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2021-09-03 14:49:44 +00:00
# Created 2021-09-03 Fri 16:49
#+TITLE: Cisco Notes
#+AUTHOR: Yann Esposito
* DI/CSC Webhooks
For DI:
1. everytime an admin log in, DI will check and create a webhook for its
2. everytime anyone of this org change a module instance the webhook is
triggered to inform DI a module instance changed.
The HTTP call will be auth by whatever mean is preferable.
Basic Auth is possible, as well as API Token or even =iroh-jwt=.
But =iroh-jwt= is not mandatory, this is up to DI.
For CSC:
1. We (the admins of IROH) create a global webhook
2. Everytime anyone from any org change a module instance the webhook is triggered
For CSC the webhook must be configured to use a client-id.
With a configured client-id, we will generate an access token (using the
iroh-auth implementation that will perform a lot of checks).
*Note*: As we want the webhook to work for every user, the client for CSC must be
trusted (by us admin). It means, that the access token creation will almost
always be successful.
*Warning*: If a =client-id= is configured then the *body* should contain a
field =access_token= with the built access token (the function
=gen-access-token-resp= should take care of this part of the body).
Note you might also potentially want to provide an =id_token= in the body.
*Remark*: It is important to separate the Authentication concern from the
data send by the webhook.
The webhooks should support different type of authentication that could
potentially be changed without affecting the content of the webhooks.
So the webhook should be able to use:
- basic-auth
- api token
- iroh-jwt
In order to use =iroh-jwt= the webhook MUST configure a client-id that will
be used to generate access tokens, ideally the client-id will have a
configured =audiences=.
I do not have an opinion on the subject, but I could imagine there could be
a decorelation between the =client-id= used to use a JWT to call the webhook
endpoint and the =client-id= that will be used to generate the access token
in the body.
I think using a single =client-id= in the webhook configuration is fine.
The important point being that, one should not expect the webhook endpoint
to use the access token in their Authentication header but only the access
token in the body.
Ideally, the webhook http call should contain as much information as
possible about the event.
#+begin_src clojure
{:user {:user-id ,,, :user-email ,,,} ;; <- the person that triggered the event
:org {:id ,,,} ;; <- the org of the triggerrer
;; metas about the webhook itself so the endpoint know how to find/update/delete a webhook
:webhook-creator {:user {:user-id ,,,}
:org {:org-id ,,,}}
;; in case the webhook contain a client-id configuration the token generated via this client
:token {:access-token "...."
:token-type "bearer"
:scopes [,,,]
:expires_in 300}
;; the event type (I havent double check the schemas, but I guess there is somethign similar)
:type :module-instance-update
;; the details about the event
:data {:module-instance-id ,,,
:diff {,,,}}