:PROPERTIES: :ID: aa8ba7b5-d4e5-48c0-9e7a-2a5adb504d38 :END: #+title: Cisco: Staging Environment Kick Off #+Author: Yann Esposito #+Date: [2023-10-03] * Staging As I understand. Exactly the same as TEST, but with the same ops machine than prod. Main issue is that TEST/PROD have different configuration. With this strategy of STAGING, this does not solve this issue. Because by construction STAGING will also be different from PROD. Differences with PROD: - content of the DB - URL of all integrations - OAuth2 Clients - Specific Technical Orgs - Customers Data (Orgs, Users, objects) - configuration of the API - URL of all integrations - OAuth2 Clients What does it take to re-configure a new environment? It took many *years* of work from many different teams, where most point of contact have disappeared now. So an undefined amount of work not only from Ops, but mostly from IROH + every other team that integrated with IROH (SecureX / XDR). If possible it will take a non trivial amount of time from every team involved. * Instead a proposal: Canary release Create a Proxy that will redirect some predefined users to the new deployed nodes. So QA users will use v2 while customers are still using v1. Once QA is successful, take 10% of users and move them to v2. Once charge is verified and ok, move 100% of users and move them to v2. Deployment finished, test made in real PROD by QA. Not only this is a lot better for QA, but this looks possible while initializing a new Staging does not appear doable at all if we want to achieve the goals of improving releases quality. * Requirements @Anthony_Brandelli - cross-integration environment (test - prod / int - test) Not looking for big scaled prod env for staging. * Concerns What is IROH the backend that makes XDR/SecureX possible. This is a platform.