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<title>Wanderson FY23Q3 Report</title>
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<header id="title-block-header">
<h1 class="title">Wanderson FY23Q3 Report</h1>
<p class="subtitle">back to one month older</p>
<p class="date">2023-05-03</p>
<nav id="TOC" role="doc-toc">
<li><a href="#wanderson-15">Wanderson [15]</a>
<li><a href="#iroh-13-9-4">iroh [13 (9 / 4)]</a></li>
<li><a href="#tenzin-1-0-1">tenzin [1 (0 / 1)]</a></li>
<li><a href="#tenzin-config-1-1-0">tenzin-config [1 (1 / 0)]</a></li>
<h3 id="wanderson-15">Wanderson [15]</h3>
<h4 id="iroh-13-9-4">iroh [13 (9 / 4)]</h4>
<li>[IROH Auth] introducing <code>TimeService</code> in
<code>AuthService</code> <a
<li>[IROH Auth] allow only <code>iroh-core.time</code> in oauth2.core ns
<a href="">#7793</a></li>
<li>[IROH Auth] - Update IROH Web middleware to build short JWTs with
profile data <a
<li>[IROH Auth] - update <code>check-refresh-token</code> function <a
<li>[IROH Auth] - Update Design docs for Short JWT Epic <a
<li>[IROH Auth] <code>/profile/permissions</code> endpoint <a
<li>Patch <code>compojure-api</code> to allow endpoints with string-keys
(without keywordize the request <code>:body</code>) <a
<li>[IROH Auth] Include route <code>/profile/scopes</code> <a
<li>[IROH Auth] - Store Short JWTs <a
<p><u>between 3 and 4 months ago</u></p>
<li>[IROH Auth] refactor <code>gen-short-tokens</code> to avoid code
duplication <a
<li>Allow wildcard login origin in TEST env <a
<li>[IROH Auth] Generate Short JWT tokens <a
<li>[IROH Auth] Short JWT design <a
<h4 id="tenzin-1-0-1">tenzin [1 (0 / 1)]</h4>
<p><u>between 3 and 4 months ago</u></p>
<li>Update GPG Wanderson Ferreira <a
<h4 id="tenzin-config-1-1-0">tenzin-config [1 (1 / 0)]</h4>
<li>add postgres and redis-cache store for IROH Auth JWTs <a