#ifndef HEADER_lp_types #define HEADER_lp_types /* Define data types */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef LLONG #if defined __BORLANDC__ #define LLONG __int64 #elif !defined _MSC_VER || _MSC_VER >= 1310 #define LLONG long long #else #define LLONG __int64 #endif #endif #ifndef COUNTER #define COUNTER LLONG #endif #ifndef REAL #define REAL double #endif #ifndef REALXP #if 1 #define REALXP long double /* Set local accumulation variable as long double */ #else #define REALXP REAL /* Set local accumulation as default precision */ #endif #endif #ifndef LREAL #if 0 #define LREAL long double /* Set global solution update variable as long double */ #else #define LREAL REAL /* Set global solution update variable as default precision */ #endif #endif #define RESULTVALUEMASK "%18.12g" /* Set fixed-format real-valued output precision; suggested width: ABS(exponent of DEF_EPSVALUE)+6. */ #define INDEXVALUEMASK "%8d" /* Set fixed-format integer-valued output width */ #ifndef DEF_STRBUFSIZE #define DEF_STRBUFSIZE 512 #endif #ifndef MAXINT32 #define MAXINT32 2147483647 #endif #ifndef MAXUINT32 #define MAXUINT32 4294967295 #endif #ifndef MAXINT64 #if defined _LONGLONG || defined __LONG_LONG_MAX__ || defined LLONG_MAX #define MAXINT64 9223372036854775807ll #else #define MAXINT64 9223372036854775807l #endif #endif #ifndef MAXUINT64 #if defined _LONGLONG || defined __LONG_LONG_MAX__ || defined LLONG_MAX #define MAXUINT64 18446744073709551616ll #else #define MAXUINT64 18446744073709551616l #endif #endif #ifndef CHAR_BIT #define CHAR_BIT 8 #endif #ifndef MYBOOL #define MYBOOL unsigned char /* Conserve memory, could be unsigned int */ #endif /* Constants */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif /* Byte-sized Booleans and extended options */ #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define AUTOMATIC 2 #define DYNAMIC 4 /* Sorting and comparison constants */ #define COMP_PREFERCANDIDATE 1 #define COMP_PREFERNONE 0 #define COMP_PREFERINCUMBENT -1 /* Library load status values */ #define LIB_LOADED 0 #define LIB_NOTFOUND 1 #define LIB_NOINFO 2 #define LIB_NOFUNCTION 3 #define LIB_VERINVALID 4 #define LIB_STR_LOADED "Successfully loaded" #define LIB_STR_NOTFOUND "File not found" #define LIB_STR_NOINFO "No version data" #define LIB_STR_NOFUNCTION "Missing function header" #define LIB_STR_VERINVALID "Incompatible version" #define LIB_STR_MAXLEN 23 /* Compiler/target settings */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if (defined _WIN32) || (defined WIN32) || (defined _WIN64) || (defined WIN64) # define __WINAPI WINAPI #else # define __WINAPI #endif #if (defined _WIN32) || (defined WIN32) || (defined _WIN64) || (defined WIN64) # define __VACALL __cdecl #else # define __VACALL #endif #ifndef __BORLANDC__ #ifdef _USRDLL #if 1 #define __EXPORT_TYPE __declspec(dllexport) #else /* Set up for the Microsoft compiler */ #ifdef LP_SOLVE_EXPORTS #define __EXPORT_TYPE __declspec(dllexport) #else #define __EXPORT_TYPE __declspec(dllimport) #endif #endif #else #define __EXPORT_TYPE #endif #ifdef __cplusplus #define __EXTERN_C extern "C" #else #define __EXTERN_C #endif #else /* Otherwise set up for the Borland compiler */ #ifdef __DLL__ #define _USRDLL #define __EXTERN_C extern "C" #ifdef __READING_THE_DLL #define __EXPORT_TYPE __import #else #define __EXPORT_TYPE __export #endif #else #define __EXPORT_TYPE #define __EXTERN_C extern "C" #endif #endif #if 0 #define STATIC static #else #define STATIC #endif #if !defined INLINE #if defined __cplusplus #define INLINE inline #elif (defined _WIN32) || (defined WIN32) || (defined _WIN64) || (defined WIN64) #define INLINE __inline #else #define INLINE static #endif #endif /* Function macros */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define my_limitrange(x, lo, hi) ((x) < (lo) ? (lo) : ((x) > (hi) ? (hi) : (x))) #ifndef my_mod #define my_mod(n, m) ((n) % (m)) #endif #define my_if(t, x, y) ((t) ? (x) : (y)) #define my_sign(x) ((x) < 0 ? -1 : 1) #if 0 #define my_chsign(t, x) ( ((t) && ((x) != 0)) ? -(x) : (x)) #else #define my_chsign(t, x) ( (2*((t) == 0) - 1) * (x) ) /* "Pipelined" */ #endif #define my_flipsign(x) ( fabs((REAL) (x)) == 0 ? 0 : -(x) ) #define my_roundzero(val, eps) if (fabs((REAL) (val)) < eps) val = 0 #define my_avoidtiny(val, eps) (fabs((REAL) (val)) < eps ? 0 : val) #if 1 #define my_infinite(lp, val) ( (MYBOOL) (fabs(val) >= lp->infinite) ) #else #define my_infinite(lp, val) is_infinite(lp, val) #endif #define my_inflimit(lp, val) ( my_infinite(lp, val) ? lp->infinite * my_sign(val) : (val) ) #if 0 #define my_precision(val, eps) ((fabs((REAL) (val))) < (eps) ? 0 : (val)) #else #define my_precision(val, eps) restoreINT(val, eps) #endif #define my_reldiff(x, y) (((x) - (y)) / (1.0 + fabs((REAL) (y)))) #define my_boundstr(x) (fabs(x) < lp->infinite ? sprintf("%g",x) : ((x) < 0 ? "-Inf" : "Inf") ) #ifndef my_boolstr #define my_boolstr(x) (!(x) ? "FALSE" : "TRUE") #endif #define my_basisstr(isbasic) ((isbasic) ? "BASIC" : "NON-BASIC") #define my_simplexstr(isdual) ((isdual) ? "DUAL" : "PRIMAL") #define my_plural_std(count) (count == 1 ? "" : "s") #define my_plural_y(count) (count == 1 ? "y" : "ies") #define my_lowbound(x) ((FULLYBOUNDEDSIMPLEX) ? (x) : 0) /* Bound macros usable for both the standard and fully bounded simplex */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* #define my_lowbo(lp, varnr) ( lp->isfullybounded ? lp->lowbo[varnr] : 0.0 ) #define my_upbo(lp, varnr) ( lp->isfullybounded ? lp->upbo[varnr] : lp->lowbo[varnr] + lp->upbo[varnr] ) #define my_rangebo(lp, varnr) ( lp->isfullybounded ? lp->upbo[varnr] - lp->lowbo[varnr] : lp->upbo[varnr] ) */ #define my_lowbo(lp, varnr) ( 0.0 ) #define my_upbo(lp, varnr) ( lp->lowbo[varnr] + lp->upbo[varnr] ) #define my_rangebo(lp, varnr) ( lp->upbo[varnr] ) #define my_unbounded(lp, varnr) ((lp->upbo[varnr] >= lp->infinite) && (lp->lowbo[varnr] <= -lp->infinite)) #define my_bounded(lp, varnr) ((lp->upbo[varnr] < lp->infinite) && (lp->lowbo[varnr] > -lp->infinite)) /* Forward declarations */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct _lprec lprec; typedef struct _INVrec INVrec; union QSORTrec; #ifndef UNIONTYPE #ifdef __cplusplus #define UNIONTYPE #else #define UNIONTYPE union #endif #endif /* B4 factorization optimization data */ typedef struct _B4rec { int *B4_var; /* Position of basic columns in the B4 basis */ int *var_B4; /* Variable in the B4 basis */ int *B4_row; /* B4 position of the i'th row */ int *row_B4; /* Original position of the i'th row */ REAL *wcol; int *nzwcol; } B4rec; #define OBJ_STEPS 5 typedef struct _OBJmonrec { lprec *lp; int oldpivstrategy, oldpivrule, pivrule, ruleswitches, limitstall[2], limitruleswitches, idxstep[OBJ_STEPS], countstep, startstep, currentstep, Rcycle, Ccycle, Ncycle, Mcycle, Icount; REAL thisobj, prevobj, objstep[OBJ_STEPS], thisinfeas, previnfeas, epsvalue; char spxfunc[10]; MYBOOL pivdynamic; MYBOOL isdual; MYBOOL active; } OBJmonrec; typedef struct _edgerec { REAL *edgeVector; } edgerec; typedef struct _pricerec { REAL theta; REAL pivot; REAL epspivot; int varno; lprec *lp; MYBOOL isdual; } pricerec; typedef struct _multirec { lprec *lp; int size; /* The maximum number of multiply priced rows/columns */ int used; /* The current / active number of multiply priced rows/columns */ int limit; /* The active/used count at which a full update is triggered */ pricerec *items; /* Array of best multiply priced rows/columns */ int *freeList; /* The indeces of available positions in "items" */ UNIONTYPE QSORTrec *sortedList; /* List of pointers to "pricerec" items in sorted order */ REAL *stepList; /* Working array (values in sortedList order) */ REAL *valueList; /* Working array (values in sortedList order) */ int *indexSet; /* The final exported index list of pivot variables */ int active; /* Index of currently active multiply priced row/column */ int retries; REAL step_base; REAL step_last; REAL obj_base; REAL obj_last; REAL epszero; REAL maxpivot; REAL maxbound; MYBOOL sorted; MYBOOL truncinf; MYBOOL objcheck; MYBOOL dirty; } multirec; #endif /* HEADER_lp_types */