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2021-09-15 07:12:29 +00:00
:ID: 2f14e39a-3a0c-4ced-a04b-bacfec159b7e
#+TITLE: We've got depression all wrong. It's trying to save us.
#+Author: Dr Escalante
#+Date: [2020-12-27]
2021-09-15 07:12:29 +00:00
- tags :: [[id:ddb5dbe8-64cb-44d6-9149-6740d30635a3][psychology]]
2021-02-02 08:53:56 +00:00
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* Weve Got Depression All Wrong. Its Trying to Save Us.
New theories recognize depression as part of a biological survival
Posted Dec 22, 2020
For generations, we have seen depression as an illness, an unnecessary
deviation from normal functioning.
Its an idea that makes sense because depression causes suffering and even
But what if weve got it all wrong?
What if depression is not an aberration at all, but an important part of
our biological defense system?
Depression is a courageous biological strategy to help us survive.
Source: ActionVance/Unsplash More and more researchers across specialties
are questioning our current definitions of depression.
Biological anthropologists have argued that depression is an adaptive
response to adversity and not a mental disorder.
In October, the British Psychological Society published a new report on
depression, stating that “depression is best thought of as an experience,
or set of experiences, rather than as a disease.”
And neuroscientists are focusing on the role of the autonomic nervous
system (ANS) in depression.
According to the Polyvagal Theory of the ANS, depression is part of a
biological defense strategy meant to help us survive.
The common wisdom is that depression starts in the mind with distorted
That leads to "psychosomatic" symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, or
Now, models like the Polyvagal Theory suggest that weve got it backward.
Its the body that detects danger and initiates a defense strategy meant to
help us survive.
That biological strategy is called immobilization, and it manifests in the
mind and the body with a set of symptoms we call depression.
When we think of depression as irrational and unnecessary suffering, we
stigmatize people and rob them of hope.
But when we begin to understand that depression, at least initially,
happens for a good reason we lift the shame.
People with depression are courageous survivors, not damaged invalids.
Laura believes that depression saved her life.
Most of the time her father only hurt her with words, but it was when she
stood up to him that Lauras dad got dangerous.
Thats when hed get that vicious look in his eyes.
More than once his violence had put Lauras life at risk.
Lauras father was so perceptive, that he could tell when she felt
rebellious on the inside even when she was hiding it.
And he punished her for those feelings.
It was the depression that helped Laura survive.
Depression kept her head down, kept her from resisting, helped her accept
the unacceptable.
Depression numbed her rebellious feelings.
Laura grew up at a time where there was no one to tell, nowhere for her to
get help outside her home.
Her only strategy was to survive in place.
And she did.
article continues after advertisement Looking back, Laura does not regret
her childhood depression.
She values it.
Going through her own healing process and working with her therapist helped
her see how depression served her.
Lauras story is stark.
Its ugly.
And it helps us understand that even though depression may happen for a
good reason, that does not make it a good thing.
Laura suffered deeply and describes the pain of her hopelessness vividly.
Her depression was a bad experience that started as the last resort of a
good biological system.
* Depression starts with immobilization
According to the Polyvagal Theory, discovered and articulated by
neuroscientist Stephen Porges, our daily experience is based on a hierarchy
of states in the autonomic nervous system.
When the ANS feels safe, we experience a sense of well-being and social
Thats when we feel like ourselves.
But the autonomic nervous system is also constantly scanning our internal
and external environment for signs of danger.
If our ANS detects a threat or even a simple lack of safety, its next
strategy is the fight or flight response which we often feel as anxiety.
Sometimes the threat is so bad or goes on for so long, that the nervous
system decides there is no way to fight or to flee.
At that point, there is only one option left: immobilization.
The immobilization response is the original biological defense in higher
This is the shutdown response we see in reptiles.
Also known as the freeze or faint response, immobilization is mediated by
the dorsal vagus nerve.
It turns down the metabolism to a resting state, which often makes people
feel faint or sluggish.
Owlie Harring/Unsplash
The immobilization response dulls pain.
Source: Owlie Harring/Unsplash Immobilization has an important role.
It dulls pain and makes us feel disconnected.
Think of a rabbit hanging limply in the foxs mouth: that rabbit is
shutting down so it wont suffer too badly when the fox eats it.
And the immobilization response also has a metabolic effect, slowing the
metabolism and switching the body to ketosis.
Some doctors speculate that this metabolic state could help healing in
severe illness.
In humans, people often describe feeling "out of their bodies" during
traumatic events, which has a defensive effect of cushioning the emotional
This is important because some things are so terrible, we dont want people
to be fully present when they happen.
So the immobilization response is a key part of the biological defense, but
it is ideally designed to be short term.
Either the metabolic shut down preserves the organism, i.e.
the rabbit gets away, or the organism dies and the fox eats the rabbit.
But if the threat continues indefinitely and there is no way to fight or
flee, the immobilization response continues.
And since the response also changes brain activity, it impacts how peoples
emotions and their ability to solve problems.
People feel like they cant get moving physically or mentally, they feel
hopeless and helpless.
Thats depression.
* Does depression have value?
Its easy to see why Laura's childhood circumstances would set off the
immobilization response, and even how it might have helped her survive.
But why does it happen in people with less obvious adversity?
Our culture tends to think of depression in the person who finds work too
stressful as a sign of weakness.
Self-help articles imply that they just need more mental toughness and they
could lean in and solve it.
Even some therapists tell them that their depression is a distorted
perception of circumstances that arent so bad.
But that is not how the body sees it.
The defense responses in the autonomic nervous system, whether fight/flight
or immobilization are not about the actual nature of the trigger.
They are about whether this body decides there is a threat.
And that happens at a pre-conscious point.
The biological threat response starts before we think about it, and then
our higher-level brain makes up a story to explain it.
We dont get to choose this response; it happens before we even know it.
Studying anxiety has revealed that many modern circumstances can set off
the fight or flight response.
For instance, low rumbling noises from construction equipment sound to the
nervous system like the growl of a large predator.
Better run.
Or feeling like they are being evaluated at school removes kids' sense of
safety and triggers fight or flight.
Better give the teacher attitude or avoid homework.
And to most of us, fight or flight feels like anxiety.
Eventually, if these modern triggers last long enough, the body decides it
cant get away.
Next comes immobilization which the body triggers to defend us.
According to Porges, what we call depression is the cluster of emotional
and cognitive symptoms that sits on top of a physiological platform in the
immobilization response.
Its a strategy meant to help us survive; the body is trying to save us.
Depression happens for a fundamentally good reason.
And that changes everything.
When people who are depressed learn that they are not damaged, but have a
good biological system that is trying to help them survive, they begin to
see themselves differently.
After all, depression is notorious for the feelings of hopelessness and
But if depression is an active defense strategy, people may recognize they
are not quite so helpless as they thought.
* Shifting out of immobilization
If depression is the emotional expression of the immobilization response,
then the solution is to move out of that state of defense.
Porges believes it is not enough to simply remove the threat.
Rather, the nervous system has to detect robust signals of safety to bring
the social state back online.
The best way to do that?
Social connection.
One of the symptoms of depression is shame, a sense of having let other
people down or being unworthy to be with them.
When people are told that depression is an aberration, we are telling them
that they are not part of the tribe.
They are not right, they dont belong.
Thats when their shame deepens and they avoid social connection.
We have cut them off from the path that leads them out of depression.
It is time that we start honoring the courage and strength of depressed
It is time we start valuing the incredible capacity of our biology to find
a way in hard times.
And it is time that we stop pretending depressed people are any different
than anyone else.
2021-02-02 08:53:56 +00:00
* References
- Porges, Stephen. (Apr 2009) The polyvagal theory:
New insights into adaptive reactions of the autonomic nervous system.
Cleve Clin J Med.
- Porges, Stephen. (Feb 2007) The polyvagal perspective
Biol Psychology.