This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2022-02-18 12:23:09 +01:00
parent f337e3b27d
commit 95438d4b29
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646

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@ -294,3 +294,100 @@ CLOCK: [2022-02-17 Thu 17:00]--[2022-02-17 Thu 20:45] => 3:45
***** Ag
index page is always tk-server
*** 2022-02-18 Friday
**** IN-PROGRESS Fix module-type :work:
CLOCK: [2022-02-18 Fri 12:21]
[2022-02-18 Fri 12:21]
- ref :: [[file:~/dev/iroh/lib/iroh-core/test/iroh_core/test_helpers_test.clj::(deftest is-similar?-test]]
#+begin_src js
"id": "f31e83d1-48e7-4384-9c6a-64a5c9cee05b",
"val": {
"description": "Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics (formerly Stealthwatch Cloud) improves security and incident response across the distributed network, from the private network and branch office to the public cloud. This solution addresses the need for digital businesses to quickly identify threats posed by their network devices and cloud resources, and to do so with minimal management, oversight, and security manpower.\n\nThe network is evolving. IT resources are frequently being moved into the cloud. At the same time, the number of connected devices on the private network is increasing dramatically. Security personnel are struggling just to know what entities are operating in their environment, let alone whether they pose a threat to the organization.\n\nSecure Cloud Analytics addresses this problem by providing comprehensive visibility and high-precision alerts with low noise, without the use of agents. Organizations can accurately detect threats in real time, regardless of whether an attack is taking place on the network, in the cloud, or across both environments. Secure Cloud Analytics is a cloud-based, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-delivered solution. It detects ransomware and other malware, data exfiltration, network vulnerabilities, and role changes that indicate compromise.\n\nAlso, developer teams are continuously adopting new and more dynamic compute environments like serverless and containers such as AWS Lambda and Kubernetes. Secure Cloud Analytics provides visibility into these environments as well, so that organizations dont have to compromise on security on their path to digital transformation.",
"properties": "2MGqPrzLNIrfFeFK/UUzdpA98pKEUHLvd6d7+snqeh1lXokV9n6J8lKeAwp7tRdCSHT+crPhmilCkfBXkvfT+8NLp/rq+4TD32EkYqcYNngmgsAji/UJ6NuChgJnPd+FwwembDj2iPh7vFXHnGmLKlgOkweQzokI2CUROgbTw2JNruDhL47ws3LhMl2LRqlbJQP83yeGMmwjV0mjFSth/w25D1oIHR+mnYH7mrcKUH0XT/6xQzqJ3l6URkbun6wvzLycJhqtOtqtJSdB3cAfYlhfkpCY8ZXt9IO8/MyOeGJ6Qf2iz9gXIFAgtNBBz9bkZAPk4Uv0nei39F4lwFv9lmUdVGuHIHtHJKf4sn/qB40=",
"capabilities": [
"id": "health",
"description": "Healthcheck"
"id": "deliberate",
"description": "Deliberation"
"id": "observe",
"description": "Enrichments"
"id": "refer",
"description": "Reference links"
"id": "tiles",
"description": "Dashboard Tiles"
"app_link_meta": {
"url": "",
"meta": {
"x_okta_bookmark_id": "0oa1idxamsrOKeFuN357"
"title": "Stealthwatch Cloud (ANZ)"
"tips": "If the Secure Cloud Analytics (formerly Stealthwatch Cloud) integration module displays a **Bidirectional** icon on the module panel, it indicates that the integration was enabled in Secure Cloud Analytics or SecureX. \n\nFor information on the Secure Cloud Analytics integration with SecureX, see [Secure Cloud Analytics SecureX integration Guide](",
"logo": "",
"org_id": "4f169b08-bb0d-4e97-a358-8fd3fd819066",
"configuration_spec": [
"key": "token",
"type": "api_key",
"label": "Authorization Token",
"required": true
"short_description": "Gain the visibility and continuous threat detection needed to secure your public cloud, private network, and hybrid environments.",
"title": "Secure Cloud Analytics",
"external_references": [
"link": "",
"label": "Free Trial"
"link": "",
"label": "Product Information"
"link": "",
"label": "Privacy Policy"
"link": "",
"class": "activation",
"label": "Activate"
"updated_at": "2022-02-18T10:17:14.710Z",
"id": "f31e83d1-48e7-4384-9c6a-64a5c9cee05b",
"record": "relay-module.module/RelayModule",
"user_id": "207347d9-65c0-402b-88ce-ef028989e95f",
"client_id": "iroh-ui",
"default_name": "Secure Cloud Analytics",
"flags": [
"enabled": true,
"visibility": "global",
"created_at": "2020-05-15T17:45:46.904Z",
"former_title": "Stealthwatch Cloud"