:PROPERTIES: :ID: 5578dca5-ce7e-4c43-bbf2-eec5c3bd4ac6 :END: #+TITLE: Autism & Nutrition #+Author: Yann Esposito #+Date: [2022-04-02] - tags :: - source :: * Probiotics food Towards Tailored Gut Microbiome-Based and Dietary Interventions for Promoting the Development and Maintenance of a Healthy Brain p11. Regarding the role of diet in preventing the onset of social anxiety disorder or social phobia, a study in 710 young adult students (150) suggested that fermented foods, which typically contain probiotics, may offer some protection against the development of social anxiety disorder in subjects with greater vulnerability to the condition. Although additional research would be necessary to determine the direction of causality, the results advocate that consumption of fermented foods may serve as a low-risk intervention for reducing social anxiety. * Hypocholesterolemia & ASD Implication of hypocholesterolemia in autism spectrum disorder and its associated comorbidities: A retrospective case-control study. Our results support an association between hypocholesterolemia and ASD and open novel opportunities for the diagnosis and treatment of specific forms of ASD. * Targeted Diet for ASD, focus on lipid Assessment of Changes over Time of Lipid Profile, C-Reactive Protein Level and Body Mass Index in Teenagers and Young Adults on Different Diets Belonging to Autism Spectrum Disorder Conclusions In autism spectrum disorders, a well-balanced diet (which guarantees the body is provided with the right amount of nutrients necessary to meet its nutritional needs) introduced on a case-by-case basis should be an integral part of treatment and needs to be preceded by laboratory tests. Obtained results from two study periods suggest the presence of lipid-profile disturbances, especially for older ASD individuals. This may be a suggestion for doctors to test the level of lipids more often in patients with autism. Our findings do not confirm the need to follow one specific dietary plan. It is crucial to provide patients with dietician support since every alteration in the previously accepted nutrition scheme may provoke high stress reaction. Our studies confirm that targeted, individualized nutritional pattern and periodic screening for lipid and immune disorders would be beneficial for teenagers and adults diagnosed with ASD.