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2024-02-01 14:16:14 +00:00
:ID: 13070c29-3c00-43f2-a73d-dedc056fb503
#+title: Custom Roles
#+subtitle: XDR IROH
#+Author: Yann Esposito
#+Date: [2023-10-03 Tue 15:30]
#+Options: toc:nil tags:t
#+tags: :cisco:xdr:
#+HTML_HEAD: <style>code {opacity:80%; font-size: 75%; background-color: rgba(127,127,127,0.3);body{font-family:"CMU Typewriter"} :root {--r-heading-font: Futura,sans-serif; --r-main-font-size: 36px; --r-main-font: Futura,sans-serif;}</style>
* Current state
** Listing Roles (already by org)
=GET /iroh/profile/roles=
Provide a data structure with describing all roles for an Org:
- 3 roles for XDR (admin, user, sat)
- 2 roles for SX (admin, user)
** ⚠ Role ≠ Permissions
The role associated to a user do not necessarily matches the user permission.
The role is only one of the component to use to determine a token or even a user permissions.
The permissions are represented by /scopes/ which are computed using:
- the user role
- the org properties (activated or not, XDR or not etc…)
- entitlements (not in use but will probably be the case in the future)
** ⚠ Role ≠ Permissions (Tokens)
- the user scopes
- as well as the client scopes
- as well as the scopes requested during the OAuth2 authorization flow
** Current response for an XDR-enabled org
#+REVEAL_HTML: <div style="font-size: 60%;">
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
GET /iroh/profile/roles
{:admin {:english {:only-role-name "administrator",
:adjective "an",
:only-role-name-capitalized "Administrator",
:english-role-name "an administrator"},
:role-name "Administrator",
:role-id "admin",
:role-description "An admin of users.",
:visibility "public"},
:sat {:english {:only-role-name "security analyst",
:adjective "a",
:only-role-name-capitalized "Security Analyst",
:english-role-name "a security analyst"},
:role-name "Security Analyst",
:role-id "sat",
"No account admin. SXO read only + run existing workflows.",
:visibility "public"},
:user {:english {:only-role-name "incident responder",
:adjective "an",
:only-role-name-capitalized "Incident Responder",
:english-role-name "an incident responder"},
:role-name "Incident Responder",
:role-id "user",
"This is the closest to current user role:- no account administration- cannot create/change modules- SXO read only, but can run and edit workflows",
:visibility "public"}}
#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
** Current response for an SX-only org
#+REVEAL_HTML: <div style="font-size: 60%;">
#+begin_src clojure
GET /iroh/profile/roles
{:admin {:english {:only-role-name "admin",
:adjective "an",
:only-role-name-capitalized "Admin",
:english-role-name "an admin"},
:role-name "Admin",
:role-id "admin",
:role-description "An admin of users.",
:visibility "public"},
:user {:english {:only-role-name "user",
:adjective "a",
:only-role-name-capitalized "User",
:english-role-name "a user"},
:role-name "User",
:role-id "user",
:role-description "A standard user.",
:visibility "public"}}
#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
** What the API already support
- list all roles for every Org
- change the role of a user
- support roles during invitation and Org access request
- expose a permissions endpoint to check permission access independently of the role
- read/write access restriction
- fine grained /resource/ target in the scopes ~enrich~~enrich/observables/observe:write~
** What the API does not support
- No support for create+update but not delete.
- No support for multiple roles
- No support for custom role creation (obviously)
- No scopes API for roles
* Expected Changes
** New API: (exhaustive scopes list)
Exhaustive list of scopes as a forest structure
#+begin_src clojure
[{:scope "global-intel"
(optional :description) ,,,
:accessors ["read"]
:sub-scopes [{:scope "global-intel/incident"
:accessors ["read"]}
{:scope "global-intel/sighting"
:accessors ["read"]}
{:scope "private-intel"
(optional :description) ,,,
:accessors ["rw","read","write"]
:sub-scopes [{,,,}]}]
** New API (maybe?)
Expose only a subset of scopes aliases pre-negociated with UX/UI/Doc team:
#+begin_src clojure
[{:scope-alias "threat-hunt"
:scopes ["enrich/observables/observe:read","inspect","investigation"]
:description ,,,,}
{:scope-alias "incidents"
:scopes ["private-intel","global-intel:read"]
:description ,,,}
,,, ]
** New API: CRUD+Search
API to manage new custom roles
#+begin_src clojure
(s/defschema NewRole
{:role-name s/Str
:role-description s/Str
:provided-scopes Scopes})
(s/defschema Role
(st/merge NewRole
{:id s/Str
:created-at Date
:updated-at Date}))
** Existing APIs
The =GET /iroh/profile/roles= will look like today + added the new custom roles
that will look like:
#+REVEAL_HTML: <div style="font-size: 60%;">
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
{:admin ...
:sat ...
:user ...
{:role-name "My Company Custom Role"
:role-description "This is a role that is read only except for workflows"
:role-id :role-d394db9e-613f-11ee-aff9-325096b39f47
:visibility "org"
:associated-scopes #{"inspect:read" "ao" "insights:read" "profile:read"}}
{:role-name "Manager"
:role-description "Only for Sam who manage this team but should not directly act"
:role-id :role-8891b9f4-6140-11ee-8e1a-325096b39f47
:visibility "org"
:associated-scopes #{"inspect:read" "ao:read" "insights:read" "profile:read" "users" "profile"}}}
#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
- ~visibility~; ~org~ for custom, ~public~ for global.
- ~associated-scopes~; only for role management UI
** Introduce sub-accessors (maybe?)
Today: ~read~, ~write~
inspect = inspect:rw
= inspect:read + inspect:write.
Tomorrow: introduce ~read:get~, ~read:search~, ~write:create~, ~write:update~,
~write:delete~, ~write:execute~.
*** Equivalence of new accessors
#+begin_src python
rw = read + write
read = read:get # GET by id
+ read:search # GET/POST search entities
write = write:create # POST create new entity
+ write:update # PUT/PATCH
+ write:delete # DELETE
+ write:execute # POST to trigger action
* Most important points
- Dynamic role ~ids~. *Must use the API*
- when you call =/iroh/profile/whoami=
- when you look into the JWT
- *note*: potentially a list of roles!
- ~associated-scopes~ field only useful for the Role Management UI.
- Use =/iroh/profile/permissions=
- can also use ~scopes~ claim if present
** Multiple Roles
Expect the role to be a sorted comma separated role ids like;
~admin,role-344,sat,user~ (which would be equivalent to ~admin~ here) in the tokens
and not a list to prevent breaking changes.
But it will probably be a list in the ~/whoami~ response.