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2017-08-24 18:58:13 +00:00
-- #+TITLE: Deep Learning Coursera
-- #+AUTHOR: Yann Esposito
#+STARTUP: latexpreview
2017-09-02 21:54:37 +00:00
#+COLUMNS: %TODO %3PRIORITY %40ITEM(Task) %17EFFORT(Estimated Effort){:} %CLOCKSUM %8TAGS(TAG)
2017-08-24 18:58:13 +00:00
* Plan
5 courses
** Neural Network and Deep Learning
*** Week 1: Introduction
*** Week 2: Basic of Neural Network programming
*** Week 3: One hidden layer Neural Networks
*** Week 4: Deep Neural Network
** Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization
** Structuring your Machine Learning project
** Convolutional Neural Networks
** Natural Language Processing: Building sequence models
* DONE Neural Network and Deep Learning
CLOSED: [2017-08-22 Tue 13:43]
** Introduction
*** What is a neural network?
*** Supervised Learning with Neural Networks
- Lucrative application: ads, showing the add you're most likely to click on
- Photo tagging
- Speech recognition
- Machine translation
- Autonomous driving
***** Convolutional NN good for images
***** Strutured data (db of data) vs Unstructured data
- Structured data: Tables
- Unstructured data: Audio, image, text...
Computer are much better at interpreting unstructured data.
*** Why is Deep Learning taking off?
- Data (lot of data)
- Computation (faster learning loop)
- Algorithms (ex, use ReLU instead of sigma)
** Geoffrey Hinton interview
** Binary Classification
\[ (x,y) x\in \mathbb{R}^{n_x}, y \in {0,1} \]
$m$ training examples: $$ {(x^{(1)},y^{(1)}), ... (x^{(m)},y^{(m)})} $$
$$ m = m_{train} , m_{test} = #test examples $$
$$ X = [ X^{(1)} ... X^{(m)} ] is an n_x x m matrix $$
$$ X.shape (n_x,m) $$
$$ Y = [ y^{(1)} ... y^{(m)} ] $$
$$ Y.shape = (1,m) $$
** Logistic Regression
Given $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n_x}$ you want $\hat{y} = P(y=1 | X)$
Paramters: $w \in \mathbb{R}^{n_x}, b\in \mathbb{R}$
Output: $\hat{y} = \sigma(w^Tx + b) = \sigma(z)$
$$\sigma(z)= \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}$$
If $z \rightarrow \infty => \sigma(z) \approx 1$
If $z \rightarrow - \infty => \sigma(z) \approx 0$
Alternative notation not used in this course:
$X_0=1, x\in\mathbb{R}^{n_x+1}$
$\hat{y} = \sigma(\Theta^Tx)$
** Logistic Regression Cost Function
Search a convex loss function:
$L(\hat{y},y) = - (y\log(\hat{y}) + (1-y)\log(1-\hat{y}))$
If y = 1 : $L(\hat{y},y) = -\log\hat{y}$ <- want log\haty larg, want \hat{y} large
If y = 0 : $L(\hat{y},y) = -\log\hat{y}$ <- want log (1-\hat{y}) large, want \hat{y} sall
Cost function: $$ J(w,b) = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^mL(\hat{y^\{(i)}},y^{(i)}) = ... $$
** Gradient Descent
Minize $J(w,b)$
1. initialize w,b (generaly uses zero)
2. Take a step in the steepest descent direction
3. repeat 2 until reaching global optimum
Repeat {
$w := w - \alpha\frac{dJ(w)}{dw} = w - \alpha\mathtext{dw}$
** Derivatives
** More Derivative Examples
** Computaion Graph
** Computing Derivatives
** Computing Derivatives for multiple examples
** Vectorization
getting rid of explicit for loops in your code
** Vectorizing Logistic Regression
** Vectorizing Logistic Regression's Gradient Computation
** Broadcasting in Python
** Quick Tour of Jupyter / ipython notebooks
** Neural Network Basics
J = a*b + a*c - (b+c) = a (b + c) - (b + c) = (a - 1) (b + c)
2017-09-02 21:54:37 +00:00
* DONE Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization
CLOSED: [2017-09-01 Fri 09:52]
2017-08-24 18:58:13 +00:00
** DONE Week 1: Setting up your Machine
CLOSED: [2017-08-22 Tue 13:43]
*** Recipe
If *High bias*? (bad training set performance?)
Then try:
- Bigger network
- Training longer
- (NN architecture search)
Else if *High variance*? (bad dev set performance?)
Then try:
- More data
- Regularization
- (NN architecture search)
Deep learning, not much bias/variance tradeoff if we have a big amount of
computer power (bigger network) and lot of data.
*** Regularization
**** Regularization: reduce variance
- L2 regularization
λ / 2m || w ||_2 ^2
- L1 regularization: same with |w| instead of ||w||_2^2
λ is a regularization parameter (in code named =lambd=)
Cost = J(w^[1], b^[1], ..., w^[L], b^[L]) = 1/m \sum L(^y(i), y(i)) + λ/2m \sum_l=1^L || W^[l] ||^2
call the "Frobenius norm"
dW = from backprop + λ/m W^l
update W^l = W^l - αdW^l still works
Sometime L2 regularization called "weight decay".
**** Dropout Regularization
Eliminates nodes by layer randomly for each training example.
- implementing, (inverted dropout)
- gen random boolean vector:
d3 = np.random.rand(a3.shape[0], a3.shape[1]) < keep_prob # (for each iteration)
a3 = np.mulitply(a3,d3)
a3 /= keep_prob (for normalization to be certain the a3 output still the same, reduce testing problems)
Making prediction at test time: no drop out
**** Over regularization methods
- Data augmentation, (flipping images for example, random crops, random distortions, etc...)
- Early stopping, stop earlier iteration
*** Setting up your optimization problem
**** Normalizing Inputs
- μ = 1/m Sum X^(i)
- x := x - μ (centralize)
- σ = 1/m Sum X^(i)^2
- x /= σ^2
**** Gradient Checking
***** Don't use gard check in traingin, only in debug
***** If algorithm fail, grad check, look at component (is db? dW? dW on certain layer, etc...)
***** Remember regularization
***** Doesn't work with dropout, turn off drop out (put 1.0) then check
***** Run at random initialization; perhaps again after training
** DONE Week 2: Optimization Algorithms
CLOSED: [2017-08-22 Tue 13:43]
*** Mini batch
X :: X^(1) ... X^(m)
X,Y -> X^{i},Y^{i} where X^{i} = X^(i*batch-size ---> (i+1)*batch-size)
*** Minibatch size
- if mini batch size = m => Batch gradient descent (X^{1},Y^{1}) = (X,Y)
- if mini match size = 1 => Stochastic gradient descent, every example is its own mini batch.
- in practice in between 1 and m, m --> too long, 1 loose speedup from vectorization.
+ vectorization ~1000
1. If small training set, use batch gradient descent (m <= 2000)
2. Typical mini-batch size: 64, 128, 256, 512, ... 2^k to fits in CPU/GPU memory
*** Exponentially weighted average
v_t = βv_{t-1} + (1-β)θ_t
2017-09-02 21:54:37 +00:00
** DONE Week 3: Hyperparameter
CLOSED: [2017-09-01 Fri 09:52]
*** Video 1: use random not a grid to search for hyperparameter best value
*** Video 2: choose appropriate scale to pick hyperparameter
- uniformly random n^[l] (number of neuron for layer l) or L (number of layers)
- alpha: between 0.00001 to 1, then shouldn't use linear but instead use log-scale
r = -4*np.random.rand() <- r in [-4,0]
α = 10^r <- 10^-4 ... 10^0
- β <- 0.9 ... 0.999 (0.9 about avg on 10 values, 0.999 avg about 1000 values)
1-β = 0.1 .... 0.001
r <- [-3,-1]
1-β = 10^r
*** Hyperparameter: Tuning in practice Panda vs caviar
- Babysitting one model (panda) for few computer resources
- Training many models in parallel (caviar) for lot of computer resources
*** Batch normalization
**** In a network
**** Fitting Batch norm into a deep network
**** Why Batch Normalizing?
- don't use batch norm as a regularization even if sometime it could have this
**** Batch Norm at test time
μ = 1/m \sum z^(i)
σ^2 = 1/m \sum (z^(i) - μ)^2
z^(i)_norm = z^(i) - μ / sqrt( σ^2 + ε )
~z^(i) = γz^(i)_norm + β
Estimate μ and σ with exponentially weighted avg accross minibatches
*** Multi-class classification
**** Softmax Regression
notation: C = #classes (0,1,2...,C-1)
last hidden layer nb of neuron is equal to C: n^L = C
z^[L] = w[L]a^[L-1] + b[L] (C,1)
Activation function:
t = e^(Z[L])
a^[L] = e^(Z[L])/\sum_i=0^C t_i
a^[L]_i = t_i / \sum_i=0^C t_i
**** Training a softmax classifier
*** Introduction to programming frameworks
**** Deep learning frameworks
* Structuring your Machine Learning project
** Week 1
*** Introduction to ML Strategy
**** Why ML Strategy
Try to find quick and effective way to choose a strategy
Ways of analyzing ML problems
**** Orthogonalization
***** Chain of assumptions in ML
- Fit training set well on cost function => bigger network, Adam, ...
- Fit dev set well on cost function => Regularization, Bigger training set
- Fit test set well on cost function => Bigger dev set
- Perform well in real world => Change the devset or cost function
Try not to use early stoping as it simulanously affect cost on training and dev set.
*** Setting up your goal
**** Single number evaluation metric
***** First
| Classifier | Precision | Recall |
| A | 95% | 90% |
| B | 98% | 85% |
Rather than using two number, find a new evaluation metric
| Classifier | Precision | Recall | F1 Score |
| A | 95% | 90% | 92.4% |
| B | 98% | 85% | 91.0 |
F1 score = 2 / (1/p) + (1/R) :: "Harmonic mean" of precision and recall.
Having a good Dev set + single evaluation metric, really speed up iterating.
***** Another example
| Algorithm | US | China | India | Other | *Average* |
| A | 3% | 7% | 5% | 9% | |
| ... | | | | | |
| F | ... | ... | | | |
Try to improve the average.
**** Satisficing and Optimizing metric
It's not alway easy to select on metric to optimize.
***** Another cat classification example
| Classifier | Accuracy | Running Time |
| A | 90% | 80ms |
| B | 92% | 95ms |
| C | 95% | 1500ms |
cost = accuracy - 0.5x running time
maximize accuracy s.t. running time < 100ms
Accuracy <- Optimizing
Running time <- Satisficing
If you have n metrics, pick one to optimizing, and all the other be satisficing.
**** Train/dev/test distribution
How you can setup these dataset to speed up your work.
***** Cat classification dev/test sets
Try to find a way that dev and test set come from the same distribution.
***** True story (detail changed)
Optimizing on dev set on load approvals for medium income zip codes.
(repay loan?)
Tested on low income zip codes.
Lost 3 months
***** Guideline
Choose a dev set and test set to reflect data you expect to get in the future
and consider important to do well on.
**** Size of dev and test sets
***** Old way of splitting
70% train, 30% test
60% train, 20% dev, 20% test
For at max 10^4 examples
But in new era, 10^6 examples:
train: 98%, Dev 1%, Test 1%.
***** Size of test set
Set your test set to be big enough to give high confidence in the overall
performance of your system. Can be far less than 30% of your data.
For some applications, you don't need test set and only dev set.
For example if you have a very large dev set.
**** When to change dev/test sets and metrics?
Metric: classification error
Algorithm A: 3% error → letting throught a lot of porn images
Algorithm B: 5% error → doesn't let pass porn images
So your metric + evaluation prefer A, but you and your users prefer B.
When this happens, mispredict your algorithm B is better.
Error: 1/m_dev \sum_i=1^m I{y_pred^(i) /= y^(i)
They treat pron and non pron equaly but you don't want that.
We add a w(i) = 1 if non porn and 0 if porn in the formula
**** Orthogonalization for cat pictures: anti-pron
1. So far we've only discussed how to define a metric to evaluate classifier
2. Worry separately about how to do well on this metric
1. placing the target, and 2. is aiming the target.
**** Another example
Alg A: 3% err
Alg B: 5% err
But B does better. You see that users are using blurier images.
You dev/test are not using the same kind of images.
Change your metric and/or dev/test set.
** Comparing to Humand-level performance
*** Why human-level performance
Human-level perf vs Bayes optimal error
Human are generally very close to bayes perf for lot of tasks.
- get lableld data from humans
- gain insight from manual error analysis (why did a person get this right?)
- better analysis of bias/variance
*** Avoidable bias
**** Cat classification example
| Humans | 1% | 7.5% |
| Training error | 8% | 8% |
| Dev error | 10% | 10% |
| | focus on bias | focus on variance |
Human level error as a proxy (estimate) for Bayes error.
*Diff between Human err and Training err = available bias*
*Diff between Train and Dev err = variance*
*** Understanding Human-level performance
**** Human-level error as proxy for Bayes error
Medical image classification example:
(a) Typical human 3% err
(b) Typical doctor 1% err
(c) Experienced doctor 0.7% err
(d) and team of experienced doctors 0.5% err
What is "human-level" error?
Bayes error is <= to 0.5% err
So we use that to aim as saw before.
For a paper, (b) is good enough to talk about that.
**** Error analysis example
| Human (proxy for bayes err) | 1, 0.7, 0.5% | 1, 0.7, 0.5 | 1, 0.7, 0.5 |
| Train err | 5% | 1% | 0.7% |
| Dev err | 6% | 5% | 0.8% |
| | | | |
Case 1:
For this example it doesn't matter because avoidable bias (5 - 1%), is bigger
than variance (6-5)
Case 2: focus on variance
Case 3, very important you use 0.5 as your "human-level" error. Because it show
that you should focus on bias and not on variance.
This problem arose only when you're doing very good.
**** Summary of bias/variance with human-level perf
Human-level error (proxy for Bayes err)
| "Avoidable bias"
Training error
| "Variance"
Dev error
*** Surpassing human-level performance
**** Surpassing human-level performance
| Team | 0.5% | 0.5% |
| One human | 1% | 1% |
| Training error | 0.6% | 0.3% |
| Dev error | 0.8% | 0.4% |
| Avoidable bias? | ~0.5% | can't know |
**** Problems where ML significantly surpasses human-level performance
- Online advertising
- Product recommendations
- Logistics (predicting transit time)
- Loan approvals
all thoses examples:
+ come from structured data
+ not natural perception problems
+ Lots of data
Also, Speech recognition, Some image recognition, Medical, ECG, skin cancer,
*** Improving your model performance
Set of guidelines
**** The two fundamental assumptions of supervised learning
1. You can fit the training set pretty well (~ avoidable bias)
2. The training set performance generalizes pretty well to the dev/test set
**** Reducing (avoidable) bias and variance
Human-level error (proxy for Bayes err)
| train bigger model
| "Avoidable bias" => train longer/better optimization algorithms (momentum, RMSprop, Adam)
| NN architecture/hyperparameters search (RSS, CNN...)
Training error
| More data
| "variance" => Regulraization (L2, dropout, data augmentation)
| NN architecture/hyperparameters search
Dev error
These concepts are easy to learn, hard to master.
You'll be more systematics than most ML teams.