 2. Share tokens + OAuth2 Client Credential Grant. (One client per user) + OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant. (One client per integration and multiple users, need a dedicated URL) + OAuth2 device grant. (One client per integration and multiple users, no dedicated URL) 3. Share Identity + OpenID Connect Provider 4. Use external APIs + Modules: + module-record (backend used) + module-type (one by integration, one for VirusTotal, Crowdstrike, etc…) + module-instance (one by org) * Demo ~config.edn~